The UNIX command to schedule a job~at The UNIX command to break the output in two streams~tee The UNIX command to translate characters in a character stream~tr The UNIX command to update the modification time of a file~touch The UNIX command to print the contents of all files in the current directory whose names start with an x and ends with .txt~cat x*.txt The UNIX command to obtain a list of commands whose description contains given keywords~apropos The UNIX command to always take the user student5 to his home directory~cd The UNIX command to move you up one directory~cd .. The UNIX command to show disk usage in megabytes~df -m The UNIX command to interactively delete files~rm -i The UNIX command to change to your root directory~cd / The UNIX command to display your command on the screen~echo The UNIX command to change the password of the current user~passwd The UNIX command to display how long the computer has been running~uptime The UNIX command to transfer files between different hosts~ftp The UNIX command to tell you when system rebooted~who -b The UNIX command to run a process in the background with reduced priority~nice The UNIX command to remotely access UNIX boxes~SSH The UNIX command to find detailed information about a particular command~man The UNIX command to makes a shell script called filename executable~chmod +x filename The UNIX command to find patterns in files~grep The UNIX command to display the first 5 lines of the file myfile~head -5 myfile The UNIX command to count the words in a file ~wc The UNIX command to display the file names in the compressed archive myzip.tar.gz~tar -tvzf myzip.tar.gz The UNIX command to list user accounts on the system~cat /etc/passwd The UNIX command to stop a running process~kill The UNIX command to find the ip address of your computer~ifconfig The UNIX command to create a link that points to an existing file~ln The UNIX command to make sure a file exists before interacting with it~touch The UNIX command to use a plugin device (eg: flash drive)~mount The UNIX command to find out what the current directory~pwd The UNIX command to list the current directory~ls The UNIX command to delete a directory~rmdir The UNIX command to change your password~passwd The UNIX command to see who is logged on and what they are up to~w The UNIX command to find out the disk free space~df The UNIX command to clear the screen~clear The UNIX command to print the first 15 lines of all files ending with .txt~head -15 *.txt The UNIX command to rename a file~mv The UNIX command to remove duplicate lines from the file foo using sort~sort -u foo The UNIX command to search all files in your current directory for the word plasma~grep plasma * The UNIX command to change the current directory to /usr/local/bin~cd /usr/local/bin The UNIX command to look for a pattern in files, if you are not sure of the case~grep -i The UNIX command to count the files you own in all your directories~ls -lR | grep myusername | wc -l The UNIX command to create a new file new.txt that is a concatenation of file1.txt and file2.txt~cat file1.txt file2.txt > new.txt The UNIX command to put into the first line of your script to make sure a script will use the Bourne shell~#!/bin/sh The UNIX command to redirect the standard error to a file~2> The character used to redirect the output of a command~> The character used to redirect the input of a command~< The character used for a pipe~| The character used for a wildcard~* The option used with the ls command to display file or directory access rights~-l The option used with the ls command to display hidden files~-a