// Questions file created by MCBuilder © Mike Capstick // It is a javascript file of data gametitle='Hair Terms'; questions=new Array(); questions[1]='ABRASION is~the process of scraping or wearing hair away.~to weave strands of hair together.~a measurement across the width of the hair.~a small blood vessel which connect the arteries and veins that feed the hair.~a temporary hair extension which are glued into your hair.~A~1~1~ ABRASION is the process of scraping or wearing hair away.
BRAID is to weave strands of hair together.
CAPILLARY is a small blood vessel which connect the arteries and veins that feed the hair.
DIAMETER is a measurement across the width of the hair.
WEFT is a temporary hair extension which are glued into your hair.
'; questions[2]='ACCELERATED VELLUS SYNDROME is~the anagen phase of cyclic follicular activity is extended resulting in hairs gaining greater length.~temporarily straightening the hair with a heated iron.~baldness due to scarring.~a medical term for the redness that sometimes follows hair removal and skin rejuvenation.~a disease caused by a tumour on the adrenal gland, which can cause excess hair growth.~A~1~1~ ACCELERATED VELLUS SYNDROME is the anagen phase of cyclic follicular activity is extended resulting in hairs gaining greater length.
CICATRICIAL ALOPECIA is baldness due to scarring.
CUSHING SYNDROME is a disease caused by a tumour on the adrenal gland, which can cause excess hair growth.
ERYTHEMA is a medical term for the redness that sometimes follows hair removal and skin rejuvenation.
THERMAL PROCESS is temporarily straightening the hair with a heated iron.
'; questions[3]='ACCELERATOR is~a product that works under the surface of the skin and provides the necessary ingredients for melanin production.~known as AHA, these solutions are used as exfoliants. They can help reduce ingrown hairs and improve the look of skin.~a bone in the lower back~an ingredient in skin or hair products that draws moisture from the air to moisturize.~a hollow or pocket in the skin.~A~1~1~ ACCELERATOR is a product that works under the surface of the skin and provides the necessary ingredients for melanin production.
ALPHA HYDROXY ACID is known as AHA, these solutions are used as exfoliants. They can help reduce ingrown hairs and improve the look of skin.
HUMECTANT is an ingredient in skin or hair products that draws moisture from the air to moisturize.
INDENTATION is a hollow or pocket in the skin.
SACRUM is a bone in the lower back
'; questions[4]='ACCENT COLOR is~usually a sharp, intense color used as a contrast or pickup for color scheme.~a fibrous protein found in hair, nails, and skin.~a natural substance that gives colour (pigment) to hair and skin.~a method used to disguise hair by lightening its colour~a natural conditioning substance.~A~1~1~ ACCENT COLOR is usually a sharp, intense color used as a contrast or pickup for color scheme.
BETAINE is a natural conditioning substance.
BLEACH is a method used to disguise hair by lightening its colour
KERATIN is a fibrous protein found in hair, nails, and skin.
MELANIN is a natural substance that gives colour (pigment) to hair and skin.
'; questions[5]='ACETONE is~a chemical formed in the blood when the body uses fat instead of glucose (sugar) for energy.~a compound that is often used to improve the appearance and texture of the skin.~a non-living hair in the last stages of the hair growth cycle, it is detached from the follicle but has not yet shed.~a drug or preparation used to prevent and treat infection.~temporarily straightening the hair with a heated iron.~A~1~1~ ACETONE is a chemical formed in the blood when the body uses fat instead of glucose (sugar) for energy.
ANTIBIOTIC is a drug or preparation used to prevent and treat infection.
CLUB HAIR is a non-living hair in the last stages of the hair growth cycle, it is detached from the follicle but has not yet shed.
RETIN-A is a compound that is often used to improve the appearance and texture of the skin.
THERMAL PROCESS is temporarily straightening the hair with a heated iron.
'; questions[6]='ACID is~a liquid, usually corrosive with a pH lower than 7, opposite of an alkali.~a small blood vessel which connect the arteries and veins that feed the hair.~a trademark for a Japanese-made synthetic fiber which is used extensively in the manufacture of wigs and hairpieces.~removal of hair on the surface of the skin.~a small clumps of coagulated melanin~A~1~1~ ACID is a liquid, usually corrosive with a pH lower than 7, opposite of an alkali.
CAPILLARY is a small blood vessel which connect the arteries and veins that feed the hair.
DEPILATE is removal of hair on the surface of the skin.
FRECKLE is a small clumps of coagulated melanin
KANEKALON is a trademark for a Japanese-made synthetic fiber which is used extensively in the manufacture of wigs and hairpieces.
'; questions[7]='ACID MANTLE is~the combination of sweat and sebum that provides the skin\'s protective coating.~a bodily reaction to an irritant. Skin allergies can be exacerbated by solutions put on the skin.~a procedure performed (usually with a hair dye or other potential allergen) on the skin 24 hours before its use to determine sensitivity.~a cosmetic procedure used to smooth skin and reduce scars.~a protein that holds all connective tissue together under the skin.~A~1~1~ ACID MANTLE is the combination of sweat and sebum that provides the skin\'s protective coating.
ALLERGY is a bodily reaction to an irritant. Skin allergies can be exacerbated by solutions put on the skin.
COLLAGEN is a protein that holds all connective tissue together under the skin.
DERMABRASION is a cosmetic procedure used to smooth skin and reduce scars.
PATCH TEST is a procedure performed (usually with a hair dye or other potential allergen) on the skin 24 hours before its use to determine sensitivity.
'; questions[8]='ACID PERM is~a perm producing permanent hair waves with curls with a pH from 6.5 to 8.0.~blood or pigment based visible mark~an organism responsible for infection.~often referred to as a male hormone.~a predominantly male hormone which promotes the development of male characteristics.~A~1~1~ ACID PERM is a perm producing permanent hair waves with curls with a pH from 6.5 to 8.0.
ANDROGEN is often referred to as a male hormone.
BACTERIA is an organism responsible for infection.
BLEMISH is blood or pigment based visible mark
TESTOSTERONE is a predominantly male hormone which promotes the development of male characteristics.
'; questions[9]='ACNE is~an inflammation of the skin, a result of over production of oil and bacteria.~a group of genetically identical cells or organisms derived form a single common cell.~the splitting of hairs at the ends.~an anti-inflammatory sometimes linked to hair growth when taken internally.~a flat, discoloured area of skin similar to a freckle.~A~1~1~ ACNE is an inflammation of the skin, a result of over production of oil and bacteria.
CLONE is a group of genetically identical cells or organisms derived form a single common cell.
CORTISONE is an anti-inflammatory sometimes linked to hair growth when taken internally.
LENTIGO is a flat, discoloured area of skin similar to a freckle.
TRICHOPTILOSIS is the splitting of hairs at the ends.
'; questions[10]='ACNE KELOIDALIS NUCHAE is~a skin condition commonly affecting curly haired Afro-males which presents as itchy follicular papules which enlarge and become keloidal.~the root of a hair, so named because it\'s wider at the base.~congenital baldness or baldness at birth.~a pore in the skin from which a hair grows.~hair that has lost its pigment.~A~1~1~ ACNE KELOIDALIS NUCHAE is a skin condition commonly affecting curly haired Afro-males which presents as itchy follicular papules which enlarge and become keloidal.
ALOPECIA ADNATA is congenital baldness or baldness at birth.
BULB is the root of a hair, so named because it\'s wider at the base.
FOLLICLE is a pore in the skin from which a hair grows.
GREY HAIR is hair that has lost its pigment.
'; questions[11]='ACTINIC KERATOSIS is~a small rough spot on skin chronically exposed to the sun, occurs most frequently in fair skinned people.~the resting stage of the hair cycle.~a method of cooling the epidermis immediately prior to laser irradiation in hopes of reducing or eliminating damage to the skin\'s surface.~human hair which is still in its original state and which has not been permed, colored, or chemically processed in any way.~also known as Eczema.~A~1~1~ ACTINIC KERATOSIS is a small rough spot on skin chronically exposed to the sun, occurs most frequently in fair skinned people.
CATOGEN is the resting stage of the hair cycle.
CONTACT COOLING is a method of cooling the epidermis immediately prior to laser irradiation in hopes of reducing or eliminating damage to the skin\'s surface.
DERMATITIS is also known as Eczema.
VIRGIN HAIR is human hair which is still in its original state and which has not been permed, colored, or chemically processed in any way.
'; questions[12]='ACTIVATOR is~a chemical ingredients that is specifically added to hair bleach to speed up the action of the bleach without unnecessarily damaging the hair.~the body\'s shock absorber.~the structure that contains nerves and blood vessels which supply glucose for energy and amino acids to make keratin.~a section of skin tissue removed for clinical observation.~a bodily reaction to an irritant. Skin allergies can be exacerbated by solutions put on the skin.~A~1~1~ ACTIVATOR is a chemical ingredients that is specifically added to hair bleach to speed up the action of the bleach without unnecessarily damaging the hair.
ALLERGY is a bodily reaction to an irritant. Skin allergies can be exacerbated by solutions put on the skin.
BIOPSY is a section of skin tissue removed for clinical observation.
DERMAL PAPILLA is the structure that contains nerves and blood vessels which supply glucose for energy and amino acids to make keratin.
SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUE is the body\'s shock absorber.
'; questions[13]='ACTIVE INGREDIENT is~the substance which, contained in a product, actually does the main part of the work that the product is used for.~the process of converting one enzyme to another.~a powder or cream preparations that dissolve hair above the surface of the skin.~the flow of electricity, either alternating (AC like a wall outlet) or direct (DC like a battery).~a skin condition commonly affecting curly haired Afro-males which presents as itchy follicular papules which enlarge and become keloidal.~A~1~1~ ACNE KELOIDALIS NUCHAE is a skin condition commonly affecting curly haired Afro-males which presents as itchy follicular papules which enlarge and become keloidal.
ACTIVE INGREDIENT is the substance which, contained in a product, actually does the main part of the work that the product is used for.
AMORTIZATION is the process of converting one enzyme to another.
CHEMICAL DEPILATORY is a powder or cream preparations that dissolve hair above the surface of the skin.
CURRENT is the flow of electricity, either alternating (AC like a wall outlet) or direct (DC like a battery).
'; questions[14]='ACUPRESSURE is~a method of relieving pain by pressing down on an area of the body.~laser at 755nm used for hair removal.~the volume or springiness of hair.~a product that reflects all the sun\'s rays, such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide.~a hairstyle in which the hair naturally or through manipulation is encouraged to matte and form a cylindrical, rope-like pattern.~A~1~1~ ACUPRESSURE is a method of relieving pain by pressing down on an area of the body.
ALEXANDRITE is laser at 755nm used for hair removal.
BODY is the volume or springiness of hair.
DREADLOCKS is a hairstyle in which the hair naturally or through manipulation is encouraged to matte and form a cylindrical, rope-like pattern.
SUNBLOCK is a product that reflects all the sun\'s rays, such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide.
'; questions[15]='ACUPUNCTURE is~a method of relieving pain by inserting needles into the skin.~overly aggressive treatment to remove hair which leads to temporary or permanent skin damage.~another name for Colour.~a chignon is a sophisticated, elegant up style, where long hair is twisted (either in a roll or knot) and pinned from the nape of neck.~a liquid with a pH higher than 7 used in depilatory creams that dissolve hair, and galvanic electrolysis produces alkalis which can destroy a hair follicle.~A~1~1~ ACUPUNCTURE is a method of relieving pain by inserting needles into the skin.
ALKALI is a liquid with a pH higher than 7 used in depilatory creams that dissolve hair, and galvanic electrolysis produces alkalis which can destroy a hair follicle.
CHIGNON is a chignon is a sophisticated, elegant up style, where long hair is twisted (either in a roll or knot) and pinned from the nape of neck.
OVERTREATMENT is overly aggressive treatment to remove hair which leads to temporary or permanent skin damage.
PIGMENT is another name for Colour.
'; questions[16]='ADRENAL is~a gland that affects certain types of hair growth.~any natural or synthetic substance or substances use solely to impart a sweet or pleasant smell (odor) to a cosmetic product.~is used to protect the hair during its growth stage.~a synthetic moisturizer.~a substance, such as a vitamin, which provides elements for the ongoing functioning of the body\'s metabolic processes.~A~1~1~ ADRENAL is a gland that affects certain types of hair growth.
FOLLICLE SHEATH is is used to protect the hair during its growth stage.
FRAGRANCE is any natural or synthetic substance or substances use solely to impart a sweet or pleasant smell (odor) to a cosmetic product.
ISOPROPYL LANOLATE is a synthetic moisturizer.
MYRISTATE is a synthetic moisturizer.
NUTRIENT is a substance, such as a vitamin, which provides elements for the ongoing functioning of the body\'s metabolic processes.
PALMITATE is a synthetic moisturizer.
'; questions[17]='AFRO HAIRSTYLE is~a rounded, thick, tightly curled hair style.~a drug or preparation used to prevent and treat infection.~to attach wefted hair to the natural hair with a latex or surgical type adhesive.~a term for fatty or greasy, usually referring to the oil-secrating glans of the scalp.~light that stays focused, a property of lasers.~A~1~1~ AFRO HAIRSTYLE is a rounded, thick, tightly curled hair style.
ANTIBIOTIC is a drug or preparation used to prevent and treat infection.
BONDING is to attach wefted hair to the natural hair with a latex or surgical type adhesive.
COHERENT LIGHT is light that stays focused, a property of lasers.
SEBACEOUS is a term for fatty or greasy, usually referring to the oil-secrating glans of the scalp.
'; questions[18]='ALBINISM is~a recessive hereditary trait which presents as white hair due to defective melanin production thought to be caused by a mutation within genes.~a semiconductive material which mainly lets energy travel one direction and not the other.~a measurement across the width of the hair.~a machine used to sterilize medical utensils and some hair removal devices.~a flexible resin.~A~1~1~ ALBINISM is a recessive hereditary trait which presents as white hair due to defective melanin production thought to be caused by a mutation within genes.
AUTOCLAVE is a machine used to sterilize medical utensils and some hair removal devices.
DIAMETER is a measurement across the width of the hair.
DIODE is a semiconductive material which mainly lets energy travel one direction and not the other.
LUVIMER is a flexible resin.
'; questions[19]='ALCOHOL is~a liquid sometimes used for disinfecting skin before and after treatment. ethyl grain isopropyl.~a bodily reaction to an irritant. Skin allergies can be exacerbated by solutions put on the skin.~the common name for male or female pattern baldness which depends on the genetic predisposition of the hair follicles and the levels of DHT in the body.~the process of attaching small pieces of human hair with a special adhesive and a thermal gun.~the process of removing the top dead skin layers to reveal healthier, newer skin underneath.~A~1~1~ ALCOHOL is a liquid sometimes used for disinfecting skin before and after treatment. ethyl grain isopropyl.
ALLERGY is a bodily reaction to an irritant. Skin allergies can be exacerbated by solutions put on the skin.
ALOPECIA ANDROGENETIC is the common name for male or female pattern baldness which depends on the genetic predisposition of the hair follicles and the levels of DHT in the body.
EXFOLIATING is the process of removing the top dead skin layers to reveal healthier, newer skin underneath.
FUSION is the process of attaching small pieces of human hair with a special adhesive and a thermal gun.
'; questions[20]='ALEXANDRITE is~laser at 755nm used for hair removal.~the essence of a plant, removed by compressing, steaming, dissolving or distilling.~a product that works under the surface of the skin and provides the necessary ingredients for melanin production.~a detangling aid which conditions, protects against humidity, adds shine.~a small rough spot on skin chronically exposed to the sun, occurs most frequently in fair skinned people.~A~1~1~ ACCELERATOR is a product that works under the surface of the skin and provides the necessary ingredients for melanin production.
ACTINIC KERATOSIS is a small rough spot on skin chronically exposed to the sun, occurs most frequently in fair skinned people.
ALEXANDRITE is laser at 755nm used for hair removal.
DIMETHICONE is a detangling aid which conditions, protects against humidity, adds shine.
ESSENTIAL OIL is the essence of a plant, removed by compressing, steaming, dissolving or distilling.
'; questions[21]='A-LINE BOB is~an A-line Bob is a geometric bob with a straight fringe, so called because of the resemblance to the capital A.~made synthetically or derived from the kernel of the coconut, it gives lather and cleans skin and hair.~a humectant which absorbs moisture from the air to keep hair moist.~a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.~a Hair extension of real or synthetic weaved close to the scalp in order to achieve greater length and/or fullness.~A~1~1~ A-LINE BOB is an A-line Bob is a geometric bob with a straight fringe, so called because of the resemblance to the capital A.
COCAMIDE DEA is made synthetically or derived from the kernel of the coconut, it gives lather and cleans skin and hair.
DANAZOL is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
DIAZOXIDE is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
DILANTIN is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
EXTENSION is a Hair extension of real or synthetic weaved close to the scalp in order to achieve greater length and/or fullness.
GLYCERIN is a humectant which absorbs moisture from the air to keep hair moist.
'; questions[22]='ALKALI is~a liquid with a pH higher than 7 used in depilatory creams that dissolve hair, and galvanic electrolysis produces alkalis which can destroy a hair follicle.~non-cancerous enlargement of the prostrate gland.~the hard outer protective layer of the hair.~a semiconductive material which mainly lets energy travel one direction and not the other.~the hair\'s ability to stretch without breaking and then return to its original shape.~A~1~1~ ALKALI is a liquid with a pH higher than 7 used in depilatory creams that dissolve hair, and galvanic electrolysis produces alkalis which can destroy a hair follicle.
BENIGN PROSTATIC HYPERPLASIA is non-cancerous enlargement of the prostrate gland.
CUTICLE is the hard outer protective layer of the hair.
DIODE is a semiconductive material which mainly lets energy travel one direction and not the other.
ELASTICITY is the hair\'s ability to stretch without breaking and then return to its original shape.
'; questions[23]='ALKALINE is~a substance with a pH greater than 7~a form of skin cancer.~a high-fashion cut, which is totally exclusive and specifically tailored to your lifestyle and wardrobe.~a procedure designed to add strength and elasticity to the hair by adding protein to the cortex.~a protein that catalyze (i.e. accelerate) and control the rates of chemical reactions.~A~1~1~ ALKALINE is a substance with a pH greater than 7
COUTURE CUT is a high-fashion cut, which is totally exclusive and specifically tailored to your lifestyle and wardrobe.
ENZYME is a protein that catalyze (i.e. accelerate) and control the rates of chemical reactions.
MELANOMA is a form of skin cancer.
PROTEIN TREATMENT is a procedure designed to add strength and elasticity to the hair by adding protein to the cortex.
'; questions[24]='ALKALINE PERM is~a chemically based permanent waving product that has a pH from 7.5 to 9.5 designed to produce tight, firm, springy curls. perms.~a measurement across the width of the hair.~a machine used to sterilize medical utensils and some hair removal devices.~a central zone of cells usually only present in large thick hairs.~a site where hair roots are taken from during transplant surgery.~A~1~1~ ALKALINE PERM is a chemically based permanent waving product that has a pH from 7.5 to 9.5 designed to produce tight, firm, springy curls. perms.
AUTOCLAVE is a machine used to sterilize medical utensils and some hair removal devices.
DIAMETER is a measurement across the width of the hair.
DONOR SITE is a site where hair roots are taken from during transplant surgery.
MEDULLA is a central zone of cells usually only present in large thick hairs.
'; questions[25]='ALLERGEN is~allergen is a substance that causes an allergic reaction.~a pore in the skin from which a hair grows.~a synthetic moisturizer.~a patented contact cooling device used in laser hair removal.~area at the top of the head.~A~1~1~ ALLERGEN is allergen is a substance that causes an allergic reaction.
CHILLTIP is a patented contact cooling device used in laser hair removal.
CROWN is area at the top of the head.
FOLLICLE is a pore in the skin from which a hair grows.
ISOPROPYL LANOLATE is a synthetic moisturizer.
MYRISTATE is a synthetic moisturizer.
PALMITATE is a synthetic moisturizer.
'; questions[26]='ALLERGY is~a bodily reaction to an irritant. Skin allergies can be exacerbated by solutions put on the skin.~a central zone of cells usually only present in large thick hairs.~the process by which most synthetic fiber is curled at the factory.~used to put protein back into the hair.~a skin condition commonly affecting curly haired Afro-males which presents as itchy follicular papules which enlarge and become keloidal.~A~1~1~ ACNE KELOIDALIS NUCHAE is a skin condition commonly affecting curly haired Afro-males which presents as itchy follicular papules which enlarge and become keloidal.
ALLERGY is a bodily reaction to an irritant. Skin allergies can be exacerbated by solutions put on the skin.
MEDULLA is a central zone of cells usually only present in large thick hairs.
STEAMING is the process by which most synthetic fiber is curled at the factory.
TREATMENT is used to put protein back into the hair.
'; questions[27]='ALOE VERA is~it is a water/gel-like substance that is known for its ability to soothe irritated skin, especially sunburned skin.~excessive hair growth, accompanied by enlarged hair follicles and increased pigmentation.~a method used to disguise hair by lightening its colour~is used to protect the hair during its growth stage.~the most concentrated and most fragrant scent and therefore the most expensive.~A~1~1~ ALOE VERA is it is a water/gel-like substance that is known for its ability to soothe irritated skin, especially sunburned skin.
BLEACH is a method used to disguise hair by lightening its colour
FOLLICLE SHEATH is is used to protect the hair during its growth stage.
HIRSUTISM is excessive hair growth, accompanied by enlarged hair follicles and increased pigmentation.
PARFUM is the most concentrated and most fragrant scent and therefore the most expensive.
'; questions[28]='ALOPECIA is~loss of hair, especially from the head, which either happens naturally or is caused by disease~usually shed during the 7th month of foetal life following primary folliculo-genesis.~a treatment where the follicle is disabled by the light energy making it unable to support any more hair growth.~a substance used to relieve pain.~a substance, such as a vitamin, which provides elements for the ongoing functioning of the body\'s metabolic processes.~A~1~1~ ALOPECIA is loss of hair, especially from the head, which either happens naturally or is caused by disease
ANALGESIC is a substance used to relieve pain.
LANUGO HAIR is usually shed during the 7th month of foetal life following primary folliculo-genesis.
NUTRIENT is a substance, such as a vitamin, which provides elements for the ongoing functioning of the body\'s metabolic processes.
PERMANENT HAIR REDUCTION is a treatment where the follicle is disabled by the light energy making it unable to support any more hair growth.
'; questions[29]='ALOPECIA ADNATA is~congenital baldness or baldness at birth.~the medical term for armpit, a common place for gonadal hair after puberty.~a flaking scalp due to excessive cell production.~the small area at the base of the hair root which provides nutrients needed for growth.~the common name for male or female pattern baldness which depends on the genetic predisposition of the hair follicles and the levels of DHT in the body.~A~1~1~ ALOPECIA ADNATA is congenital baldness or baldness at birth.
ALOPECIA ANDROGENETIC is the common name for male or female pattern baldness which depends on the genetic predisposition of the hair follicles and the levels of DHT in the body.
AXILLA is the medical term for armpit, a common place for gonadal hair after puberty.
DANDRUFF is a flaking scalp due to excessive cell production.
PAPILLA is the small area at the base of the hair root which provides nutrients needed for growth.
'; questions[30]='ALOPECIA ANDROGENETIC is~the common name for male or female pattern baldness which depends on the genetic predisposition of the hair follicles and the levels of DHT in the body.~a type of clogged pore in the skin with a visible black plug.~a substance used to dissolve hair above the skin\'s surface.~a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.~a non - shiny surface that absorbs light; a dead or dull finish.~A~1~1~ ALOPECIA ANDROGENETIC is the common name for male or female pattern baldness which depends on the genetic predisposition of the hair follicles and the levels of DHT in the body.
BLACKHEAD is a type of clogged pore in the skin with a visible black plug.
DANAZOL is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
DEPILATORY is a substance used to dissolve hair above the skin\'s surface.
DIAZOXIDE is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
DILANTIN is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
MATTE is a non - shiny surface that absorbs light; a dead or dull finish.
'; questions[31]='ALOPECIA AREATA is~the medical term for hairloss which occurs in patches on the scalp.~a treatment method which involves the manipulation of the genetic makeup.~chronic skin inflamation characterised by frequent episodes of redness, itching and thick, dry scales.~a small blood vessel which connect the arteries and veins that feed the hair.~a cleansing agent that is a sodium or potassium salt of animal or vegetable fat.~A~1~1~ ALOPECIA AREATA is the medical term for hairloss which occurs in patches on the scalp.
CAPILLARY is a small blood vessel which connect the arteries and veins that feed the hair.
GENE THERAPY is a treatment method which involves the manipulation of the genetic makeup.
PSORIASIS is chronic skin inflamation characterised by frequent episodes of redness, itching and thick, dry scales.
SOAP is a cleansing agent that is a sodium or potassium salt of animal or vegetable fat.
'; questions[32]='ALOPECIA FOLLICULARIS is~hair loss due to inflammation of hair follicles.~a patented contact cooling device used in laser hair removal.~a liquid sometimes used for disinfecting skin before and after treatment. ethyl grain isopropyl.~a liquid with a pH higher than 7 used in depilatory creams that dissolve hair, and galvanic electrolysis produces alkalis which can destroy a hair follicle.~a Rough Blow Dry is just to remove the moisture from wet hair, i.e. just to dry the hair without styling.~A~1~1~ ALCOHOL is a liquid sometimes used for disinfecting skin before and after treatment. ethyl grain isopropyl.
ALKALI is a liquid with a pH higher than 7 used in depilatory creams that dissolve hair, and galvanic electrolysis produces alkalis which can destroy a hair follicle.
ALOPECIA FOLLICULARIS is hair loss due to inflammation of hair follicles.
CHILLTIP is a patented contact cooling device used in laser hair removal.
ROUGH BLOW DRY is a Rough Blow Dry is just to remove the moisture from wet hair, i.e. just to dry the hair without styling.
'; questions[33]='ALOPECIA NEUROTICA is~baldness following a nervous disorder or injury to the nervous system.~known as AHA, these solutions are used as exfoliants. They can help reduce ingrown hairs and improve the look of skin.~a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.~also known as eczema.~the congenital absence of pigment in a lock of hairs which will show as grey/white.~A~1~1~ ALOPECIA NEUROTICA is baldness following a nervous disorder or injury to the nervous system.
ALPHA HYDROXY ACID is known as AHA, these solutions are used as exfoliants. They can help reduce ingrown hairs and improve the look of skin.
ATOPIC DERMATITIS is also known as eczema.
DANAZOL is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
DIAZOXIDE is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
DILANTIN is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
LEUCOTRICHIA is the congenital absence of pigment in a lock of hairs which will show as grey/white.
'; questions[34]='ALOPECIA SENILIS is~alopecia senilis is baldness due to old age.~used to allow you to only pay attention to a particular area or panel of hair.~the process of attaching hair wefts without braids.~drugs that sometimes cause increased hair growth.~a form of skin cancer.~A~1~1~ ALOPECIA SENILIS is alopecia senilis is baldness due to old age.
BIRTH CONTROL is drugs that sometimes cause increased hair growth.
MELANOMA is a form of skin cancer.
MICRO LINKING TECHNIQUE is the process of attaching hair wefts without braids.
SECTIONING is used to allow you to only pay attention to a particular area or panel of hair.
'; questions[35]='ALOPECIA TOTALIS is~this is the complete loss of scalp hair often combined with the loss of eyebrows and eyelashes~usually a sharp, intense color used as a contrast or pickup for color scheme.~to shed or cast off dead tissue from living tissue.~a type of shampoo stronger than everyday shampoos and designed to remove products, hard water or chlorine residue that have built-up over time.~a conditioner for hair meant for occasional use.~A~1~1~ ACCENT COLOR is usually a sharp, intense color used as a contrast or pickup for color scheme.
ALOPECIA TOTALIS is this is the complete loss of scalp hair often combined with the loss of eyebrows and eyelashes
CLARIFIER is a type of shampoo stronger than everyday shampoos and designed to remove products, hard water or chlorine residue that have built-up over time.
DEEP PENETRATING TREATMENT is a conditioner for hair meant for occasional use.
SLOUGH is to shed or cast off dead tissue from living tissue.
'; questions[36]='ALOPECIA UNIVERSALIS is~alopecia Universalis is the term for hairloss which occurs over the entire body.~a treatment consisting of short pulses of light sent out through an applicator that is gently pressed against the skin.~this is the end of the active growth period, and is marked by changes occurring in the follicle.~the type of electricity that comes from a wall outlet (AC), as opposed to direct current (DC).~an acronym for "Sun Protection Factor" ranging from 2 to 45 with 2 being the least protection and 45 the most.~A~1~1~ ALOPECIA UNIVERSALIS is alopecia Universalis is the term for hairloss which occurs over the entire body.
ALTERNATING CURRENT is the type of electricity that comes from a wall outlet (AC), as opposed to direct current (DC).
CATAGEN is this is the end of the active growth period, and is marked by changes occurring in the follicle.
IPL INTENSE PULSED LIGHT is a treatment consisting of short pulses of light sent out through an applicator that is gently pressed against the skin.
SPF is an acronym for "Sun Protection Factor" ranging from 2 to 45 with 2 being the least protection and 45 the most.
'; questions[37]='ALPHA HYDROXY ACID is~known as AHA, these solutions are used as exfoliants. They can help reduce ingrown hairs and improve the look of skin.~the practice of epilation with electrified needles.~fine, transparent nylon or silk mesh with hairs individually hand-knotted into the mesh.~a term meaning how well or effectively a cosmetic device works.~the process of attaching hair wefts without braids.~A~1~1~ ALPHA HYDROXY ACID is known as AHA, these solutions are used as exfoliants. They can help reduce ingrown hairs and improve the look of skin.
EFFICACY is a term meaning how well or effectively a cosmetic device works.
ELECTROLYSIS is the practice of epilation with electrified needles.
MICRO LINKING TECHNIQUE is the process of attaching hair wefts without braids.
MONOFILAMENT is fine, transparent nylon or silk mesh with hairs individually hand-knotted into the mesh.
'; questions[38]='ALTERNATING CURRENT is~the type of electricity that comes from a wall outlet (AC), as opposed to direct current (DC).~a perm producing permanent hair waves with curls with a pH from 6.5 to 8.0.~a liquid with a pH higher than 7 used in depilatory creams that dissolve hair, and galvanic electrolysis produces alkalis which can destroy a hair follicle.~a bodily reaction to an irritant. Skin allergies can be exacerbated by solutions put on the skin.~a natural conditioning substance.~A~1~1~ ACID PERM is a perm producing permanent hair waves with curls with a pH from 6.5 to 8.0.
ALKALI is a liquid with a pH higher than 7 used in depilatory creams that dissolve hair, and galvanic electrolysis produces alkalis which can destroy a hair follicle.
ALLERGY is a bodily reaction to an irritant. Skin allergies can be exacerbated by solutions put on the skin.
ALTERNATING CURRENT is the type of electricity that comes from a wall outlet (AC), as opposed to direct current (DC).
BETAINE is a natural conditioning substance.
'; questions[39]='AMINO ACID is~a chemical substance found in plants and animals. The building blocks of hair.~a term for fatty or greasy, usually referring to the oil-secrating glans of the scalp.~alopecia Universalis is the term for hairloss which occurs over the entire body.~known as AHA, these solutions are used as exfoliants. They can help reduce ingrown hairs and improve the look of skin.~a cutting technique hairdressers use to take hard lines out of the hair.~A~1~1~ ALOPECIA UNIVERSALIS is alopecia Universalis is the term for hairloss which occurs over the entire body.
ALPHA HYDROXY ACID is known as AHA, these solutions are used as exfoliants. They can help reduce ingrown hairs and improve the look of skin.
AMINO ACID is a chemical substance found in plants and animals. The building blocks of hair.
FEATHERING is a cutting technique hairdressers use to take hard lines out of the hair.
SEBACEOUS is a term for fatty or greasy, usually referring to the oil-secrating glans of the scalp.
'; questions[40]='AMINOPHENOLS is~phenol derivatives used in combination with other chemicals in permanent (two step) hair dyes.~an active agent that allows oil to mix with water.~drugs that sometimes cause increased hair growth.~to chemically straighten the hair to gently smooth out curl, reduce frizz, or create a straight style.~a liquid, usually corrosive with a pH lower than 7, opposite of an alkali.~A~1~1~ ACID is a liquid, usually corrosive with a pH lower than 7, opposite of an alkali.
AMINOPHENOLS is phenol derivatives used in combination with other chemicals in permanent (two step) hair dyes.
BIRTH CONTROL is drugs that sometimes cause increased hair growth.
RELAX is to chemically straighten the hair to gently smooth out curl, reduce frizz, or create a straight style.
SURFACTANT is an active agent that allows oil to mix with water.
'; questions[41]='AMMONIA is~an alkaline ingredient used in some permanent hair color.~the top of the head towards the posterior position, including the area at which the hair grows in a spiral pattern.~a non - shiny surface that absorbs light; a dead or dull finish.~overly aggressive treatment to remove hair which leads to temporary or permanent skin damage.~a drug prescribed to treat hirsuitism and androgenetic alopecia in women.~A~1~1~ AMMONIA is an alkaline ingredient used in some permanent hair color.
CYPROTERONE ACETATE is a drug prescribed to treat hirsuitism and androgenetic alopecia in women.
MATTE is a non - shiny surface that absorbs light; a dead or dull finish.
OVERTREATMENT is overly aggressive treatment to remove hair which leads to temporary or permanent skin damage.
VERTEX is the top of the head towards the posterior position, including the area at which the hair grows in a spiral pattern.
'; questions[42]='AMMONIUM THIOGLYCOLATE is~a common ingredient in chemical depilatories.~a cutting technique hairdressers use to take hard lines out of the hair.~an alkaline ingredient used in some permanent hair color.~a vegetable dye made from its leaves and stems into a powder.~an adapter you put on the end of your hair dryer.~A~1~1~ AMMONIA is an alkaline ingredient used in some permanent hair color.
AMMONIUM THIOGLYCOLATE is a common ingredient in chemical depilatories.
DIFFUSER is an adapter you put on the end of your hair dryer.
FEATHERING is a cutting technique hairdressers use to take hard lines out of the hair.
HENNA is a vegetable dye made from its leaves and stems into a powder.
'; questions[43]='AMORTIZATION is~the process of converting one enzyme to another.~the subtle lifting of color in specific sections of hair.~one of the latest technique for conducting hair transplants where surgeons harvest hair from naturally growing sections.~the substance that contains the "structural protein" of hair, repairs damage - active ingredient \'Liquid hair\'.~any hairpiece with a full cap which covers the hair on the head, or the entire area where hair normally grows, as a substitute for hair~A~1~1~ AMORTIZATION is the process of converting one enzyme to another.
FOLLICULAR HAIR TRANSPLANT is one of the latest technique for conducting hair transplants where surgeons harvest hair from naturally growing sections.
HIGHLIGHTS is the subtle lifting of color in specific sections of hair.
HYDROLYZED KERATIN is the substance that contains the "structural protein" of hair, repairs damage - active ingredient \'Liquid hair\'.
WIG is any hairpiece with a full cap which covers the hair on the head, or the entire area where hair normally grows, as a substitute for hair
'; questions[44]='AMPERE is~a measurement of electrical current.~to cancel or reduce effect.~a disease caused by a tumour on the adrenal gland, which can cause excess hair growth.~any natural or synthetic substance or substances use solely to impart a sweet or pleasant smell (odor) to a cosmetic product.~the active dissolving ingredient in many cream depilatories~A~1~1~ AMPERE is a measurement of electrical current.
CALCIUM THIOGLYCOLATE is the active dissolving ingredient in many cream depilatories
CUSHING SYNDROME is a disease caused by a tumour on the adrenal gland, which can cause excess hair growth.
FRAGRANCE is any natural or synthetic substance or substances use solely to impart a sweet or pleasant smell (odor) to a cosmetic product.
NEUTRALISE is to cancel or reduce effect.
'; questions[45]='AMPHOTERIC is~a mild nonirritating surfactant often used in shampoos that leaves hair manageable and is gentle enough for chemically treated hair.~a small hair graft usually consisting of between three to ten hair roots.~hair that has lost its pigment.~the common name for male or female pattern baldness which depends on the genetic predisposition of the hair follicles and the levels of DHT in the body.~a small clumps of coagulated melanin~A~1~1~ ALOPECIA ANDROGENETIC is the common name for male or female pattern baldness which depends on the genetic predisposition of the hair follicles and the levels of DHT in the body.
AMPHOTERIC is a mild nonirritating surfactant often used in shampoos that leaves hair manageable and is gentle enough for chemically treated hair.
FRECKLE is a small clumps of coagulated melanin
GREY HAIR is hair that has lost its pigment.
MINI GRAFT is a small hair graft usually consisting of between three to ten hair roots.
'; questions[46]='ANAESTHETIC is~a substance used to relieve all feeling.~a term for fatty or greasy, usually referring to the oil-secrating glans of the scalp.~a pain reduction method in which the client is distracted by something during treatment (music, etc).~a small temporary scab that occurs sometimes after electrolysis, especially after overtreatment.~the process of attaching small pieces of human hair with a special adhesive and a thermal gun.~A~1~1~ ANAESTHETIC is a substance used to relieve all feeling.
CONTINUOUS STIMULATION TECHNIQUE is a pain reduction method in which the client is distracted by something during treatment (music, etc).
ESCHAR is a small temporary scab that occurs sometimes after electrolysis, especially after overtreatment.
FUSION is the process of attaching small pieces of human hair with a special adhesive and a thermal gun.
SEBACEOUS is a term for fatty or greasy, usually referring to the oil-secrating glans of the scalp.
'; questions[47]='ANAGEN is~this is the growing phase of the hair cycle which lasts about seven years in a healthy person. The active stage in a hair growth cycle.~a light mist or spray, which when used as verb means to lightly spray your hair.~a Rough Blow Dry is just to remove the moisture from wet hair, i.e. just to dry the hair without styling.~also called contact dermatitis, it\'s a mild inflammation of the skin.~a pigment deficiency frequently seen in middle-aged people of either sex.~A~1~1~ ANAGEN is this is the growing phase of the hair cycle which lasts about seven years in a healthy person. The active stage in a hair growth cycle.
CANITIES is a pigment deficiency frequently seen in middle-aged people of either sex.
ECZEMA is also called contact dermatitis, it\'s a mild inflammation of the skin.
ROUGH BLOW DRY is a Rough Blow Dry is just to remove the moisture from wet hair, i.e. just to dry the hair without styling.
SPRITZ is a light mist or spray, which when used as verb means to lightly spray your hair.
'; questions[48]='ANAGEN CYCLE is~the active stage in a hair growth cycle.~a product which oxidises artificial colour pigment.~another name for thermolysis.~a drug or preparation used to prevent and treat infection.~the type of electricity that comes from a wall outlet (AC), as opposed to direct current (DC).~A~1~1~ ALTERNATING CURRENT is the type of electricity that comes from a wall outlet (AC), as opposed to direct current (DC).
ANAGEN CYCLE is the active stage in a hair growth cycle.
ANTIBIOTIC is a drug or preparation used to prevent and treat infection.
DEVELOPER is a product which oxidises artificial colour pigment.
DIATHERMY is another name for thermolysis.
'; questions[49]='ANAGEN EFFLUVIUM is~hairshafts are produced by follicles within the skin in all but few locations~the resting phase in the hair cycle.~the classic look of the 50s and 60s; the style was short and straight but blow-dried and curled under.~a more extensive and severe form of dandruff.~the practice of epilation with electrified needles.~A~1~1~ ANAGEN EFFLUVIUM is hairshafts are produced by follicles within the skin in all but few locations
BOB is the classic look of the 50s and 60s; the style was short and straight but blow-dried and curled under.
ELECTROLYSIS is the practice of epilation with electrified needles.
SEBORRHOEIC DERMATITIS is a more extensive and severe form of dandruff.
TELOGEN is the resting phase in the hair cycle.
'; questions[50]='ANALGESIC is~a substance used to relieve pain.~the process by which most synthetic fiber is curled at the factory.~the medical term for hairloss which occurs in patches on the scalp.~a deep cleansing process which strips the hair lightly before a chemical service.~used to describe getting a \'hair cut\' and having your new hairpiece styled for the first time when you first receive it.~A~1~1~ ALOPECIA AREATA is the medical term for hairloss which occurs in patches on the scalp.
ANALGESIC is a substance used to relieve pain.
CHELATING is a deep cleansing process which strips the hair lightly before a chemical service.
CUTTING-IN is used to describe getting a \'hair cut\' and having your new hairpiece styled for the first time when you first receive it.
STEAMING is the process by which most synthetic fiber is curled at the factory.
'; questions[51]='ANAPHORESIS is~the forcing of liquids into skin from the negative to the positive pole.~the main structure of the hairshaft it determines the colour and texture of the hair.~used to attach hair wefts by clips.~commonly used in the treatment of acne and other skin conditions.~a product containing plants or ingredients made from plants.~A~1~1~ ANAPHORESIS is the forcing of liquids into skin from the negative to the positive pole.
AZELAIC ACID is commonly used in the treatment of acne and other skin conditions.
BOTANICAL is a product containing plants or ingredients made from plants.
CORTEX is the main structure of the hairshaft it determines the colour and texture of the hair.
HAIR WEFT CLIP is used to attach hair wefts by clips.
'; questions[52]='ANDROGEN is~hormone that causes masculine characteristics and affects hair growth.~blood or pigment based visible mark~the old fashioned way of removing grafts for hair transplants, usually carried out using an instrument called a trephine~a conditioning agent in shampoos, which helps detangle the hair.~an oil producing gland in the dermis.~A~1~1~ ANDROGEN is hormone that causes masculine characteristics and affects hair growth.
BLEMISH is blood or pigment based visible mark
LAURYLDIMONIUM HYDROXYPROPL HYDROLYZED is a conditioning agent in shampoos, which helps detangle the hair.
PUNCH GRAFT is the old fashioned way of removing grafts for hair transplants, usually carried out using an instrument called a trephine
SEBACEOUS GLAND is an oil producing gland in the dermis.
'; questions[53]='ANDROGEN is~often referred to as a male hormone.~excessive development of the male breasts.~a hair color formula that lasts only until you shampoo your hair.~a substance used to dissolve hair above the skin\'s surface.~a non-living hair in the last stages of the hair growth cycle, it is detached from the follicle but has not yet shed.~A~1~1~ ANDROGEN is often referred to as a male hormone.
CLUB HAIR is a non-living hair in the last stages of the hair growth cycle, it is detached from the follicle but has not yet shed.
DEPILATORY is a substance used to dissolve hair above the skin\'s surface.
GYNECOMASTIA is excessive development of the male breasts.
TEMPORARY COLOR is a hair color formula that lasts only until you shampoo your hair.
'; questions[54]='ANODE is~a positive electrode.~the hair\'s ability to stretch without breaking and then return to its original shape.~caused by an absence of melanocytes, whitening of the skin. Vitiligo is a common medical complaint.~a disease of the skin and connective tissue that can cause hair loss over the affected areas.~the body transformation of food into energy.~A~1~1~ ANODE is a positive electrode.
ELASTICITY is the hair\'s ability to stretch without breaking and then return to its original shape.
HYPOPIGMENTATION is caused by an absence of melanocytes, whitening of the skin. Vitiligo is a common medical complaint.
METABOLISM is the body transformation of food into energy.
SCLERODERMA is a disease of the skin and connective tissue that can cause hair loss over the affected areas.
'; questions[55]='ANTIANDROGEN is~an antiandrogen blocks the effects of androgens, normally by blocking the receptor sites.~a substance used to dissolve hair above the skin\'s surface.~is part of the structure of the hair and also form a protective barrier.~a small rough spot on skin chronically exposed to the sun, occurs most frequently in fair skinned people.~a condition that is hereditary.~A~1~1~ ACTINIC KERATOSIS is a small rough spot on skin chronically exposed to the sun, occurs most frequently in fair skinned people.
ANTIANDROGEN is an antiandrogen blocks the effects of androgens, normally by blocking the receptor sites.
CONGENITAL is a condition that is hereditary.
DEPILATORY is a substance used to dissolve hair above the skin\'s surface.
LIPID LAYER is is part of the structure of the hair and also form a protective barrier.
'; questions[56]='ANTI-ANDROGEN is~a drug or product that limited the effects of androgens (male hormones)~the combination of sweat and sebum that provides the skin\'s protective coating.~the substance which, contained in a product, actually does the main part of the work that the product is used for.~a combination of water containing alcohol and fragrant oils.~the process of removing the top dead skin layers to reveal healthier, newer skin underneath.~A~1~1~ ACID MANTLE is the combination of sweat and sebum that provides the skin\'s protective coating.
ACTIVE INGREDIENT is the substance which, contained in a product, actually does the main part of the work that the product is used for.
ANTI-ANDROGEN is a drug or product that limited the effects of androgens (male hormones)
COLOGNE is a combination of water containing alcohol and fragrant oils.
EXFOLIATING is the process of removing the top dead skin layers to reveal healthier, newer skin underneath.
'; questions[57]='ANTIBIOTIC is~a drug or preparation used to prevent and treat infection.~a natural solvent in oils and creams used in shampoos and rinses to separate individual hairs so they can be thoroughly cleansed.~a disease of the skin and connective tissue that can cause hair loss over the affected areas.~the forcing of substances into the skin from a positive to a negative pole.~commonly known as Cafe au Lait stain, birthmark, age spot or freckle.~A~1~1~ ANTIBIOTIC is a drug or preparation used to prevent and treat infection.
APPLE CIDER VINEGAR is a natural solvent in oils and creams used in shampoos and rinses to separate individual hairs so they can be thoroughly cleansed.
CATAPHORESIS is the forcing of substances into the skin from a positive to a negative pole.
PIGMENTED LESION is commonly known as Cafe au Lait stain, birthmark, age spot or freckle.
SCLERODERMA is a disease of the skin and connective tissue that can cause hair loss over the affected areas.
'; questions[58]='ANTISEPTIC is~a chemical agent that prevent the growth of bacteria.~a method of relieving pain by pressing down on an area of the body.~hair loss due to inflammation of hair follicles.~temporarily straightening the hair with a heated iron.~a very small hair graft usually consisting of one or two hairs.~A~1~1~ ACUPRESSURE is a method of relieving pain by pressing down on an area of the body.
ALOPECIA FOLLICULARIS is hair loss due to inflammation of hair follicles.
ANTISEPTIC is a chemical agent that prevent the growth of bacteria.
MICRO GRAFT is a very small hair graft usually consisting of one or two hairs.
THERMAL PROCESS is temporarily straightening the hair with a heated iron.
'; questions[59]='APPLE CIDER VINEGAR is~a natural solvent in oils and creams used in shampoos and rinses to separate individual hairs so they can be thoroughly cleansed.~the process by which most synthetic fiber is curled at the factory.~a hairspray with the firmest hold used to maintain style of hard to hold hair.~a hairpiece with layered gaps made into it.~a conditioning agent in shampoos, which helps detangle the hair.~A~1~1~ APPLE CIDER VINEGAR is a natural solvent in oils and creams used in shampoos and rinses to separate individual hairs so they can be thoroughly cleansed.
FREEZING SPRAY is a hairspray with the firmest hold used to maintain style of hard to hold hair.
LAURYLDIMONIUM HYDROXYPROPL HYDROLYZED is a conditioning agent in shampoos, which helps detangle the hair.
STEAMING is the process by which most synthetic fiber is curled at the factory.
WEAVE is a hairpiece with layered gaps made into it.
'; questions[60]='AREOLA is~the pigmented area surrounding the nipple. A very common area for hair growth.~a term meaning how well or effectively a cosmetic device works.~used in many products for blonde hair to enhance color.~commonly known as Cafe au Lait stain, birthmark, age spot or freckle.~a flat, discoloured area of skin similar to a freckle.~A~1~1~ AREOLA is the pigmented area surrounding the nipple. A very common area for hair growth.
CHAMOMILE is used in many products for blonde hair to enhance color.
EFFICACY is a term meaning how well or effectively a cosmetic device works.
LENTIGO is a flat, discoloured area of skin similar to a freckle.
PIGMENTED LESION is commonly known as Cafe au Lait stain, birthmark, age spot or freckle.
'; questions[61]='ARRECTOR PILI MUSCLES is~a microscopic band of muscle tissue which connects a hair follicle to the dermis.~a hairspray with medium hold used on a finished style to maintain its shape and hold.~used to attach hair wefts by clips.~a liquid sometimes used for disinfecting skin before and after treatment. ethyl grain isopropyl.~the volume or springiness of hair.~A~1~1~ ALCOHOL is a liquid sometimes used for disinfecting skin before and after treatment. ethyl grain isopropyl.
ARRECTOR PILI MUSCLES is a microscopic band of muscle tissue which connects a hair follicle to the dermis.
BODY is the volume or springiness of hair.
FINISHING SPRAY is a hairspray with medium hold used on a finished style to maintain its shape and hold.
HAIR WEFT CLIP is used to attach hair wefts by clips.
'; questions[62]='ATOPIC DERMATITIS is~also known as eczema.~hair loss caused by pulling out one\'s own hair, usually without realising it.~is used to protect the hair during its growth stage.~a substance, such as a vitamin, which provides elements for the ongoing functioning of the body\'s metabolic processes.~a hair color formula that lasts only until you shampoo your hair.~A~1~1~ ATOPIC DERMATITIS is also known as eczema.
FOLLICLE SHEATH is is used to protect the hair during its growth stage.
NUTRIENT is a substance, such as a vitamin, which provides elements for the ongoing functioning of the body\'s metabolic processes.
TEMPORARY COLOR is a hair color formula that lasts only until you shampoo your hair.
TRICHOTILLOMANIA is hair loss caused by pulling out one\'s own hair, usually without realising it.
'; questions[63]='AUTOCLAVE is~a machine used to sterilize medical utensils and some hair removal devices.~to cancel or reduce effect.~a commonly used tool for cosmetic and surgical procedures.~effective against most bacteria occurring on the skin.~a common disorder characterised by inflammation of the hair follicle.~A~1~1~ AUTOCLAVE is a machine used to sterilize medical utensils and some hair removal devices.
FOLLICULITIS is a common disorder characterised by inflammation of the hair follicle.
LASER is a commonly used tool for cosmetic and surgical procedures.
NEUTRALISE is to cancel or reduce effect.
TRICLOSAN is effective against most bacteria occurring on the skin.
'; questions[64]='AXILLA is~the medical term for armpit, a common place for gonadal hair after puberty.~the space/area between the eyebrows.~a site where hair roots are taken from during transplant surgery.~a type of electrolysis needle.~an A-line Bob is a geometric bob with a straight fringe, so called because of the resemblance to the capital A.~A~1~1~ A-LINE BOB is an A-line Bob is a geometric bob with a straight fringe, so called because of the resemblance to the capital A.
AXILLA is the medical term for armpit, a common place for gonadal hair after puberty.
BULBOUS NEEDLE is a type of electrolysis needle.
DONOR SITE is a site where hair roots are taken from during transplant surgery.
GLABELLA is the space/area between the eyebrows.
'; questions[65]='AZELAIC ACID is~commonly used in the treatment of acne and other skin conditions.~being able to dissolve into, or being compatible with, another substance.~the subtle lifting of color in specific sections of hair.~a form of skin cancer.~the process of attaching small pieces of human hair with a special adhesive and a thermal gun.~A~1~1~ AZELAIC ACID is commonly used in the treatment of acne and other skin conditions.
FUSION is the process of attaching small pieces of human hair with a special adhesive and a thermal gun.
HIGHLIGHTS is the subtle lifting of color in specific sections of hair.
MELANOMA is a form of skin cancer.
SOLUBLE is being able to dissolve into, or being compatible with, another substance.
'; questions[66]='B5 is~pantothenic acid is a water-soluble vitamin required to sustain life.~another name for Colour.~a blister formation caused by thermal damage.~a mixture of wax, thickeners, and a group of chemicals used to coat the hair shaft and detangle after shampooing.~a conditioner for hair meant for occasional use.~A~1~1~ B5 is pantothenic acid is a water-soluble vitamin required to sustain life.
CREAM RINSE is a mixture of wax, thickeners, and a group of chemicals used to coat the hair shaft and detangle after shampooing.
DEEP PENETRATING TREATMENT is a conditioner for hair meant for occasional use.
PIGMENT is another name for Colour.
VESICULATION is a blister formation caused by thermal damage.
'; questions[67]='BACTERIA is~an organism responsible for infection.~alopecia Universalis is the term for hairloss which occurs over the entire body.~a prescription topical anaesthetic used by some clients of laser and electrolysis to reduce and eliminate pain.~hormone that causes masculine characteristics and affects hair growth.~the top of the head towards the posterior position, including the area at which the hair grows in a spiral pattern.~A~1~1~ ALOPECIA UNIVERSALIS is alopecia Universalis is the term for hairloss which occurs over the entire body.
ANDROGEN is hormone that causes masculine characteristics and affects hair growth.
BACTERIA is an organism responsible for infection.
EMLA is a prescription topical anaesthetic used by some clients of laser and electrolysis to reduce and eliminate pain.
VERTEX is the top of the head towards the posterior position, including the area at which the hair grows in a spiral pattern.
'; questions[68]='BARBA is~the medical term for beard.~discoloured skin that should be examined and approved by a physician before hair removal.~a perm producing permanent hair waves with curls with a pH from 6.5 to 8.0.~an alkaline ingredient used in some permanent hair color.~a serum is a smoothing product to stop your hair from frizzing, keeping it smooth and straight.~A~1~1~ ACID PERM is a perm producing permanent hair waves with curls with a pH from 6.5 to 8.0.
AMMONIA is an alkaline ingredient used in some permanent hair color.
BARBA is the medical term for beard.
BIRTHMARK is discoloured skin that should be examined and approved by a physician before hair removal.
SERUM is a serum is a smoothing product to stop your hair from frizzing, keeping it smooth and straight.
'; questions[69]='BASIC SHADE is~a natural or neutral colour.~also called contact dermatitis, it\'s a mild inflammation of the skin.~tan extraction from the Melaleuca tree.~a hair color formula that lasts only until you shampoo your hair.~also known as Eczema.~A~1~1~ BASIC SHADE is a natural or neutral colour.
DERMATITIS is also known as Eczema.
ECZEMA is also called contact dermatitis, it\'s a mild inflammation of the skin.
TEA TREE OIL is tan extraction from the Melaleuca tree.
TEMPORARY COLOR is a hair color formula that lasts only until you shampoo your hair.
'; questions[70]='BENIGN PROSTATIC HYPERPLASIA is~non-cancerous enlargement of the prostrate gland.~one of the latest technique for conducting hair transplants where surgeons harvest hair from naturally growing sections.~a conditioner for hair meant for occasional use.~the amount of moisture available in the air.~phenol derivatives used in combination with other chemicals in permanent (two step) hair dyes.~A~1~1~ AMINOPHENOLS is phenol derivatives used in combination with other chemicals in permanent (two step) hair dyes.
BENIGN PROSTATIC HYPERPLASIA is non-cancerous enlargement of the prostrate gland.
DEEP PENETRATING TREATMENT is a conditioner for hair meant for occasional use.
FOLLICULAR HAIR TRANSPLANT is one of the latest technique for conducting hair transplants where surgeons harvest hair from naturally growing sections.
HUMIDITY is the amount of moisture available in the air.
'; questions[71]='BETAINE is~a natural conditioning substance.~a drug prescribed to treat hirsuitism and androgenetic alopecia in women.~laser at 755nm used for hair removal.~a hollow or pocket in the skin.~a technique under development which could make an unlimited crop of donar hair available for transplanting.~A~1~1~ ALEXANDRITE is laser at 755nm used for hair removal.
BETAINE is a natural conditioning substance.
CYPROTERONE ACETATE is a drug prescribed to treat hirsuitism and androgenetic alopecia in women.
HAIR CLONING is a technique under development which could make an unlimited crop of donar hair available for transplanting.
INDENTATION is a hollow or pocket in the skin.
'; questions[72]='BIOPSY is~a section of skin tissue removed for clinical observation.~human hair which is still in its original state and which has not been permed, colored, or chemically processed in any way.~used to attach hair wefts by clips.~tea made by steeping an herb\'s leaves or flowers in hot water.~used to put protein back into the hair.~A~1~1~ BIOPSY is a section of skin tissue removed for clinical observation.
HAIR WEFT CLIP is used to attach hair wefts by clips.
INFUSION is tea made by steeping an herb\'s leaves or flowers in hot water.
TREATMENT is used to put protein back into the hair.
VIRGIN HAIR is human hair which is still in its original state and which has not been permed, colored, or chemically processed in any way.
'; questions[73]='BIRTH CONTROL is~drugs that sometimes cause increased hair growth.~a hairstyle in which the hair naturally or through manipulation is encouraged to matte and form a cylindrical, rope-like pattern.~used to positively charges the hair to provide manageability and reduces static.~excessive hair growth, accompanied by enlarged hair follicles and increased pigmentation.~the root of a hair, so named because it\'s wider at the base.~A~1~1~ BIRTH CONTROL is drugs that sometimes cause increased hair growth.
BULB is the root of a hair, so named because it\'s wider at the base.
CATIONIC POLYMER is used to positively charges the hair to provide manageability and reduces static.
DREADLOCKS is a hairstyle in which the hair naturally or through manipulation is encouraged to matte and form a cylindrical, rope-like pattern.
HIRSUTISM is excessive hair growth, accompanied by enlarged hair follicles and increased pigmentation.
'; questions[74]='BIRTHMARK is~discoloured skin that should be examined and approved by a physician before hair removal.~a recessive hereditary trait which presents as white hair due to defective melanin production thought to be caused by a mutation within genes.~the classic look of the 50s and 60s; the style was short and straight but blow-dried and curled under.~a natural or neutral colour.~the substructure that is responsible for the spectral selective absorption of electromagnetic radiation.~A~1~1~ ALBINISM is a recessive hereditary trait which presents as white hair due to defective melanin production thought to be caused by a mutation within genes.
BASIC SHADE is a natural or neutral colour.
BIRTHMARK is discoloured skin that should be examined and approved by a physician before hair removal.
BOB is the classic look of the 50s and 60s; the style was short and straight but blow-dried and curled under.
CHROMOPHORE is the substructure that is responsible for the spectral selective absorption of electromagnetic radiation.
'; questions[75]='BLACK SKIN is~the most difficult type of skin from which to remove hair, Type VI on the Fitzpatrick scale.~an ingredient that can soften or smooth.~a microscopic band of muscle tissue which connects a hair follicle to the dermis.~a flexible resin.~overly aggressive treatment to remove hair which leads to temporary or permanent skin damage.~A~1~1~ ARRECTOR PILI MUSCLES is a microscopic band of muscle tissue which connects a hair follicle to the dermis.
BLACK SKIN is the most difficult type of skin from which to remove hair, Type VI on the Fitzpatrick scale.
EMOLLIENT is an ingredient that can soften or smooth.
LUVIMER is a flexible resin.
OVERTREATMENT is overly aggressive treatment to remove hair which leads to temporary or permanent skin damage.
'; questions[76]='BLACKHEAD is~a type of clogged pore in the skin with a visible black plug.~a serum is a smoothing product to stop your hair from frizzing, keeping it smooth and straight.~the amount of moisture available in the air.~a term meaning how well or effectively a cosmetic device works.~a chemical formed in the blood when the body uses fat instead of glucose (sugar) for energy.~A~1~1~ ACETONE is a chemical formed in the blood when the body uses fat instead of glucose (sugar) for energy.
BLACKHEAD is a type of clogged pore in the skin with a visible black plug.
EFFICACY is a term meaning how well or effectively a cosmetic device works.
HUMIDITY is the amount of moisture available in the air.
SERUM is a serum is a smoothing product to stop your hair from frizzing, keeping it smooth and straight.
'; questions[77]='BLANCHING is~a whitening of the skin sometimes caused by some types of hair removal.~a female hormone sometimes linked to increased hair growth.~a natural polymer obtained from sea crustaceans protects the hair.~a synthetic moisturizer.~a technique for drying your hair using a diffuser and your free hand.~A~1~1~ BLANCHING is a whitening of the skin sometimes caused by some types of hair removal.
CHITOSAN is a natural polymer obtained from sea crustaceans protects the hair.
OESTROGEN is a female hormone sometimes linked to increased hair growth.
ISOPROPYL LANOLATE is a synthetic moisturizer.
MYRISTATE is a synthetic moisturizer.
PALMITATE is a synthetic moisturizer.
SCRUNCH DRY is a technique for drying your hair using a diffuser and your free hand.
'; questions[78]='BLEACH is~a method used to disguise hair by lightening its colour~a mild nonirritating surfactant often used in shampoos that leaves hair manageable and is gentle enough for chemically treated hair.~a method of hair removal in which all hair in an area is removed at once, as opposed to thinning.~made synthetically or derived from the kernel of the coconut, it gives lather and cleans skin and hair.~the process of removing the top dead skin layers to reveal healthier, newer skin underneath.~A~1~1~ AMPHOTERIC is a mild nonirritating surfactant often used in shampoos that leaves hair manageable and is gentle enough for chemically treated hair.
BLEACH is a method used to disguise hair by lightening its colour
CLEARING is a method of hair removal in which all hair in an area is removed at once, as opposed to thinning.
COCAMIDE DEA is made synthetically or derived from the kernel of the coconut, it gives lather and cleans skin and hair.
EXFOLIATING is the process of removing the top dead skin layers to reveal healthier, newer skin underneath.
'; questions[79]='BLEMISH is~blood or pigment based visible mark~a common disorder characterised by inflammation of the hair follicle.~discoloured skin that should be examined and approved by a physician before hair removal.~hair loss due to inflammation of hair follicles.~the small area at the base of the hair root which provides nutrients needed for growth.~A~1~1~ ALOPECIA FOLLICULARIS is hair loss due to inflammation of hair follicles.
BIRTHMARK is discoloured skin that should be examined and approved by a physician before hair removal.
BLEMISH is blood or pigment based visible mark
FOLLICULITIS is a common disorder characterised by inflammation of the hair follicle.
PAPILLA is the small area at the base of the hair root which provides nutrients needed for growth.
'; questions[80]='BLEND is~a modality of electrolysis which uses both thermolysis and galvanic methods.~a skin condition commonly affecting curly haired Afro-males which presents as itchy follicular papules which enlarge and become keloidal.~laser at 755nm used for hair removal.~a machine used to sterilize medical utensils and some hair removal devices.~distribution of ashen and warm pigments, visual effect of gold or ash in the hair.~A~1~1~ ACNE KELOIDALIS NUCHAE is a skin condition commonly affecting curly haired Afro-males which presents as itchy follicular papules which enlarge and become keloidal.
ALEXANDRITE is laser at 755nm used for hair removal.
AUTOCLAVE is a machine used to sterilize medical utensils and some hair removal devices.
BLEND is a modality of electrolysis which uses both thermolysis and galvanic methods.
TONE is distribution of ashen and warm pigments, visual effect of gold or ash in the hair.
'; questions[81]='BLISTER is~a small fluid-filled bubble on the skin caused by heat from over treatment with certain types of hair removal.~the thin outer layer of skin, on top of the thicker and deeper dermis.~hair that is cut very short with the hair hugging the head.~a common ingredient in chemical depilatories.~a central zone of cells usually only present in large thick hairs.~A~1~1~ AMMONIUM THIOGLYCOLATE is a common ingredient in chemical depilatories.
BLISTER is a small fluid-filled bubble on the skin caused by heat from over treatment with certain types of hair removal.
CROP is hair that is cut very short with the hair hugging the head.
EPIDERMIS is the thin outer layer of skin, on top of the thicker and deeper dermis.
MEDULLA is a central zone of cells usually only present in large thick hairs.
'; questions[82]='BOAR BRISTLE is~a bristle commonly used in natural bristle brushes.~a negative electrode in a cell or circuit.~a jelly like material formed by the coagulation of a liquid.~the small area at the base of the hair root which provides nutrients needed for growth.~an unflattering warm tone in hair colour created by chemicals or damage.~A~1~1~ BOAR BRISTLE is a bristle commonly used in natural bristle brushes.
BRASSY is an unflattering warm tone in hair colour created by chemicals or damage.
CATHODE is a negative electrode in a cell or circuit.
GEL is a jelly like material formed by the coagulation of a liquid.
PAPILLA is the small area at the base of the hair root which provides nutrients needed for growth.
'; questions[83]='BOB is~the classic look of the 50s and 60s; the style was short and straight but blow-dried and curled under.~the amount of moisture available in the air.~a liquid, usually corrosive with a pH lower than 7, opposite of an alkali.~hairshafts are produced by follicles within the skin in all but few locations~the combination of sweat and sebum that provides the skin\'s protective coating.~A~1~1~ ACID is a liquid, usually corrosive with a pH lower than 7, opposite of an alkali.
ACID MANTLE is the combination of sweat and sebum that provides the skin\'s protective coating.
ANAGEN EFFLUVIUM is hairshafts are produced by follicles within the skin in all but few locations
BOB is the classic look of the 50s and 60s; the style was short and straight but blow-dried and curled under.
HUMIDITY is the amount of moisture available in the air.
'; questions[84]='BODY is~the volume or springiness of hair.~a central zone of cells usually only present in large thick hairs.~a chemically based permanent waving product that has a pH from 7.5 to 9.5 designed to produce tight, firm, springy curls. perms.~a combination of water containing alcohol and fragrant oils.~a hairpiece with layered gaps made into it.~A~1~1~ ALKALINE PERM is a chemically based permanent waving product that has a pH from 7.5 to 9.5 designed to produce tight, firm, springy curls. perms.
BODY is the volume or springiness of hair.
COLOGNE is a combination of water containing alcohol and fragrant oils.
MEDULLA is a central zone of cells usually only present in large thick hairs.
WEAVE is a hairpiece with layered gaps made into it.
'; questions[85]='BONDING is~to attach wefted hair to the natural hair with a latex or surgical type adhesive.~a small fluid-filled bubble on the skin caused by heat from over treatment with certain types of hair removal.~the removal of dead skin cells to reveal softer skin underneath.~a group of genetically identical cells or organisms derived form a single common cell.~a flat, discoloured area of skin similar to a freckle.~A~1~1~ BLISTER is a small fluid-filled bubble on the skin caused by heat from over treatment with certain types of hair removal.
BONDING is to attach wefted hair to the natural hair with a latex or surgical type adhesive.
CLONE is a group of genetically identical cells or organisms derived form a single common cell.
EXFOLIATION is the removal of dead skin cells to reveal softer skin underneath.
LENTIGO is a flat, discoloured area of skin similar to a freckle.
'; questions[86]='BOTANICAL is~a product containing plants or ingredients made from plants.~the active dissolving ingredient in many cream depilatories~often referred to as a male hormone.~another name for Colour.~a natural conditioning substance.~A~1~1~ ANDROGEN is often referred to as a male hormone.
BETAINE is a natural conditioning substance.
BOTANICAL is a product containing plants or ingredients made from plants.
CALCIUM THIOGLYCOLATE is the active dissolving ingredient in many cream depilatories
PIGMENT is another name for Colour.
'; questions[87]='BRAID is~to weave strands of hair together.~a substance used to relieve all feeling.~the anagen phase of cyclic follicular activity is extended resulting in hairs gaining greater length.~used to positively charges the hair to provide manageability and reduces static.~a liquid, usually corrosive with a pH lower than 7, opposite of an alkali.~A~1~1~ ACCELERATED VELLUS SYNDROME is the anagen phase of cyclic follicular activity is extended resulting in hairs gaining greater length.
ACID is a liquid, usually corrosive with a pH lower than 7, opposite of an alkali.
ANAESTHETIC is a substance used to relieve all feeling.
BRAID is to weave strands of hair together.
CATIONIC POLYMER is used to positively charges the hair to provide manageability and reduces static.
'; questions[88]='BRASSY is~an unflattering warm tone in hair colour created by chemicals or damage.~the body\'s shock absorber.~a method of relieving pain by pressing down on an area of the body.~blood or pigment based visible mark~a synthetic moisturizer.~A~1~1~ ACUPRESSURE is a method of relieving pain by pressing down on an area of the body.
BLEMISH is blood or pigment based visible mark
BRASSY is an unflattering warm tone in hair colour created by chemicals or damage.
ISOPROPYL LANOLATE is a synthetic moisturizer.
MYRISTATE is a synthetic moisturizer.
PALMITATE is a synthetic moisturizer.
SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUE is the body\'s shock absorber.
'; questions[89]='BROKEN CAPILLARY is~a tiny blood vessel at the surface of the skin that can appear as streaks or blotches.~non-cancerous enlargement of the prostrate gland.~a hairspray with the firmest hold used to maintain style of hard to hold hair.~a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.~a fibrous protein found in hair, nails, and skin.~A~1~1~ BENIGN PROSTATIC HYPERPLASIA is non-cancerous enlargement of the prostrate gland.
BROKEN CAPILLARY is a tiny blood vessel at the surface of the skin that can appear as streaks or blotches.
DANAZOL is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
DIAZOXIDE is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
DILANTIN is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
FREEZING SPRAY is a hairspray with the firmest hold used to maintain style of hard to hold hair.
KERATIN is a fibrous protein found in hair, nails, and skin.
'; questions[90]='BRUISE is~a discoloration of skin from blood, sometimes caused by electrolysis, plucking, or waxing.~a humectant which absorbs moisture from the air to keep hair moist.~a chemical agent that prevent the growth of bacteria.~a term describing carbon - based compounds produced by living plants, animals or by synthetic processes.~hair loss which occurs due to traction being placed on hair.~A~1~1~ ANTISEPTIC is a chemical agent that prevent the growth of bacteria.
BRUISE is a discoloration of skin from blood, sometimes caused by electrolysis, plucking, or waxing.
GLYCERIN is a humectant which absorbs moisture from the air to keep hair moist.
ORGANIC is a term describing carbon - based compounds produced by living plants, animals or by synthetic processes.
TRACTION ALOPECIA is hair loss which occurs due to traction being placed on hair.
'; questions[91]='BULB is~the root of a hair, so named because it\'s wider at the base.~the active dissolving ingredient in many cream depilatories~a relatively rare condition which makes certain hair removal methods more difficult and can lead to ingrown hairs.~the removal of hair below the skin\'s surface (as opposed to depilation). Epilation methods include plucking, waxing, electrolysis and laser.~used to measure acidity in cosmetic preparations.~A~1~1~ BULB is the root of a hair, so named because it\'s wider at the base.
CALCIUM THIOGLYCOLATE is the active dissolving ingredient in many cream depilatories
CURVED FOLLICLES is a relatively rare condition which makes certain hair removal methods more difficult and can lead to ingrown hairs.
EPILATION is the removal of hair below the skin\'s surface (as opposed to depilation). Epilation methods include plucking, waxing, electrolysis and laser.
PH is used to measure acidity in cosmetic preparations.
'; questions[92]='BULBOUS NEEDLE is~a type of electrolysis needle.~a pink ointment sometimes used to treat skin irritation~a small blood vessel which connect the arteries and veins that feed the hair.~a thickening agent and/or binding agent added to products to change their physical composition (joins two or more ingredients together).~a small hair graft usually consisting of between three to ten hair roots.~A~1~1~ BULBOUS NEEDLE is a type of electrolysis needle.
CALAMINE is a pink ointment sometimes used to treat skin irritation
CAPILLARY is a small blood vessel which connect the arteries and veins that feed the hair.
EMULSIFIER is a thickening agent and/or binding agent added to products to change their physical composition (joins two or more ingredients together).
MINI GRAFT is a small hair graft usually consisting of between three to ten hair roots.
'; questions[93]='BULGE is~a point midway up the hair follicle which researchers suspect must be damaged to induce permanent hair removal~often referred to as a male hormone.~a technique used to smooth out the shaft of a loc by rolling it, with or without product, between the palms of the hands.~an adapter you put on the end of your hair dryer.~alopecia Universalis is the term for hairloss which occurs over the entire body.~A~1~1~ ALOPECIA UNIVERSALIS is alopecia Universalis is the term for hairloss which occurs over the entire body.
ANDROGEN is often referred to as a male hormone.
BULGE is a point midway up the hair follicle which researchers suspect must be damaged to induce permanent hair removal
DIFFUSER is an adapter you put on the end of your hair dryer.
PALM ROLLING is a technique used to smooth out the shaft of a loc by rolling it, with or without product, between the palms of the hands.
'; questions[94]='BULK HAIR is~loose commercial hair.~a form of skin cancer.~a hairstyle in which the hair naturally or through manipulation is encouraged to matte and form a cylindrical, rope-like pattern.~a measurement across the width of the hair.~alopecia senilis is baldness due to old age.~A~1~1~ ALOPECIA SENILIS is alopecia senilis is baldness due to old age.
BULK HAIR is loose commercial hair.
DIAMETER is a measurement across the width of the hair.
DREADLOCKS is a hairstyle in which the hair naturally or through manipulation is encouraged to matte and form a cylindrical, rope-like pattern.
MELANOMA is a form of skin cancer.
'; questions[95]='CACI is~a treatment involving applying a micro-current to your face that tones muscles to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles.~the active dissolving ingredient in many cream depilatories~the soft downy hair found covering the body.~the removal of dead skin cells to reveal softer skin underneath.~this is the complete loss of scalp hair often combined with the loss of eyebrows and eyelashes~A~1~1~ ALOPECIA TOTALIS is this is the complete loss of scalp hair often combined with the loss of eyebrows and eyelashes
CACI is a treatment involving applying a micro-current to your face that tones muscles to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles.
CALCIUM THIOGLYCOLATE is the active dissolving ingredient in many cream depilatories
EXFOLIATION is the removal of dead skin cells to reveal softer skin underneath.
VELLUS is the soft downy hair found covering the body.
'; questions[96]='CAJEPUT is~tea tree oil is an extraction from the Melaleuca tree.~a skin condition commonly affecting curly haired Afro-males which presents as itchy follicular papules which enlarge and become keloidal.~any hairpiece with a full cap which covers the hair on the head, or the entire area where hair normally grows, as a substitute for hair~the forcing of substances into the skin from a positive to a negative pole.~commonly used to perform skin resurfacing.~A~1~1~ ACNE KELOIDALIS NUCHAE is a skin condition commonly affecting curly haired Afro-males which presents as itchy follicular papules which enlarge and become keloidal.
CAJEPUT is tea tree oil is an extraction from the Melaleuca tree.
CARBON DIOXIDE LASER is commonly used to perform skin resurfacing.
CATAPHORESIS is the forcing of substances into the skin from a positive to a negative pole.
WIG is any hairpiece with a full cap which covers the hair on the head, or the entire area where hair normally grows, as a substitute for hair
'; questions[97]='CALAMINE is~a pink ointment sometimes used to treat skin irritation~the deepest layers of the skin, where blood vessels, lymph channels, sebaceous glands, hair follicles and muscles are located.~the congenital absence of pigment in a lock of hairs which will show as grey/white.~area at the top of the head.~a receptor which respond to touch, pain, pressure, heat and cold.~A~1~1~ CALAMINE is a pink ointment sometimes used to treat skin irritation
CROWN is area at the top of the head.
DERMIS is the deepest layers of the skin, where blood vessels, lymph channels, sebaceous glands, hair follicles and muscles are located.
LEUCOTRICHIA is the congenital absence of pigment in a lock of hairs which will show as grey/white.
NERVE ENDING is a receptor which respond to touch, pain, pressure, heat and cold.
'; questions[98]='CALCIUM THIOGLYCOLATE is~the active dissolving ingredient in many cream depilatories~baldness following a nervous disorder or injury to the nervous system.~the darkness or lightness of a colour.~the congenital absence of pigment in a lock of hairs which will show as grey/white.~a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.~A~1~1~ ALOPECIA NEUROTICA is baldness following a nervous disorder or injury to the nervous system.
CALCIUM THIOGLYCOLATE is the active dissolving ingredient in many cream depilatories
DANAZOL is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
DEPTH is the darkness or lightness of a colour.
DIAZOXIDE is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
DILANTIN is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
LEUCOTRICHIA is the congenital absence of pigment in a lock of hairs which will show as grey/white.
'; questions[99]='CANITIES is~a pigment deficiency frequently seen in middle-aged people of either sex.~a drug used in the treatment of androgen related disorders such as female pattern baldness and hirsuitism.~a grouping of hair that grow together and share the same blood supply.~an inflammation of the skin, a result of over production of oil and bacteria.~another name for Colour.~A~1~1~ ACNE is an inflammation of the skin, a result of over production of oil and bacteria.
CANITIES is a pigment deficiency frequently seen in middle-aged people of either sex.
FOLLICULAR UNIT is a grouping of hair that grow together and share the same blood supply.
PIGMENT is another name for Colour.
SPRIONOLACTONE is a drug used in the treatment of androgen related disorders such as female pattern baldness and hirsuitism.
'; questions[100]='CAPILLARY is~a small blood vessel which connect the arteries and veins that feed the hair.~a doctor specializing in skin and hair conditions.~the most concentrated and most fragrant scent and therefore the most expensive.~a chemical agent that prevent the growth of bacteria.~a bristle commonly used in natural bristle brushes.~A~1~1~ ANTISEPTIC is a chemical agent that prevent the growth of bacteria.
BOAR BRISTLE is a bristle commonly used in natural bristle brushes.
CAPILLARY is a small blood vessel which connect the arteries and veins that feed the hair.
DERMATOLOGIST is a doctor specializing in skin and hair conditions.
PARFUM is the most concentrated and most fragrant scent and therefore the most expensive.
'; questions[101]='CARBOMER is~a polymer on the basis of acrylic acid. Provides a thickening, gelling action and consistency regulator for cosmetic products.~a serum is a smoothing product to stop your hair from frizzing, keeping it smooth and straight.~a type of clogged pore in the skin with a visible black plug.~the thin outer layer of skin, on top of the thicker and deeper dermis.~a chemically based permanent waving product that has a pH from 7.5 to 9.5 designed to produce tight, firm, springy curls. perms.~A~1~1~ ALKALINE PERM is a chemically based permanent waving product that has a pH from 7.5 to 9.5 designed to produce tight, firm, springy curls. perms.
BLACKHEAD is a type of clogged pore in the skin with a visible black plug.
CARBOMER is a polymer on the basis of acrylic acid. Provides a thickening, gelling action and consistency regulator for cosmetic products.
EPIDERMIS is the thin outer layer of skin, on top of the thicker and deeper dermis.
SERUM is a serum is a smoothing product to stop your hair from frizzing, keeping it smooth and straight.
'; questions[102]='CARBON DIOXIDE LASER is~commonly used to perform skin resurfacing.~a substance used to relieve pain.~a small opening of the sweat glands of the skin.~hairshafts are produced by follicles within the skin in all but few locations~used to allow you to only pay attention to a particular area or panel of hair.~A~1~1~ ANAGEN EFFLUVIUM is hairshafts are produced by follicles within the skin in all but few locations
ANALGESIC is a substance used to relieve pain.
CARBON DIOXIDE LASER is commonly used to perform skin resurfacing.
PORE is a small opening of the sweat glands of the skin.
SECTIONING is used to allow you to only pay attention to a particular area or panel of hair.
'; questions[103]='CASTRATION is~the surgical removal of one or both testicles or overies.~tea made by steeping an herb\'s leaves or flowers in hot water.~an acronym for "Sun Protection Factor" ranging from 2 to 45 with 2 being the least protection and 45 the most.~a type of shampoo stronger than everyday shampoos and designed to remove products, hard water or chlorine residue that have built-up over time.~a deep cleansing process which strips the hair lightly before a chemical service.~A~1~1~ CASTRATION is the surgical removal of one or both testicles or overies.
CHELATING is a deep cleansing process which strips the hair lightly before a chemical service.
CLARIFIER is a type of shampoo stronger than everyday shampoos and designed to remove products, hard water or chlorine residue that have built-up over time.
INFUSION is tea made by steeping an herb\'s leaves or flowers in hot water.
SPF is an acronym for "Sun Protection Factor" ranging from 2 to 45 with 2 being the least protection and 45 the most.
'; questions[104]='CATAGEN is~this is the end of the active growth period, and is marked by changes occurring in the follicle.~a procedure performed (usually with a hair dye or other potential allergen) on the skin 24 hours before its use to determine sensitivity.~an ingredient that can soften or smooth.~a receptor which respond to touch, pain, pressure, heat and cold.~a machine used to sterilize medical utensils and some hair removal devices.~A~1~1~ AUTOCLAVE is a machine used to sterilize medical utensils and some hair removal devices.
CATAGEN is this is the end of the active growth period, and is marked by changes occurring in the follicle.
EMOLLIENT is an ingredient that can soften or smooth.
NERVE ENDING is a receptor which respond to touch, pain, pressure, heat and cold.
PATCH TEST is a procedure performed (usually with a hair dye or other potential allergen) on the skin 24 hours before its use to determine sensitivity.
'; questions[105]='CATAPHORESIS is~the forcing of substances into the skin from a positive to a negative pole.~a procedure designed to add strength and elasticity to the hair by adding protein to the cortex.~the congenital absence of pigment in a lock of hairs which will show as grey/white.~an ingredient that can soften or smooth.~a treatment method which involves the manipulation of the genetic makeup.~A~1~1~ CATAPHORESIS is the forcing of substances into the skin from a positive to a negative pole.
EMOLLIENT is an ingredient that can soften or smooth.
GENE THERAPY is a treatment method which involves the manipulation of the genetic makeup.
LEUCOTRICHIA is the congenital absence of pigment in a lock of hairs which will show as grey/white.
PROTEIN TREATMENT is a procedure designed to add strength and elasticity to the hair by adding protein to the cortex.
'; questions[106]='CATHODE is~a negative electrode in a cell or circuit.~an acronym for "Sun Protection Factor" ranging from 2 to 45 with 2 being the least protection and 45 the most.~an aid to detangling. Provides volume, control and shine.~an adapter you put on the end of your hair dryer.~non-cancerous enlargement of the prostrate gland.~A~1~1~ BENIGN PROSTATIC HYPERPLASIA is non-cancerous enlargement of the prostrate gland.
CATHODE is a negative electrode in a cell or circuit.
DIFFUSER is an adapter you put on the end of your hair dryer.
PANTHENOL is an aid to detangling. Provides volume, control and shine.
SPF is an acronym for "Sun Protection Factor" ranging from 2 to 45 with 2 being the least protection and 45 the most.
'; questions[107]='CATIONIC DETERGENT is~often used in shampoos because it can reduce static electricity and leave the hair manageable.~the process of scraping or wearing hair away.~allergen is a substance that causes an allergic reaction.~tea made by steeping an herb\'s leaves or flowers in hot water.~one of the latest technique for conducting hair transplants where surgeons harvest hair from naturally growing sections.~A~1~1~ ABRASION is the process of scraping or wearing hair away.
ALLERGEN is allergen is a substance that causes an allergic reaction.
CATIONIC DETERGENT is often used in shampoos because it can reduce static electricity and leave the hair manageable.
FOLLICULAR HAIR TRANSPLANT is one of the latest technique for conducting hair transplants where surgeons harvest hair from naturally growing sections.
INFUSION is tea made by steeping an herb\'s leaves or flowers in hot water.
'; questions[108]='CATIONIC POLYMER is~used to positively charges the hair to provide manageability and reduces static.~a chemical ingredients that is specifically added to hair bleach to speed up the action of the bleach without unnecessarily damaging the hair.~a type of shampoo stronger than everyday shampoos and designed to remove products, hard water or chlorine residue that have built-up over time.~a pigment deficiency frequently seen in middle-aged people of either sex.~a mixture of wax, thickeners, and a group of chemicals used to coat the hair shaft and detangle after shampooing.~A~1~1~ ACTIVATOR is a chemical ingredients that is specifically added to hair bleach to speed up the action of the bleach without unnecessarily damaging the hair.
CANITIES is a pigment deficiency frequently seen in middle-aged people of either sex.
CATIONIC POLYMER is used to positively charges the hair to provide manageability and reduces static.
CLARIFIER is a type of shampoo stronger than everyday shampoos and designed to remove products, hard water or chlorine residue that have built-up over time.
CREAM RINSE is a mixture of wax, thickeners, and a group of chemicals used to coat the hair shaft and detangle after shampooing.
'; questions[109]='CATOGEN is~the resting stage of the hair cycle.~the active dissolving ingredient in many cream depilatories~it is a water/gel-like substance that is known for its ability to soothe irritated skin, especially sunburned skin.~a type of electrolysis needle.~the medical term for beard.~A~1~1~ ALOE VERA is it is a water/gel-like substance that is known for its ability to soothe irritated skin, especially sunburned skin.
BARBA is the medical term for beard.
BULBOUS NEEDLE is a type of electrolysis needle.
CALCIUM THIOGLYCOLATE is the active dissolving ingredient in many cream depilatories
CATOGEN is the resting stage of the hair cycle.
'; questions[110]='CELLULITE is~a collection of fat cells resulting from poor lymphatic drainage, fluid retention, poor circulation, not drinking enough water, a sedentary lifestyle and hormones.~a commonly used tool for cosmetic and surgical procedures.~the amount of moisture available in the air.~the old fashioned way of removing grafts for hair transplants, usually carried out using an instrument called a trephine~a liquid, usually corrosive with a pH lower than 7, opposite of an alkali.~A~1~1~ ACID is a liquid, usually corrosive with a pH lower than 7, opposite of an alkali.
CELLULITE is a collection of fat cells resulting from poor lymphatic drainage, fluid retention, poor circulation, not drinking enough water, a sedentary lifestyle and hormones.
HUMIDITY is the amount of moisture available in the air.
LASER is a commonly used tool for cosmetic and surgical procedures.
PUNCH GRAFT is the old fashioned way of removing grafts for hair transplants, usually carried out using an instrument called a trephine
'; questions[111]='CETYL ALCOHOL is~a gentle humectant, lather booster, and emulsifier used to smooth and soften the hair cuticle.~a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.~excessive development of the male breasts.~one of the latest technique for conducting hair transplants where surgeons harvest hair from naturally growing sections.~a treatment consisting of short pulses of light sent out through an applicator that is gently pressed against the skin.~A~1~1~ CETYL ALCOHOL is a gentle humectant, lather booster, and emulsifier used to smooth and soften the hair cuticle.
DANAZOL is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
DIAZOXIDE is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
DILANTIN is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
FOLLICULAR HAIR TRANSPLANT is one of the latest technique for conducting hair transplants where surgeons harvest hair from naturally growing sections.
GYNECOMASTIA is excessive development of the male breasts.
IPL INTENSE PULSED LIGHT is a treatment consisting of short pulses of light sent out through an applicator that is gently pressed against the skin.
'; questions[112]='CHAMOMILE is~used in many products for blonde hair to enhance color.~allergen is a substance that causes an allergic reaction.~a drug prescribed to treat hirsuitism and androgenetic alopecia in women.~often referred to as a male hormone.~the removal of dead skin cells to reveal softer skin underneath.~A~1~1~ ALLERGEN is allergen is a substance that causes an allergic reaction.
ANDROGEN is often referred to as a male hormone.
CHAMOMILE is used in many products for blonde hair to enhance color.
CYPROTERONE ACETATE is a drug prescribed to treat hirsuitism and androgenetic alopecia in women.
EXFOLIATION is the removal of dead skin cells to reveal softer skin underneath.
'; questions[113]='CHELATING is~a deep cleansing process which strips the hair lightly before a chemical service.~to apply directly onto the scalp.~ultraviolet radiation. The invisible spectrum of solar radiation.~this is the complete loss of scalp hair often combined with the loss of eyebrows and eyelashes~a type of clogged pore in the skin with a visible black plug.~A~1~1~ ALOPECIA TOTALIS is this is the complete loss of scalp hair often combined with the loss of eyebrows and eyelashes
BLACKHEAD is a type of clogged pore in the skin with a visible black plug.
CHELATING is a deep cleansing process which strips the hair lightly before a chemical service.
TOPICALLY is to apply directly onto the scalp.
UV is ultraviolet radiation. The invisible spectrum of solar radiation.
'; questions[114]='CHEMICAL DEPILATORY is~a powder or cream preparations that dissolve hair above the surface of the skin.~known as AHA, these solutions are used as exfoliants. They can help reduce ingrown hairs and improve the look of skin.~a trademark for a Japanese-made synthetic fiber which is used extensively in the manufacture of wigs and hairpieces.~the classic look of the 50s and 60s; the style was short and straight but blow-dried and curled under.~a cell within the the extracellular matrix that produce new collagen molecules when stimulated.~A~1~1~ ALPHA HYDROXY ACID is known as AHA, these solutions are used as exfoliants. They can help reduce ingrown hairs and improve the look of skin.
BOB is the classic look of the 50s and 60s; the style was short and straight but blow-dried and curled under.
CHEMICAL DEPILATORY is a powder or cream preparations that dissolve hair above the surface of the skin.
FIBROBLAST is a cell within the the extracellular matrix that produce new collagen molecules when stimulated.
KANEKALON is a trademark for a Japanese-made synthetic fiber which is used extensively in the manufacture of wigs and hairpieces.
'; questions[115]='CHIGNON is~a chignon is a sophisticated, elegant up style, where long hair is twisted (either in a roll or knot) and pinned from the nape of neck.~a pain reduction method in which the client is distracted by something during treatment (music, etc).~an ingredient in skin or hair products that draws moisture from the air to moisturize.~a natural water-soluble source of acid derived from liquid silk; these acids help moisture penetrate the skin and aid in skin healing.~a technique for drying your hair using a diffuser and your free hand.~A~1~1~ CHIGNON is a chignon is a sophisticated, elegant up style, where long hair is twisted (either in a roll or knot) and pinned from the nape of neck.
CONTINUOUS STIMULATION TECHNIQUE is a pain reduction method in which the client is distracted by something during treatment (music, etc).
HUMECTANT is an ingredient in skin or hair products that draws moisture from the air to moisturize.
SCRUNCH DRY is a technique for drying your hair using a diffuser and your free hand.
SILK PROTEIN is a natural water-soluble source of acid derived from liquid silk; these acids help moisture penetrate the skin and aid in skin healing.
'; questions[116]='CHILLTIP is~a patented contact cooling device used in laser hair removal.~a chemical process by which the hair is permanently straightened.~a protein that catalyze (i.e. accelerate) and control the rates of chemical reactions.~used to describe getting a \'hair cut\' and having your new hairpiece styled for the first time when you first receive it.~a female hormone sometimes linked to increased hair growth.~A~1~1~ CHILLTIP is a patented contact cooling device used in laser hair removal.
CUTTING-IN is used to describe getting a \'hair cut\' and having your new hairpiece styled for the first time when you first receive it.
ENZYME is a protein that catalyze (i.e. accelerate) and control the rates of chemical reactions.
OESTROGEN is a female hormone sometimes linked to increased hair growth.
RELAXER is a chemical process by which the hair is permanently straightened.
'; questions[117]='CHITOSAN is~a natural polymer obtained from sea crustaceans protects the hair.~a Rough Blow Dry is just to remove the moisture from wet hair, i.e. just to dry the hair without styling.~hair loss due to inflammation of hair follicles.~excessive development of the male breasts.~another name for thermolysis.~A~1~1~ ALOPECIA FOLLICULARIS is hair loss due to inflammation of hair follicles.
CHITOSAN is a natural polymer obtained from sea crustaceans protects the hair.
DIATHERMY is another name for thermolysis.
GYNECOMASTIA is excessive development of the male breasts.
ROUGH BLOW DRY is a Rough Blow Dry is just to remove the moisture from wet hair, i.e. just to dry the hair without styling.
'; questions[118]='CHROMOPHORE is~the substructure that is responsible for the spectral selective absorption of electromagnetic radiation.~a soft thin layer surrounding the lower two-thirds of a hair.~a closed sac or capsule usually filled with fluid or semisolid material.~area at the top of the head.~a disease where the body improperly produces insulin, sometimes linked to excess hair growth.~A~1~1~ CHROMOPHORE is the substructure that is responsible for the spectral selective absorption of electromagnetic radiation.
CROWN is area at the top of the head.
CYST is a closed sac or capsule usually filled with fluid or semisolid material.
DIABETES is a disease where the body improperly produces insulin, sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
OUTER ROOT SHEATH is a soft thin layer surrounding the lower two-thirds of a hair.
'; questions[119]='CICATRICIAL ALOPECIA is~baldness due to scarring.~a technique under development which could make an unlimited crop of donar hair available for transplanting.~a term for fatty or greasy, usually referring to the oil-secrating glans of the scalp.~a small clumps of coagulated melanin~the space/area between the eyebrows.~A~1~1~ CICATRICIAL ALOPECIA is baldness due to scarring.
FRECKLE is a small clumps of coagulated melanin
GLABELLA is the space/area between the eyebrows.
HAIR CLONING is a technique under development which could make an unlimited crop of donar hair available for transplanting.
SEBACEOUS is a term for fatty or greasy, usually referring to the oil-secrating glans of the scalp.
'; questions[120]='CILIA is~the medical term for eyelashes.~the process of converting one enzyme to another.~often referred to as a male hormone.~usually shed during the 7th month of foetal life following primary folliculo-genesis.~used to attach hair wefts by clips.~A~1~1~ AMORTIZATION is the process of converting one enzyme to another.
ANDROGEN is often referred to as a male hormone.
CILIA is the medical term for eyelashes.
HAIR WEFT CLIP is used to attach hair wefts by clips.
LANUGO HAIR is usually shed during the 7th month of foetal life following primary folliculo-genesis.
'; questions[121]='CLARIFIER is~a type of shampoo stronger than everyday shampoos and designed to remove products, hard water or chlorine residue that have built-up over time.~a non - shiny surface that absorbs light; a dead or dull finish.~a method of epidermal cooling which cools the skin with supercooled liquid immediately before a laser pulse is applied.~a chemically based permanent waving product that has a pH from 7.5 to 9.5 designed to produce tight, firm, springy curls. perms.~hair loss which occurs due to traction being placed on hair.~A~1~1~ ALKALINE PERM is a chemically based permanent waving product that has a pH from 7.5 to 9.5 designed to produce tight, firm, springy curls. perms.
CLARIFIER is a type of shampoo stronger than everyday shampoos and designed to remove products, hard water or chlorine residue that have built-up over time.
DYNAMIC COOLING is a method of epidermal cooling which cools the skin with supercooled liquid immediately before a laser pulse is applied.
MATTE is a non - shiny surface that absorbs light; a dead or dull finish.
TRACTION ALOPECIA is hair loss which occurs due to traction being placed on hair.
'; questions[122]='CLEARING is~a method of hair removal in which all hair in an area is removed at once, as opposed to thinning.~a parting or a cornrow that establishes the placement pattern of wefts or strand additions.~tea tree oil is an extraction from the Melaleuca tree.~a small clumps of coagulated melanin~a product with ingredients that absorb UVA and UVB rays. Find one labeled "broad spectrum" for maximum protection.~A~1~1~ CAJEPUT is tea tree oil is an extraction from the Melaleuca tree.
CLEARING is a method of hair removal in which all hair in an area is removed at once, as opposed to thinning.
FRECKLE is a small clumps of coagulated melanin
SUNSCREEN is a product with ingredients that absorb UVA and UVB rays. Find one labeled "broad spectrum" for maximum protection.
TRACK is a parting or a cornrow that establishes the placement pattern of wefts or strand additions.
'; questions[123]='CLIMBAZOLE is~highly effective active anti-dandruff ingredient that combats bacteria on the scalp.~used in many products for blonde hair to enhance color.~a cosmetic procedure used to smooth skin and reduce scars.~a method of epidermal cooling which cools the skin with supercooled liquid immediately before a laser pulse is applied.~is part of the structure of the hair and also form a protective barrier.~A~1~1~ CHAMOMILE is used in many products for blonde hair to enhance color.
CLIMBAZOLE is highly effective active anti-dandruff ingredient that combats bacteria on the scalp.
DERMABRASION is a cosmetic procedure used to smooth skin and reduce scars.
DYNAMIC COOLING is a method of epidermal cooling which cools the skin with supercooled liquid immediately before a laser pulse is applied.
LIPID LAYER is is part of the structure of the hair and also form a protective barrier.
'; questions[124]='CLONE is~a group of genetically identical cells or organisms derived form a single common cell.~the process of attaching hair wefts without braids.~the structure that contains nerves and blood vessels which supply glucose for energy and amino acids to make keratin.~tea tree oil is an extraction from the Melaleuca tree.~the old fashioned way of removing grafts for hair transplants, usually carried out using an instrument called a trephine~A~1~1~ CAJEPUT is tea tree oil is an extraction from the Melaleuca tree.
CLONE is a group of genetically identical cells or organisms derived form a single common cell.
DERMAL PAPILLA is the structure that contains nerves and blood vessels which supply glucose for energy and amino acids to make keratin.
MICRO LINKING TECHNIQUE is the process of attaching hair wefts without braids.
PUNCH GRAFT is the old fashioned way of removing grafts for hair transplants, usually carried out using an instrument called a trephine
'; questions[125]='CLUB HAIR is~a non-living hair in the last stages of the hair growth cycle, it is detached from the follicle but has not yet shed.~a natural herb that has been shown to be an effective antiandrogen.~a chemical agent that prevent the growth of bacteria.~a gland that affects certain types of hair growth.~an intensive exfoliation process that rejuvenates the skin by utilizing ultra-fine aluminium oxide crystals to remove the upper layer of the stratum corneum~A~1~1~ ADRENAL is a gland that affects certain types of hair growth.
ANTISEPTIC is a chemical agent that prevent the growth of bacteria.
CLUB HAIR is a non-living hair in the last stages of the hair growth cycle, it is detached from the follicle but has not yet shed.
MICRODERMABRASION is an intensive exfoliation process that rejuvenates the skin by utilizing ultra-fine aluminium oxide crystals to remove the upper layer of the stratum corneum
SAW PALMETTO is a natural herb that has been shown to be an effective antiandrogen.
'; questions[126]='COAGULATION is~the process by which blood clots, and can be induced by heat or chemicals.~a high-fashion cut, which is totally exclusive and specifically tailored to your lifestyle and wardrobe.~another name for Colour.~a medical term for the redness that sometimes follows hair removal and skin rejuvenation.~the process of attaching hair wefts without braids.~A~1~1~ COAGULATION is the process by which blood clots, and can be induced by heat or chemicals.
COUTURE CUT is a high-fashion cut, which is totally exclusive and specifically tailored to your lifestyle and wardrobe.
ERYTHEMA is a medical term for the redness that sometimes follows hair removal and skin rejuvenation.
MICRO LINKING TECHNIQUE is the process of attaching hair wefts without braids.
PIGMENT is another name for Colour.
'; questions[127]='COCAMIDE DEA is~made synthetically or derived from the kernel of the coconut, it gives lather and cleans skin and hair.~a term for fatty or greasy, usually referring to the oil-secrating glans of the scalp.~the root of a hair, so named because it\'s wider at the base.~a technique under development which could make an unlimited crop of donar hair available for transplanting.~a Hair extension of real or synthetic weaved close to the scalp in order to achieve greater length and/or fullness.~A~1~1~ BULB is the root of a hair, so named because it\'s wider at the base.
COCAMIDE DEA is made synthetically or derived from the kernel of the coconut, it gives lather and cleans skin and hair.
EXTENSION is a Hair extension of real or synthetic weaved close to the scalp in order to achieve greater length and/or fullness.
HAIR CLONING is a technique under development which could make an unlimited crop of donar hair available for transplanting.
SEBACEOUS is a term for fatty or greasy, usually referring to the oil-secrating glans of the scalp.
'; questions[128]='COHERENT LIGHT is~light that stays focused, a property of lasers.~allergen is a substance that causes an allergic reaction.~a natural or neutral colour.~a jelly like material formed by the coagulation of a liquid.~one of the latest technique for conducting hair transplants where surgeons harvest hair from naturally growing sections.~A~1~1~ ALLERGEN is allergen is a substance that causes an allergic reaction.
BASIC SHADE is a natural or neutral colour.
COHERENT LIGHT is light that stays focused, a property of lasers.
FOLLICULAR HAIR TRANSPLANT is one of the latest technique for conducting hair transplants where surgeons harvest hair from naturally growing sections.
GEL is a jelly like material formed by the coagulation of a liquid.
'; questions[129]='COLD SORE is~a viral infection that appears around the mouth.~a humectant which absorbs moisture from the air to keep hair moist.~the process of scraping or wearing hair away.~the structure that contains nerves and blood vessels which supply glucose for energy and amino acids to make keratin.~a disease caused by a tumour on the adrenal gland, which can cause excess hair growth.~A~1~1~ ABRASION is the process of scraping or wearing hair away.
COLD SORE is a viral infection that appears around the mouth.
CUSHING SYNDROME is a disease caused by a tumour on the adrenal gland, which can cause excess hair growth.
DERMAL PAPILLA is the structure that contains nerves and blood vessels which supply glucose for energy and amino acids to make keratin.
GLYCERIN is a humectant which absorbs moisture from the air to keep hair moist.
'; questions[130]='COLLAGEN is~a protein that holds all connective tissue together under the skin.~any hairpiece with a full cap which covers the hair on the head, or the entire area where hair normally grows, as a substitute for hair~an oil producing gland in the dermis.~also known as eczema.~the small area at the base of the hair root which provides nutrients needed for growth.~A~1~1~ ATOPIC DERMATITIS is also known as eczema.
COLLAGEN is a protein that holds all connective tissue together under the skin.
PAPILLA is the small area at the base of the hair root which provides nutrients needed for growth.
SEBACEOUS GLAND is an oil producing gland in the dermis.
WIG is any hairpiece with a full cap which covers the hair on the head, or the entire area where hair normally grows, as a substitute for hair
'; questions[131]='COLOGNE is~a combination of water containing alcohol and fragrant oils.~a form of skin cancer.~human hair which is still in its original state and which has not been permed, colored, or chemically processed in any way.~a polymer on the basis of acrylic acid. Provides a thickening, gelling action and consistency regulator for cosmetic products.~the anagen phase of cyclic follicular activity is extended resulting in hairs gaining greater length.~A~1~1~ ACCELERATED VELLUS SYNDROME is the anagen phase of cyclic follicular activity is extended resulting in hairs gaining greater length.
CARBOMER is a polymer on the basis of acrylic acid. Provides a thickening, gelling action and consistency regulator for cosmetic products.
COLOGNE is a combination of water containing alcohol and fragrant oils.
MELANOMA is a form of skin cancer.
VIRGIN HAIR is human hair which is still in its original state and which has not been permed, colored, or chemically processed in any way.
'; questions[132]='COMEDONE is~a medical term for blackhead.~the substance which, contained in a product, actually does the main part of the work that the product is used for.~an antiandrogen blocks the effects of androgens, normally by blocking the receptor sites.~the substance that contains the "structural protein" of hair, repairs damage - active ingredient \'Liquid hair\'.~a medical term for the redness that sometimes follows hair removal and skin rejuvenation.~A~1~1~ ACTIVE INGREDIENT is the substance which, contained in a product, actually does the main part of the work that the product is used for.
ANTIANDROGEN is an antiandrogen blocks the effects of androgens, normally by blocking the receptor sites.
COMEDONE is a medical term for blackhead.
ERYTHEMA is a medical term for the redness that sometimes follows hair removal and skin rejuvenation.
HYDROLYZED KERATIN is the substance that contains the "structural protein" of hair, repairs damage - active ingredient \'Liquid hair\'.
'; questions[133]='CONDITIONER is~creamy hair product meant to be used after shampoo.~a viral infection that appears around the mouth.~caused by an absence of melanocytes, whitening of the skin. Vitiligo is a common medical complaint.~a small clumps of coagulated melanin~hair that has lost its pigment.~A~1~1~ COLD SORE is a viral infection that appears around the mouth.
CONDITIONER is creamy hair product meant to be used after shampoo.
FRECKLE is a small clumps of coagulated melanin
GREY HAIR is hair that has lost its pigment.
HYPOPIGMENTATION is caused by an absence of melanocytes, whitening of the skin. Vitiligo is a common medical complaint.
'; questions[134]='CONGENITAL is~a condition that is hereditary.~a chemical ingredients that is specifically added to hair bleach to speed up the action of the bleach without unnecessarily damaging the hair.~a non-living hair in the last stages of the hair growth cycle, it is detached from the follicle but has not yet shed.~human hair which is still in its original state and which has not been permed, colored, or chemically processed in any way.~an ingredient in skin or hair products that draws moisture from the air to moisturize.~A~1~1~ ACTIVATOR is a chemical ingredients that is specifically added to hair bleach to speed up the action of the bleach without unnecessarily damaging the hair.
CLUB HAIR is a non-living hair in the last stages of the hair growth cycle, it is detached from the follicle but has not yet shed.
CONGENITAL is a condition that is hereditary.
HUMECTANT is an ingredient in skin or hair products that draws moisture from the air to moisturize.
VIRGIN HAIR is human hair which is still in its original state and which has not been permed, colored, or chemically processed in any way.
'; questions[135]='CONTACT COOLING is~a method of cooling the epidermis immediately prior to laser irradiation in hopes of reducing or eliminating damage to the skin\'s surface.~the root of a hair, so named because it\'s wider at the base.~a substance used to relieve pain.~the bald or thinning area where hair grafts or plugs a transplanted.~a pink ointment sometimes used to treat skin irritation~A~1~1~ ANALGESIC is a substance used to relieve pain.
BULB is the root of a hair, so named because it\'s wider at the base.
CALAMINE is a pink ointment sometimes used to treat skin irritation
CONTACT COOLING is a method of cooling the epidermis immediately prior to laser irradiation in hopes of reducing or eliminating damage to the skin\'s surface.
RECIPIENT SITE is the bald or thinning area where hair grafts or plugs a transplanted.
'; questions[136]='CONTINUOUS STIMULATION TECHNIQUE is~a pain reduction method in which the client is distracted by something during treatment (music, etc).~a substance with a pH greater than 7~a treatment method which involves the manipulation of the genetic makeup.~another name for thermolysis.~a humectant which absorbs moisture from the air to keep hair moist.~A~1~1~ ALKALINE is a substance with a pH greater than 7
CONTINUOUS STIMULATION TECHNIQUE is a pain reduction method in which the client is distracted by something during treatment (music, etc).
DIATHERMY is another name for thermolysis.
GENE THERAPY is a treatment method which involves the manipulation of the genetic makeup.
GLYCERIN is a humectant which absorbs moisture from the air to keep hair moist.
'; questions[137]='CORTEX is~the main structure of the hairshaft it determines the colour and texture of the hair.~the active stage in a hair growth cycle.~hair that is cut very short with the hair hugging the head.~the process of attaching small pieces of human hair with a special adhesive and a thermal gun.~the root of a hair, so named because it\'s wider at the base.~A~1~1~ ANAGEN CYCLE is the active stage in a hair growth cycle.
BULB is the root of a hair, so named because it\'s wider at the base.
CORTEX is the main structure of the hairshaft it determines the colour and texture of the hair.
CROP is hair that is cut very short with the hair hugging the head.
FUSION is the process of attaching small pieces of human hair with a special adhesive and a thermal gun.
'; questions[138]='CORTISONE is~an anti-inflammatory sometimes linked to hair growth when taken internally.~a pigment deficiency frequently seen in middle-aged people of either sex.~a vegetable dye made from its leaves and stems into a powder.~fine, transparent nylon or silk mesh with hairs individually hand-knotted into the mesh.~a term meaning how well or effectively a cosmetic device works.~A~1~1~ CANITIES is a pigment deficiency frequently seen in middle-aged people of either sex.
CORTISONE is an anti-inflammatory sometimes linked to hair growth when taken internally.
EFFICACY is a term meaning how well or effectively a cosmetic device works.
HENNA is a vegetable dye made from its leaves and stems into a powder.
MONOFILAMENT is fine, transparent nylon or silk mesh with hairs individually hand-knotted into the mesh.
'; questions[139]='COUTURE CUT is~a high-fashion cut, which is totally exclusive and specifically tailored to your lifestyle and wardrobe.~a conductor through which electricity enters or leaves the body.~blood or pigment based visible mark~a liquid with a pH higher than 7 used in depilatory creams that dissolve hair, and galvanic electrolysis produces alkalis which can destroy a hair follicle.~the combination of sweat and sebum that provides the skin\'s protective coating.~A~1~1~ ACID MANTLE is the combination of sweat and sebum that provides the skin\'s protective coating.
ALKALI is a liquid with a pH higher than 7 used in depilatory creams that dissolve hair, and galvanic electrolysis produces alkalis which can destroy a hair follicle.
BLEMISH is blood or pigment based visible mark
COUTURE CUT is a high-fashion cut, which is totally exclusive and specifically tailored to your lifestyle and wardrobe.
ELECTRODE is a conductor through which electricity enters or leaves the body.
'; questions[140]='CREAM RINSE is~a mixture of wax, thickeners, and a group of chemicals used to coat the hair shaft and detangle after shampooing.~the darkness or lightness of a colour.~an acronym for "Sun Protection Factor" ranging from 2 to 45 with 2 being the least protection and 45 the most.~to weave strands of hair together.~a group of genetically identical cells or organisms derived form a single common cell.~A~1~1~ BRAID is to weave strands of hair together.
CLONE is a group of genetically identical cells or organisms derived form a single common cell.
CREAM RINSE is a mixture of wax, thickeners, and a group of chemicals used to coat the hair shaft and detangle after shampooing.
DEPTH is the darkness or lightness of a colour.
SPF is an acronym for "Sun Protection Factor" ranging from 2 to 45 with 2 being the least protection and 45 the most.
'; questions[141]='CROP is~hair that is cut very short with the hair hugging the head.~a chemical process by which the hair is permanently straightened.~an esther found in sunscreen and cosmetic products that can make skin sensitive.~hair loss due to inflammation of hair follicles.~a pink ointment sometimes used to treat skin irritation~A~1~1~ ALOPECIA FOLLICULARIS is hair loss due to inflammation of hair follicles.
CALAMINE is a pink ointment sometimes used to treat skin irritation
CROP is hair that is cut very short with the hair hugging the head.
PABA is an esther found in sunscreen and cosmetic products that can make skin sensitive.
RELAXER is a chemical process by which the hair is permanently straightened.
'; questions[142]='CROWN is~area at the top of the head.~a technique for drying your hair using a diffuser and your free hand.~a liquid with a pH higher than 7 used in depilatory creams that dissolve hair, and galvanic electrolysis produces alkalis which can destroy a hair follicle.~an emollient cream used to hydrate the skin.~hair loss caused by pulling out one\'s own hair, usually without realising it.~A~1~1~ ALKALI is a liquid with a pH higher than 7 used in depilatory creams that dissolve hair, and galvanic electrolysis produces alkalis which can destroy a hair follicle.
CROWN is area at the top of the head.
MOISTURIZER is an emollient cream used to hydrate the skin.
SCRUNCH DRY is a technique for drying your hair using a diffuser and your free hand.
TRICHOTILLOMANIA is hair loss caused by pulling out one\'s own hair, usually without realising it.
'; questions[143]='CRUSTING is~dried fluid that seeps from skin in some clients following hair removal such as laser, electrolysis, and depilatories.~a treatment where the follicle is disabled by the light energy making it unable to support any more hair growth.~a medical term for swelling.~the medical term for armpit, a common place for gonadal hair after puberty.~loss of hair, especially from the head, which either happens naturally or is caused by disease~A~1~1~ ALOPECIA is loss of hair, especially from the head, which either happens naturally or is caused by disease
AXILLA is the medical term for armpit, a common place for gonadal hair after puberty.
CRUSTING is dried fluid that seeps from skin in some clients following hair removal such as laser, electrolysis, and depilatories.
EDEMA is a medical term for swelling.
PERMANENT HAIR REDUCTION is a treatment where the follicle is disabled by the light energy making it unable to support any more hair growth.
'; questions[144]='CURRENT is~the flow of electricity, either alternating (AC like a wall outlet) or direct (DC like a battery).~this is the growing phase of the hair cycle which lasts about seven years in a healthy person. The active stage in a hair growth cycle.~a perm producing permanent hair waves with curls with a pH from 6.5 to 8.0.~baldness following a nervous disorder or injury to the nervous system.~used to describe getting a \'hair cut\' and having your new hairpiece styled for the first time when you first receive it.~A~1~1~ ACID PERM is a perm producing permanent hair waves with curls with a pH from 6.5 to 8.0.
ALOPECIA NEUROTICA is baldness following a nervous disorder or injury to the nervous system.
ANAGEN is this is the growing phase of the hair cycle which lasts about seven years in a healthy person. The active stage in a hair growth cycle.
CURRENT is the flow of electricity, either alternating (AC like a wall outlet) or direct (DC like a battery).
CUTTING-IN is used to describe getting a \'hair cut\' and having your new hairpiece styled for the first time when you first receive it.
'; questions[145]='CURVED FOLLICLES is~a relatively rare condition which makes certain hair removal methods more difficult and can lead to ingrown hairs.~a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.~a product that works under the surface of the skin and provides the necessary ingredients for melanin production.~a method used to disguise hair by lightening its colour~another name for Colour.~A~1~1~ ACCELERATOR is a product that works under the surface of the skin and provides the necessary ingredients for melanin production.
BLEACH is a method used to disguise hair by lightening its colour
CURVED FOLLICLES is a relatively rare condition which makes certain hair removal methods more difficult and can lead to ingrown hairs.
DANAZOL is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
DIAZOXIDE is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
DILANTIN is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
PIGMENT is another name for Colour.
'; questions[146]='CUSHING SYNDROME is~a disease caused by a tumour on the adrenal gland, which can cause excess hair growth.~a method of cooling the epidermis immediately prior to laser irradiation in hopes of reducing or eliminating damage to the skin\'s surface.~a synthetic moisturizer.~hair that has lost its pigment.~often referred to as a male hormone.~A~1~1~ ANDROGEN is often referred to as a male hormone.
CONTACT COOLING is a method of cooling the epidermis immediately prior to laser irradiation in hopes of reducing or eliminating damage to the skin\'s surface.
CUSHING SYNDROME is a disease caused by a tumour on the adrenal gland, which can cause excess hair growth.
GREY HAIR is hair that has lost its pigment.
ISOPROPYL LANOLATE is a synthetic moisturizer.
MYRISTATE is a synthetic moisturizer.
PALMITATE is a synthetic moisturizer.
'; questions[147]='CUTICLE is~the hard outer protective layer of the hair.~protective hair on the eyelid.~a light mist or spray, which when used as verb means to lightly spray your hair.~a hairpiece with layered gaps made into it.~an ingredient in skin or hair products that draws moisture from the air to moisturize.~A~1~1~ CUTICLE is the hard outer protective layer of the hair.
EYELASH is protective hair on the eyelid.
HUMECTANT is an ingredient in skin or hair products that draws moisture from the air to moisturize.
SPRITZ is a light mist or spray, which when used as verb means to lightly spray your hair.
WEAVE is a hairpiece with layered gaps made into it.
'; questions[148]='CUTTING-IN is~used to describe getting a \'hair cut\' and having your new hairpiece styled for the first time when you first receive it.~loss of pigment at small or large areas of skin/hairs.~a natural polymer obtained from sea crustaceans protects the hair.~an antiandrogen blocks the effects of androgens, normally by blocking the receptor sites.~a type of electrolysis needle.~A~1~1~ ANTIANDROGEN is an antiandrogen blocks the effects of androgens, normally by blocking the receptor sites.
BULBOUS NEEDLE is a type of electrolysis needle.
CHITOSAN is a natural polymer obtained from sea crustaceans protects the hair.
CUTTING-IN is used to describe getting a \'hair cut\' and having your new hairpiece styled for the first time when you first receive it.
VITILIGO is loss of pigment at small or large areas of skin/hairs.
'; questions[149]='CYPROTERONE ACETATE is~a drug prescribed to treat hirsuitism and androgenetic alopecia in women.~a technique under development which could make an unlimited crop of donar hair available for transplanting.~a relatively rare condition which makes certain hair removal methods more difficult and can lead to ingrown hairs.~a discoloration of skin from blood, sometimes caused by electrolysis, plucking, or waxing.~a cosmetic procedure used to smooth skin and reduce scars.~A~1~1~ BRUISE is a discoloration of skin from blood, sometimes caused by electrolysis, plucking, or waxing.
CURVED FOLLICLES is a relatively rare condition which makes certain hair removal methods more difficult and can lead to ingrown hairs.
CYPROTERONE ACETATE is a drug prescribed to treat hirsuitism and androgenetic alopecia in women.
DERMABRASION is a cosmetic procedure used to smooth skin and reduce scars.
HAIR CLONING is a technique under development which could make an unlimited crop of donar hair available for transplanting.
'; questions[150]='CYST is~a closed sac or capsule usually filled with fluid or semisolid material.~any hairpiece with a full cap which covers the hair on the head, or the entire area where hair normally grows, as a substitute for hair~a very small hair graft usually consisting of one or two hairs.~a form of skin cancer.~tea tree oil is an extraction from the Melaleuca tree.~A~1~1~ CAJEPUT is tea tree oil is an extraction from the Melaleuca tree.
CYST is a closed sac or capsule usually filled with fluid or semisolid material.
MELANOMA is a form of skin cancer.
MICRO GRAFT is a very small hair graft usually consisting of one or two hairs.
WIG is any hairpiece with a full cap which covers the hair on the head, or the entire area where hair normally grows, as a substitute for hair
'; questions[151]='DANAZOL is~a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.~hair loss due to inflammation of hair follicles.~a drug or product that limited the effects of androgens (male hormones)~a whitening of the skin sometimes caused by some types of hair removal.~a protein that catalyze (i.e. accelerate) and control the rates of chemical reactions.~A~1~1~ ALOPECIA FOLLICULARIS is hair loss due to inflammation of hair follicles.
ANTI-ANDROGEN is a drug or product that limited the effects of androgens (male hormones)
BLANCHING is a whitening of the skin sometimes caused by some types of hair removal.
DANAZOL is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
DIAZOXIDE is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
DILANTIN is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
ENZYME is a protein that catalyze (i.e. accelerate) and control the rates of chemical reactions.
'; questions[152]='DANDRUFF is~a flaking scalp due to excessive cell production.~baldness due to scarring.~a medical term for swelling.~a term describing carbon - based compounds produced by living plants, animals or by synthetic processes.~used to strengthen and rebuild the structure of the hair.~A~1~1~ CICATRICIAL ALOPECIA is baldness due to scarring.
DANDRUFF is a flaking scalp due to excessive cell production.
EDEMA is a medical term for swelling.
LIQUID HAIR is used to strengthen and rebuild the structure of the hair.
ORGANIC is a term describing carbon - based compounds produced by living plants, animals or by synthetic processes.
'; questions[153]='DEEP PENETRATING TREATMENT is~a conditioner for hair meant for occasional use.~a point midway up the hair follicle which researchers suspect must be damaged to induce permanent hair removal~a jelly like material formed by the coagulation of a liquid.~a chemical process by which the hair is permanently straightened.~an unflattering warm tone in hair colour created by chemicals or damage.~A~1~1~ BRASSY is an unflattering warm tone in hair colour created by chemicals or damage.
BULGE is a point midway up the hair follicle which researchers suspect must be damaged to induce permanent hair removal
DEEP PENETRATING TREATMENT is a conditioner for hair meant for occasional use.
GEL is a jelly like material formed by the coagulation of a liquid.
RELAXER is a chemical process by which the hair is permanently straightened.
'; questions[154]='DEPILATE is~removal of hair on the surface of the skin.~a liquid with a pH higher than 7 used in depilatory creams that dissolve hair, and galvanic electrolysis produces alkalis which can destroy a hair follicle.~a collection of fat cells resulting from poor lymphatic drainage, fluid retention, poor circulation, not drinking enough water, a sedentary lifestyle and hormones.~the amount of moisture available in the air.~excessive development of the male breasts.~A~1~1~ ALKALI is a liquid with a pH higher than 7 used in depilatory creams that dissolve hair, and galvanic electrolysis produces alkalis which can destroy a hair follicle.
CELLULITE is a collection of fat cells resulting from poor lymphatic drainage, fluid retention, poor circulation, not drinking enough water, a sedentary lifestyle and hormones.
DEPILATE is removal of hair on the surface of the skin.
GYNECOMASTIA is excessive development of the male breasts.
HUMIDITY is the amount of moisture available in the air.
'; questions[155]='DEPILATORY is~a substance used to dissolve hair above the skin\'s surface.~the flow of electricity, either alternating (AC like a wall outlet) or direct (DC like a battery).~a compound that is often used to improve the appearance and texture of the skin.~hair loss due to inflammation of hair follicles.~a viral infection that appears around the mouth.~A~1~1~ ALOPECIA FOLLICULARIS is hair loss due to inflammation of hair follicles.
COLD SORE is a viral infection that appears around the mouth.
CURRENT is the flow of electricity, either alternating (AC like a wall outlet) or direct (DC like a battery).
DEPILATORY is a substance used to dissolve hair above the skin\'s surface.
RETIN-A is a compound that is often used to improve the appearance and texture of the skin.
'; questions[156]='DEPTH is~the darkness or lightness of a colour.~a detangling aid which conditions, protects against humidity, adds shine.~the forcing of liquids into skin from the negative to the positive pole.~a perm producing permanent hair waves with curls with a pH from 6.5 to 8.0.~a recessive hereditary trait which presents as white hair due to defective melanin production thought to be caused by a mutation within genes.~A~1~1~ ACID PERM is a perm producing permanent hair waves with curls with a pH from 6.5 to 8.0.
ALBINISM is a recessive hereditary trait which presents as white hair due to defective melanin production thought to be caused by a mutation within genes.
ANAPHORESIS is the forcing of liquids into skin from the negative to the positive pole.
DEPTH is the darkness or lightness of a colour.
DIMETHICONE is a detangling aid which conditions, protects against humidity, adds shine.
'; questions[157]='DERMABRASION is~a cosmetic procedure used to smooth skin and reduce scars.~a technique used to smooth out the shaft of a loc by rolling it, with or without product, between the palms of the hands.~the resting phase in the hair cycle.~baldness following a nervous disorder or injury to the nervous system.~a product with ingredients that absorb UVA and UVB rays. Find one labeled "broad spectrum" for maximum protection.~A~1~1~ ALOPECIA NEUROTICA is baldness following a nervous disorder or injury to the nervous system.
DERMABRASION is a cosmetic procedure used to smooth skin and reduce scars.
PALM ROLLING is a technique used to smooth out the shaft of a loc by rolling it, with or without product, between the palms of the hands.
SUNSCREEN is a product with ingredients that absorb UVA and UVB rays. Find one labeled "broad spectrum" for maximum protection.
TELOGEN is the resting phase in the hair cycle.
'; questions[158]='DERMAL PAPILLA is~the structure that contains nerves and blood vessels which supply glucose for energy and amino acids to make keratin.~a group of genetically identical cells or organisms derived form a single common cell.~a procedure that does not involve tools that break the skin or physically enter the body.~pantothenic acid is a water-soluble vitamin required to sustain life.~used to oxidise artificial colour molecules. Can also lighten natural colour pigment.~A~1~1~ B5 is pantothenic acid is a water-soluble vitamin required to sustain life.
CLONE is a group of genetically identical cells or organisms derived form a single common cell.
DERMAL PAPILLA is the structure that contains nerves and blood vessels which supply glucose for energy and amino acids to make keratin.
HYDROGEN PEROXIDE is used to oxidise artificial colour molecules. Can also lighten natural colour pigment.
NON-INVASIVE is a procedure that does not involve tools that break the skin or physically enter the body.
'; questions[159]='DERMAL SHEATH is~a lining around a hair.~the surgical removal of one or both testicles or overies.~a clinical testing method in which neither patient nor doctor know what medication or procedure is being used.~an antiandrogen blocks the effects of androgens, normally by blocking the receptor sites.~the old fashioned way of removing grafts for hair transplants, usually carried out using an instrument called a trephine~A~1~1~ ANTIANDROGEN is an antiandrogen blocks the effects of androgens, normally by blocking the receptor sites.
CASTRATION is the surgical removal of one or both testicles or overies.
DERMAL SHEATH is a lining around a hair.
DOUBLE-BLIND is a clinical testing method in which neither patient nor doctor know what medication or procedure is being used.
PUNCH GRAFT is the old fashioned way of removing grafts for hair transplants, usually carried out using an instrument called a trephine
'; questions[160]='DERMATITIS is~also known as Eczema.~the flow of electricity, either alternating (AC like a wall outlet) or direct (DC like a battery).~a discoloration of skin from blood, sometimes caused by electrolysis, plucking, or waxing.~a common place for hair removal in older males.~the process of treating the signs of ageing using the latest innovative, non invasive treatments to give you visibly younger, healthy skin~A~1~1~ BRUISE is a discoloration of skin from blood, sometimes caused by electrolysis, plucking, or waxing.
CURRENT is the flow of electricity, either alternating (AC like a wall outlet) or direct (DC like a battery).
DERMATITIS is also known as Eczema.
EAR is a common place for hair removal in older males.
SKIN REJUVENATION is the process of treating the signs of ageing using the latest innovative, non invasive treatments to give you visibly younger, healthy skin
'; questions[161]='DERMATOLOGIST is~a doctor specializing in skin and hair conditions.~a technique for drying your hair using a diffuser and your free hand.~a basic colour with added tone.~a semiconductive material which mainly lets energy travel one direction and not the other.~a site where hair roots are taken from during transplant surgery.~A~1~1~ DERMATOLOGIST is a doctor specializing in skin and hair conditions.
DIODE is a semiconductive material which mainly lets energy travel one direction and not the other.
DONOR SITE is a site where hair roots are taken from during transplant surgery.
FASHION SHADE is a basic colour with added tone.
SCRUNCH DRY is a technique for drying your hair using a diffuser and your free hand.
'; questions[162]='DERMIS is~the deepest layers of the skin, where blood vessels, lymph channels, sebaceous glands, hair follicles and muscles are located.~a soft thin layer surrounding the lower two-thirds of a hair.~a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.~a hairstyle in which the hair naturally or through manipulation is encouraged to matte and form a cylindrical, rope-like pattern.~a term for fatty or greasy, usually referring to the oil-secrating glans of the scalp.~A~1~1~ DANAZOL is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
DERMIS is the deepest layers of the skin, where blood vessels, lymph channels, sebaceous glands, hair follicles and muscles are located.
DIAZOXIDE is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
DILANTIN is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
DREADLOCKS is a hairstyle in which the hair naturally or through manipulation is encouraged to matte and form a cylindrical, rope-like pattern.
OUTER ROOT SHEATH is a soft thin layer surrounding the lower two-thirds of a hair.
SEBACEOUS is a term for fatty or greasy, usually referring to the oil-secrating glans of the scalp.
'; questions[163]='DEVELOPER is~a product which oxidises artificial colour pigment.~the process by which blood clots, and can be induced by heat or chemicals.~a protein that catalyze (i.e. accelerate) and control the rates of chemical reactions.~light that stays focused, a property of lasers.~a flaking scalp due to excessive cell production.~A~1~1~ COAGULATION is the process by which blood clots, and can be induced by heat or chemicals.
COHERENT LIGHT is light that stays focused, a property of lasers.
DANDRUFF is a flaking scalp due to excessive cell production.
DEVELOPER is a product which oxidises artificial colour pigment.
ENZYME is a protein that catalyze (i.e. accelerate) and control the rates of chemical reactions.
'; questions[164]='DEXAMETHOSONE is~a steroid anti-inflammatory which sometimes causes hair growth.~a technique used to smooth out the shaft of a loc by rolling it, with or without product, between the palms of the hands.~a liquid with a pH higher than 7 used in depilatory creams that dissolve hair, and galvanic electrolysis produces alkalis which can destroy a hair follicle.~a bodily reaction to an irritant. Skin allergies can be exacerbated by solutions put on the skin.~another name for Trichoptilosis or split ends.~A~1~1~ ALKALI is a liquid with a pH higher than 7 used in depilatory creams that dissolve hair, and galvanic electrolysis produces alkalis which can destroy a hair follicle.
ALLERGY is a bodily reaction to an irritant. Skin allergies can be exacerbated by solutions put on the skin.
DEXAMETHOSONE is a steroid anti-inflammatory which sometimes causes hair growth.
PALM ROLLING is a technique used to smooth out the shaft of a loc by rolling it, with or without product, between the palms of the hands.
SCHIZOTRICHIA is another name for Trichoptilosis or split ends.
'; questions[165]='DIABETES is~a disease where the body improperly produces insulin, sometimes linked to excess hair growth.~excessive development of the male breasts.~a machine used to sterilize medical utensils and some hair removal devices.~phenol derivatives used in combination with other chemicals in permanent (two step) hair dyes.~a flat, discoloured area of skin similar to a freckle.~A~1~1~ AMINOPHENOLS is phenol derivatives used in combination with other chemicals in permanent (two step) hair dyes.
AUTOCLAVE is a machine used to sterilize medical utensils and some hair removal devices.
DIABETES is a disease where the body improperly produces insulin, sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
GYNECOMASTIA is excessive development of the male breasts.
LENTIGO is a flat, discoloured area of skin similar to a freckle.
'; questions[166]='DIAMETER is~a measurement across the width of the hair.~a product that works under the surface of the skin and provides the necessary ingredients for melanin production.~a chemical ingredients that is specifically added to hair bleach to speed up the action of the bleach without unnecessarily damaging the hair.~a method of cooling the epidermis immediately prior to laser irradiation in hopes of reducing or eliminating damage to the skin\'s surface.~the thin outer layer of skin, on top of the thicker and deeper dermis.~A~1~1~ ACCELERATOR is a product that works under the surface of the skin and provides the necessary ingredients for melanin production.
ACTIVATOR is a chemical ingredients that is specifically added to hair bleach to speed up the action of the bleach without unnecessarily damaging the hair.
CONTACT COOLING is a method of cooling the epidermis immediately prior to laser irradiation in hopes of reducing or eliminating damage to the skin\'s surface.
DIAMETER is a measurement across the width of the hair.
EPIDERMIS is the thin outer layer of skin, on top of the thicker and deeper dermis.
'; questions[167]='DIATHERMY is~another name for thermolysis.~a type of shampoo stronger than everyday shampoos and designed to remove products, hard water or chlorine residue that have built-up over time.~the bald or thinning area where hair grafts or plugs a transplanted.~selectively targeting dermal structures with light energy, without causing damage to surrounding tissue.~the process of attaching hair wefts without braids.~A~1~1~ CLARIFIER is a type of shampoo stronger than everyday shampoos and designed to remove products, hard water or chlorine residue that have built-up over time.
DIATHERMY is another name for thermolysis.
MICRO LINKING TECHNIQUE is the process of attaching hair wefts without braids.
RECIPIENT SITE is the bald or thinning area where hair grafts or plugs a transplanted.
SELECTIVE PHOTOTHERMOLYSIS is selectively targeting dermal structures with light energy, without causing damage to surrounding tissue.
'; questions[168]='DIAZOXIDE is~a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.~a central zone of cells usually only present in large thick hairs.~an acronym for "Sun Protection Factor" ranging from 2 to 45 with 2 being the least protection and 45 the most.~a chemical agent that prevent the growth of bacteria.~the practice of epilation with electrified needles.~A~1~1~ ANTISEPTIC is a chemical agent that prevent the growth of bacteria.
DANAZOL is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
DIAZOXIDE is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
DILANTIN is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
ELECTROLYSIS is the practice of epilation with electrified needles.
MEDULLA is a central zone of cells usually only present in large thick hairs.
SPF is an acronym for "Sun Protection Factor" ranging from 2 to 45 with 2 being the least protection and 45 the most.
'; questions[169]='DIFFUSER is~an adapter you put on the end of your hair dryer.~a method of relieving pain by pressing down on an area of the body.~a natural substance that gives colour (pigment) to hair and skin.~a hairspray with medium hold used on a finished style to maintain its shape and hold.~the splitting of hairs at the ends.~A~1~1~ ACUPRESSURE is a method of relieving pain by pressing down on an area of the body.
DIFFUSER is an adapter you put on the end of your hair dryer.
FINISHING SPRAY is a hairspray with medium hold used on a finished style to maintain its shape and hold.
MELANIN is a natural substance that gives colour (pigment) to hair and skin.
TRICHOPTILOSIS is the splitting of hairs at the ends.
'; questions[170]='DILANTIN is~a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.~a whitening of the skin sometimes caused by some types of hair removal.~the removal of hair below the skin\'s surface (as opposed to depilation). Epilation methods include plucking, waxing, electrolysis and laser.~a method of cooling the epidermis immediately prior to laser irradiation in hopes of reducing or eliminating damage to the skin\'s surface.~used to describe getting a \'hair cut\' and having your new hairpiece styled for the first time when you first receive it.~A~1~1~ BLANCHING is a whitening of the skin sometimes caused by some types of hair removal.
CONTACT COOLING is a method of cooling the epidermis immediately prior to laser irradiation in hopes of reducing or eliminating damage to the skin\'s surface.
CUTTING-IN is used to describe getting a \'hair cut\' and having your new hairpiece styled for the first time when you first receive it.
DANAZOL is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
DIAZOXIDE is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
DILANTIN is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
EPILATION is the removal of hair below the skin\'s surface (as opposed to depilation). Epilation methods include plucking, waxing, electrolysis and laser.
'; questions[171]='DIMETHICONE is~a detangling aid which conditions, protects against humidity, adds shine.~a technique used by hairdressers to change the thickness of the hair, creating either a thinning or thicker appearance.~the most concentrated and most fragrant scent and therefore the most expensive.~a flat, discoloured area of skin similar to a freckle.~a hair color formula that lasts only until you shampoo your hair.~A~1~1~ DIMETHICONE is a detangling aid which conditions, protects against humidity, adds shine.
LAYERING is a technique used by hairdressers to change the thickness of the hair, creating either a thinning or thicker appearance.
LENTIGO is a flat, discoloured area of skin similar to a freckle.
PARFUM is the most concentrated and most fragrant scent and therefore the most expensive.
TEMPORARY COLOR is a hair color formula that lasts only until you shampoo your hair.
'; questions[172]='DIODE is~a semiconductive material which mainly lets energy travel one direction and not the other.~a product which oxidises artificial colour pigment.~the active dissolving ingredient in many cream depilatories~a condition that is hereditary.~a type of electrolysis needle.~A~1~1~ BULBOUS NEEDLE is a type of electrolysis needle.
CALCIUM THIOGLYCOLATE is the active dissolving ingredient in many cream depilatories
CONGENITAL is a condition that is hereditary.
DEVELOPER is a product which oxidises artificial colour pigment.
DIODE is a semiconductive material which mainly lets energy travel one direction and not the other.
'; questions[173]='DIRECT CURRENT is~used in the Galvanic electrolysis method to cause a chemical reaction in the hair follicle.~the classic look of the 50s and 60s; the style was short and straight but blow-dried and curled under.~also known as Adult Acne. A disorder involving chronic inflammation of the cheeks, nose, chin, forehead or eyelids.~a steroid anti-inflammatory which sometimes causes hair growth.~the removal of dead skin cells to reveal softer skin underneath.~A~1~1~ BOB is the classic look of the 50s and 60s; the style was short and straight but blow-dried and curled under.
DEXAMETHOSONE is a steroid anti-inflammatory which sometimes causes hair growth.
DIRECT CURRENT is used in the Galvanic electrolysis method to cause a chemical reaction in the hair follicle.
EXFOLIATION is the removal of dead skin cells to reveal softer skin underneath.
ROSACEA is also known as Adult Acne. A disorder involving chronic inflammation of the cheeks, nose, chin, forehead or eyelids.
'; questions[174]='DISTORTED HAIR FOLLICLES is~a relatively rare condition in which the follicle is not straight.~the substructure that is responsible for the spectral selective absorption of electromagnetic radiation.~a tiny blood vessel at the surface of the skin that can appear as streaks or blotches.~the space/area between the eyebrows.~a pigment deficiency frequently seen in middle-aged people of either sex.~A~1~1~ BROKEN CAPILLARY is a tiny blood vessel at the surface of the skin that can appear as streaks or blotches.
CANITIES is a pigment deficiency frequently seen in middle-aged people of either sex.
CHROMOPHORE is the substructure that is responsible for the spectral selective absorption of electromagnetic radiation.
DISTORTED HAIR FOLLICLES is a relatively rare condition in which the follicle is not straight.
GLABELLA is the space/area between the eyebrows.
'; questions[175]='DONOR SITE is~a site where hair roots are taken from during transplant surgery.~the bald or thinning area where hair grafts or plugs a transplanted.~a method of epidermal cooling which cools the skin with supercooled liquid immediately before a laser pulse is applied.~a cell within the the extracellular matrix that produce new collagen molecules when stimulated.~the removal of dead skin cells to reveal softer skin underneath.~A~1~1~ DONOR SITE is a site where hair roots are taken from during transplant surgery.
DYNAMIC COOLING is a method of epidermal cooling which cools the skin with supercooled liquid immediately before a laser pulse is applied.
EXFOLIATION is the removal of dead skin cells to reveal softer skin underneath.
FIBROBLAST is a cell within the the extracellular matrix that produce new collagen molecules when stimulated.
RECIPIENT SITE is the bald or thinning area where hair grafts or plugs a transplanted.
'; questions[176]='DOUBLE-BLIND is~a clinical testing method in which neither patient nor doctor know what medication or procedure is being used.~a vegetable dye made from its leaves and stems into a powder.~hair loss caused by pulling out one\'s own hair, usually without realising it.~a microscopic band of muscle tissue which connects a hair follicle to the dermis.~the subtle lifting of color in specific sections of hair.~A~1~1~ ARRECTOR PILI MUSCLES is a microscopic band of muscle tissue which connects a hair follicle to the dermis.
DOUBLE-BLIND is a clinical testing method in which neither patient nor doctor know what medication or procedure is being used.
HENNA is a vegetable dye made from its leaves and stems into a powder.
HIGHLIGHTS is the subtle lifting of color in specific sections of hair.
TRICHOTILLOMANIA is hair loss caused by pulling out one\'s own hair, usually without realising it.
'; questions[177]='DREADLOCKS is~a hairstyle in which the hair naturally or through manipulation is encouraged to matte and form a cylindrical, rope-like pattern.~a drug used in the treatment of androgen related disorders such as female pattern baldness and hirsuitism.~human hair which is still in its original state and which has not been permed, colored, or chemically processed in any way.~a non - shiny surface that absorbs light; a dead or dull finish.~a technique used by hairdressers to change the thickness of the hair, creating either a thinning or thicker appearance.~A~1~1~ DREADLOCKS is a hairstyle in which the hair naturally or through manipulation is encouraged to matte and form a cylindrical, rope-like pattern.
LAYERING is a technique used by hairdressers to change the thickness of the hair, creating either a thinning or thicker appearance.
MATTE is a non - shiny surface that absorbs light; a dead or dull finish.
SPRIONOLACTONE is a drug used in the treatment of androgen related disorders such as female pattern baldness and hirsuitism.
VIRGIN HAIR is human hair which is still in its original state and which has not been permed, colored, or chemically processed in any way.
'; questions[178]='DYNAMIC COOLING is~a method of epidermal cooling which cools the skin with supercooled liquid immediately before a laser pulse is applied.~usually shed during the 7th month of foetal life following primary folliculo-genesis.~a tiny blood vessel at the surface of the skin that can appear as streaks or blotches.~the anagen phase of cyclic follicular activity is extended resulting in hairs gaining greater length.~a pore in the skin from which a hair grows.~A~1~1~ ACCELERATED VELLUS SYNDROME is the anagen phase of cyclic follicular activity is extended resulting in hairs gaining greater length.
BROKEN CAPILLARY is a tiny blood vessel at the surface of the skin that can appear as streaks or blotches.
DYNAMIC COOLING is a method of epidermal cooling which cools the skin with supercooled liquid immediately before a laser pulse is applied.
FOLLICLE is a pore in the skin from which a hair grows.
LANUGO HAIR is usually shed during the 7th month of foetal life following primary folliculo-genesis.
'; questions[179]='EAR is~a common place for hair removal in older males.~the volume or springiness of hair.~baldness following a nervous disorder or injury to the nervous system.~the hair\'s ability to stretch without breaking and then return to its original shape.~commonly used in the treatment of acne and other skin conditions.~A~1~1~ ALOPECIA NEUROTICA is baldness following a nervous disorder or injury to the nervous system.
AZELAIC ACID is commonly used in the treatment of acne and other skin conditions.
BODY is the volume or springiness of hair.
EAR is a common place for hair removal in older males.
ELASTICITY is the hair\'s ability to stretch without breaking and then return to its original shape.
'; questions[180]='ECCRINE GLAND is~a medical term for sweat gland. These tiny pores do not contain hair follicles.~surgical procedure that lifts and stretches the patients skin to provide a firmer more youthful look.~a common disorder characterised by inflammation of the hair follicle.~a pain reduction method in which the client is distracted by something during treatment (music, etc).~a liquid with a pH higher than 7 used in depilatory creams that dissolve hair, and galvanic electrolysis produces alkalis which can destroy a hair follicle.~A~1~1~ ALKALI is a liquid with a pH higher than 7 used in depilatory creams that dissolve hair, and galvanic electrolysis produces alkalis which can destroy a hair follicle.
CONTINUOUS STIMULATION TECHNIQUE is a pain reduction method in which the client is distracted by something during treatment (music, etc).
ECCRINE GLAND is a medical term for sweat gland. These tiny pores do not contain hair follicles.
FACE LIFT is surgical procedure that lifts and stretches the patients skin to provide a firmer more youthful look.
FOLLICULITIS is a common disorder characterised by inflammation of the hair follicle.
'; questions[181]='ECZEMA is~also called contact dermatitis, it\'s a mild inflammation of the skin.~to attach wefted hair to the natural hair with a latex or surgical type adhesive.~the body\'s shock absorber.~an ingredient that can soften or smooth.~the common name for male or female pattern baldness which depends on the genetic predisposition of the hair follicles and the levels of DHT in the body.~A~1~1~ ALOPECIA ANDROGENETIC is the common name for male or female pattern baldness which depends on the genetic predisposition of the hair follicles and the levels of DHT in the body.
BONDING is to attach wefted hair to the natural hair with a latex or surgical type adhesive.
ECZEMA is also called contact dermatitis, it\'s a mild inflammation of the skin.
EMOLLIENT is an ingredient that can soften or smooth.
SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUE is the body\'s shock absorber.
'; questions[182]='EDEMA is~a medical term for swelling.~a commonly used tool for cosmetic and surgical procedures.~also known as eczema.~a receptor which respond to touch, pain, pressure, heat and cold.~a product containing plants or ingredients made from plants.~A~1~1~ ATOPIC DERMATITIS is also known as eczema.
BOTANICAL is a product containing plants or ingredients made from plants.
EDEMA is a medical term for swelling.
LASER is a commonly used tool for cosmetic and surgical procedures.
NERVE ENDING is a receptor which respond to touch, pain, pressure, heat and cold.
'; questions[183]='EFFICACY is~a term meaning how well or effectively a cosmetic device works.~a pigment deficiency frequently seen in middle-aged people of either sex.~used to preserve the resilence and flexibility of your hair.~a disease caused by a tumour on the adrenal gland, which can cause excess hair growth.~commonly used in the treatment of acne and other skin conditions.~A~1~1~ AZELAIC ACID is commonly used in the treatment of acne and other skin conditions.
CANITIES is a pigment deficiency frequently seen in middle-aged people of either sex.
CUSHING SYNDROME is a disease caused by a tumour on the adrenal gland, which can cause excess hair growth.
EFFICACY is a term meaning how well or effectively a cosmetic device works.
ESSENTIAL FATTY ACID is used to preserve the resilence and flexibility of your hair.
'; questions[184]='ELASTICITY is~the hair\'s ability to stretch without breaking and then return to its original shape.~a Rough Blow Dry is just to remove the moisture from wet hair, i.e. just to dry the hair without styling.~human hair which is still in its original state and which has not been permed, colored, or chemically processed in any way.~a term meaning how well or effectively a cosmetic device works.~a point midway up the hair follicle which researchers suspect must be damaged to induce permanent hair removal~A~1~1~ BULGE is a point midway up the hair follicle which researchers suspect must be damaged to induce permanent hair removal
EFFICACY is a term meaning how well or effectively a cosmetic device works.
ELASTICITY is the hair\'s ability to stretch without breaking and then return to its original shape.
ROUGH BLOW DRY is a Rough Blow Dry is just to remove the moisture from wet hair, i.e. just to dry the hair without styling.
VIRGIN HAIR is human hair which is still in its original state and which has not been permed, colored, or chemically processed in any way.
'; questions[185]='ELECTROCOAGULATION is~the use of heat generated by electricity to change tissue from a fluid to a semi-solid, similar to cooking an egg.~a natural water-soluble source of acid derived from liquid silk; these acids help moisture penetrate the skin and aid in skin healing.~used to preserve the resilence and flexibility of your hair.~a procedure performed (usually with a hair dye or other potential allergen) on the skin 24 hours before its use to determine sensitivity.~an alkaline ingredient used in some permanent hair color.~A~1~1~ AMMONIA is an alkaline ingredient used in some permanent hair color.
ELECTROCOAGULATION is the use of heat generated by electricity to change tissue from a fluid to a semi-solid, similar to cooking an egg.
ESSENTIAL FATTY ACID is used to preserve the resilence and flexibility of your hair.
PATCH TEST is a procedure performed (usually with a hair dye or other potential allergen) on the skin 24 hours before its use to determine sensitivity.
SILK PROTEIN is a natural water-soluble source of acid derived from liquid silk; these acids help moisture penetrate the skin and aid in skin healing.
'; questions[186]='ELECTRODE is~a conductor through which electricity enters or leaves the body.~a small rough spot on skin chronically exposed to the sun, occurs most frequently in fair skinned people.~a chemical ingredients that is specifically added to hair bleach to speed up the action of the bleach without unnecessarily damaging the hair.~a mixture of wax, thickeners, and a group of chemicals used to coat the hair shaft and detangle after shampooing.~hair loss caused by pulling out one\'s own hair, usually without realising it.~A~1~1~ ACTINIC KERATOSIS is a small rough spot on skin chronically exposed to the sun, occurs most frequently in fair skinned people.
ACTIVATOR is a chemical ingredients that is specifically added to hair bleach to speed up the action of the bleach without unnecessarily damaging the hair.
CREAM RINSE is a mixture of wax, thickeners, and a group of chemicals used to coat the hair shaft and detangle after shampooing.
ELECTRODE is a conductor through which electricity enters or leaves the body.
TRICHOTILLOMANIA is hair loss caused by pulling out one\'s own hair, usually without realising it.
'; questions[187]='ELECTROLYSIS is~the practice of epilation with electrified needles.~tea tree oil is an extraction from the Melaleuca tree.~a relatively rare condition which makes certain hair removal methods more difficult and can lead to ingrown hairs.~the darkness or lightness of a colour.~protective hair on the eyelid.~A~1~1~ CAJEPUT is tea tree oil is an extraction from the Melaleuca tree.
CURVED FOLLICLES is a relatively rare condition which makes certain hair removal methods more difficult and can lead to ingrown hairs.
DEPTH is the darkness or lightness of a colour.
ELECTROLYSIS is the practice of epilation with electrified needles.
EYELASH is protective hair on the eyelid.
'; questions[188]='EMLA is~a prescription topical anaesthetic used by some clients of laser and electrolysis to reduce and eliminate pain.~a thickening agent and/or binding agent added to products to change their physical composition (joins two or more ingredients together).~a patented contact cooling device used in laser hair removal.~to attach wefted hair to the natural hair with a latex or surgical type adhesive.~a liquid, usually corrosive with a pH lower than 7, opposite of an alkali.~A~1~1~ ACID is a liquid, usually corrosive with a pH lower than 7, opposite of an alkali.
BONDING is to attach wefted hair to the natural hair with a latex or surgical type adhesive.
CHILLTIP is a patented contact cooling device used in laser hair removal.
EMLA is a prescription topical anaesthetic used by some clients of laser and electrolysis to reduce and eliminate pain.
EMULSIFIER is a thickening agent and/or binding agent added to products to change their physical composition (joins two or more ingredients together).
'; questions[189]='EMOLLIENT is~an ingredient that can soften or smooth.~the medical term for armpit, a common place for gonadal hair after puberty.~the process of scraping or wearing hair away.~a treatment consisting of short pulses of light sent out through an applicator that is gently pressed against the skin.~baldness due to scarring.~A~1~1~ ABRASION is the process of scraping or wearing hair away.
AXILLA is the medical term for armpit, a common place for gonadal hair after puberty.
CICATRICIAL ALOPECIA is baldness due to scarring.
EMOLLIENT is an ingredient that can soften or smooth.
IPL INTENSE PULSED LIGHT is a treatment consisting of short pulses of light sent out through an applicator that is gently pressed against the skin.
'; questions[190]='EMULSIFIER is~a thickening agent and/or binding agent added to products to change their physical composition (joins two or more ingredients together).~a type of raised darkened scar, more common with dark skin. Due to a defect in the healing process.~the addition of moisture to the skin.~the removal of hair below the skin\'s surface (as opposed to depilation). Epilation methods include plucking, waxing, electrolysis and laser.~alopecia senilis is baldness due to old age.~A~1~1~ ALOPECIA SENILIS is alopecia senilis is baldness due to old age.
EMULSIFIER is a thickening agent and/or binding agent added to products to change their physical composition (joins two or more ingredients together).
EPILATION is the removal of hair below the skin\'s surface (as opposed to depilation). Epilation methods include plucking, waxing, electrolysis and laser.
HYDRATE is the addition of moisture to the skin.
KELOID is a type of raised darkened scar, more common with dark skin. Due to a defect in the healing process.
'; questions[191]='ENDOCRINE SYSTEM is~a group of glands which maintain the body\'s internal environment through the production of hormones.~a hairpiece with layered gaps made into it.~an area of tissue erosion. They are always depressed and are due to irritation.~the medical term for beard.~to chemically straighten the hair to gently smooth out curl, reduce frizz, or create a straight style.~A~1~1~ BARBA is the medical term for beard.
ENDOCRINE SYSTEM is a group of glands which maintain the body\'s internal environment through the production of hormones.
RELAX is to chemically straighten the hair to gently smooth out curl, reduce frizz, or create a straight style.
ULCER is an area of tissue erosion. They are always depressed and are due to irritation.
WEAVE is a hairpiece with layered gaps made into it.
'; questions[192]='ENZYME is~a protein that catalyze (i.e. accelerate) and control the rates of chemical reactions.~a synthetic moisturizer.~a recessive hereditary trait which presents as white hair due to defective melanin production thought to be caused by a mutation within genes.~a group of glands which maintain the body\'s internal environment through the production of hormones.~the most difficult type of skin from which to remove hair, Type VI on the Fitzpatrick scale.~A~1~1~ ALBINISM is a recessive hereditary trait which presents as white hair due to defective melanin production thought to be caused by a mutation within genes.
BLACK SKIN is the most difficult type of skin from which to remove hair, Type VI on the Fitzpatrick scale.
ENDOCRINE SYSTEM is a group of glands which maintain the body\'s internal environment through the production of hormones.
ENZYME is a protein that catalyze (i.e. accelerate) and control the rates of chemical reactions.
ISOPROPYL LANOLATE is a synthetic moisturizer.
MYRISTATE is a synthetic moisturizer.
PALMITATE is a synthetic moisturizer.
'; questions[193]='EPIDERMIS is~the thin outer layer of skin, on top of the thicker and deeper dermis.~a medical term for the redness that sometimes follows hair removal and skin rejuvenation.~a hairspray with medium hold used on a finished style to maintain its shape and hold.~a treatment consisting of short pulses of light sent out through an applicator that is gently pressed against the skin.~a method of epidermal cooling which cools the skin with supercooled liquid immediately before a laser pulse is applied.~A~1~1~ DYNAMIC COOLING is a method of epidermal cooling which cools the skin with supercooled liquid immediately before a laser pulse is applied.
EPIDERMIS is the thin outer layer of skin, on top of the thicker and deeper dermis.
ERYTHEMA is a medical term for the redness that sometimes follows hair removal and skin rejuvenation.
FINISHING SPRAY is a hairspray with medium hold used on a finished style to maintain its shape and hold.
IPL INTENSE PULSED LIGHT is a treatment consisting of short pulses of light sent out through an applicator that is gently pressed against the skin.
'; questions[194]='EPILATION is~the removal of hair below the skin\'s surface (as opposed to depilation). Epilation methods include plucking, waxing, electrolysis and laser.~tan extraction from the Melaleuca tree.~a high-fashion cut, which is totally exclusive and specifically tailored to your lifestyle and wardrobe.~made synthetically or derived from the kernel of the coconut, it gives lather and cleans skin and hair.~a medical term for the redness that sometimes follows hair removal and skin rejuvenation.~A~1~1~ COCAMIDE DEA is made synthetically or derived from the kernel of the coconut, it gives lather and cleans skin and hair.
COUTURE CUT is a high-fashion cut, which is totally exclusive and specifically tailored to your lifestyle and wardrobe.
EPILATION is the removal of hair below the skin\'s surface (as opposed to depilation). Epilation methods include plucking, waxing, electrolysis and laser.
ERYTHEMA is a medical term for the redness that sometimes follows hair removal and skin rejuvenation.
TEA TREE OIL is tan extraction from the Melaleuca tree.
'; questions[195]='ERYTHEMA is~a medical term for the redness that sometimes follows hair removal and skin rejuvenation.~temporarily straightening the hair with a heated iron.~a flaking scalp due to excessive cell production.~another name for Colour.~a substance with a pH greater than 7~A~1~1~ ALKALINE is a substance with a pH greater than 7
DANDRUFF is a flaking scalp due to excessive cell production.
ERYTHEMA is a medical term for the redness that sometimes follows hair removal and skin rejuvenation.
PIGMENT is another name for Colour.
THERMAL PROCESS is temporarily straightening the hair with a heated iron.
'; questions[196]='ESCHAR is~a small temporary scab that occurs sometimes after electrolysis, especially after overtreatment.~a term meaning how well or effectively a cosmetic device works.~also known as Adult Acne. A disorder involving chronic inflammation of the cheeks, nose, chin, forehead or eyelids.~a discoloration of skin from blood, sometimes caused by electrolysis, plucking, or waxing.~another name for Trichoptilosis or split ends.~A~1~1~ BRUISE is a discoloration of skin from blood, sometimes caused by electrolysis, plucking, or waxing.
EFFICACY is a term meaning how well or effectively a cosmetic device works.
ESCHAR is a small temporary scab that occurs sometimes after electrolysis, especially after overtreatment.
ROSACEA is also known as Adult Acne. A disorder involving chronic inflammation of the cheeks, nose, chin, forehead or eyelids.
SCHIZOTRICHIA is another name for Trichoptilosis or split ends.
'; questions[197]='ESSENTIAL FATTY ACID is~used to preserve the resilence and flexibility of your hair.~a flat, discoloured area of skin similar to a freckle.~a natural herb that has been shown to be an effective antiandrogen.~hormone that causes masculine characteristics and affects hair growth.~a combination of water containing alcohol and fragrant oils.~A~1~1~ ANDROGEN is hormone that causes masculine characteristics and affects hair growth.
COLOGNE is a combination of water containing alcohol and fragrant oils.
ESSENTIAL FATTY ACID is used to preserve the resilence and flexibility of your hair.
LENTIGO is a flat, discoloured area of skin similar to a freckle.
SAW PALMETTO is a natural herb that has been shown to be an effective antiandrogen.
'; questions[198]='ESSENTIAL OIL is~the essence of a plant, removed by compressing, steaming, dissolving or distilling.~is used to add volume or length to your hair by bonding synthetic or real hair at your roots.~used to put protein back into the hair.~a gentle humectant, lather booster, and emulsifier used to smooth and soften the hair cuticle.~area at the top of the head.~A~1~1~ CETYL ALCOHOL is a gentle humectant, lather booster, and emulsifier used to smooth and soften the hair cuticle.
CROWN is area at the top of the head.
ESSENTIAL OIL is the essence of a plant, removed by compressing, steaming, dissolving or distilling.
HAIR EXTENSION is is used to add volume or length to your hair by bonding synthetic or real hair at your roots.
TREATMENT is used to put protein back into the hair.
'; questions[199]='OESTROGEN is~a female hormone sometimes linked to increased hair growth.~the process of treating the signs of ageing using the latest innovative, non invasive treatments to give you visibly younger, healthy skin~the darkness or lightness of a colour.~a pore in the skin from which a hair grows.~a natural water-soluble source of acid derived from liquid silk; these acids help moisture penetrate the skin and aid in skin healing.~A~1~1~ DEPTH is the darkness or lightness of a colour.
OESTROGEN is a female hormone sometimes linked to increased hair growth.
FOLLICLE is a pore in the skin from which a hair grows.
SILK PROTEIN is a natural water-soluble source of acid derived from liquid silk; these acids help moisture penetrate the skin and aid in skin healing.
SKIN REJUVENATION is the process of treating the signs of ageing using the latest innovative, non invasive treatments to give you visibly younger, healthy skin
'; questions[200]='EXFOLIATING is~the process of removing the top dead skin layers to reveal healthier, newer skin underneath.~dried fluid that seeps from skin in some clients following hair removal such as laser, electrolysis, and depilatories.~a section of skin tissue removed for clinical observation.~blood or pigment based visible mark~any hairpiece with a full cap which covers the hair on the head, or the entire area where hair normally grows, as a substitute for hair~A~1~1~ BIOPSY is a section of skin tissue removed for clinical observation.
BLEMISH is blood or pigment based visible mark
CRUSTING is dried fluid that seeps from skin in some clients following hair removal such as laser, electrolysis, and depilatories.
EXFOLIATING is the process of removing the top dead skin layers to reveal healthier, newer skin underneath.
WIG is any hairpiece with a full cap which covers the hair on the head, or the entire area where hair normally grows, as a substitute for hair
'; questions[201]='EXFOLIATION is~the removal of dead skin cells to reveal softer skin underneath.~the substructure that is responsible for the spectral selective absorption of electromagnetic radiation.~also known as eczema.~used to describe getting a \'hair cut\' and having your new hairpiece styled for the first time when you first receive it.~the root of a hair, so named because it\'s wider at the base.~A~1~1~ ATOPIC DERMATITIS is also known as eczema.
BULB is the root of a hair, so named because it\'s wider at the base.
CHROMOPHORE is the substructure that is responsible for the spectral selective absorption of electromagnetic radiation.
CUTTING-IN is used to describe getting a \'hair cut\' and having your new hairpiece styled for the first time when you first receive it.
EXFOLIATION is the removal of dead skin cells to reveal softer skin underneath.
'; questions[202]='EXTENSION is~a Hair extension of real or synthetic weaved close to the scalp in order to achieve greater length and/or fullness.~the body\'s shock absorber.~the most commonly used scale for the classification of hair loss.~a treatment method which involves the manipulation of the genetic makeup.~a combination of water containing alcohol and fragrant oils.~A~1~1~ COLOGNE is a combination of water containing alcohol and fragrant oils.
EXTENSION is a Hair extension of real or synthetic weaved close to the scalp in order to achieve greater length and/or fullness.
GENE THERAPY is a treatment method which involves the manipulation of the genetic makeup.
NORWOOD SCALE is the most commonly used scale for the classification of hair loss.
SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUE is the body\'s shock absorber.
'; questions[203]='EXTRACT is~a herbal concentrate produced by separating the essential or active part of an herb into a solvent material.~a group of glands which maintain the body\'s internal environment through the production of hormones.~a term meaning how well or effectively a cosmetic device works.~a flat, discoloured area of skin similar to a freckle.~human hair which is still in its original state and which has not been permed, colored, or chemically processed in any way.~A~1~1~ EFFICACY is a term meaning how well or effectively a cosmetic device works.
ENDOCRINE SYSTEM is a group of glands which maintain the body\'s internal environment through the production of hormones.
EXTRACT is a herbal concentrate produced by separating the essential or active part of an herb into a solvent material.
LENTIGO is a flat, discoloured area of skin similar to a freckle.
VIRGIN HAIR is human hair which is still in its original state and which has not been permed, colored, or chemically processed in any way.
'; questions[204]='EYELASH is~protective hair on the eyelid.~a doctor specializing in skin and hair conditions.~the common name for male or female pattern baldness which depends on the genetic predisposition of the hair follicles and the levels of DHT in the body.~a method of epidermal cooling which cools the skin with supercooled liquid immediately before a laser pulse is applied.~the top of the head towards the posterior position, including the area at which the hair grows in a spiral pattern.~A~1~1~ ALOPECIA ANDROGENETIC is the common name for male or female pattern baldness which depends on the genetic predisposition of the hair follicles and the levels of DHT in the body.
DERMATOLOGIST is a doctor specializing in skin and hair conditions.
DYNAMIC COOLING is a method of epidermal cooling which cools the skin with supercooled liquid immediately before a laser pulse is applied.
EYELASH is protective hair on the eyelid.
VERTEX is the top of the head towards the posterior position, including the area at which the hair grows in a spiral pattern.
'; questions[205]='FACE LIFT is~surgical procedure that lifts and stretches the patients skin to provide a firmer more youthful look.~used to positively charges the hair to provide manageability and reduces static.~an over excitation of melanocytes, darkening of the skin. Can be seen as sun-induced freckles or melasma.~the most commonly used scale for the classification of hair loss.~coarse, pigmented or non-pigmented, that exists on the scalp and grow at a rate of 1-2cm per month for up to 10 years.~A~1~1~ CATIONIC POLYMER is used to positively charges the hair to provide manageability and reduces static.
FACE LIFT is surgical procedure that lifts and stretches the patients skin to provide a firmer more youthful look.
HYPERPIGMENTATION is an over excitation of melanocytes, darkening of the skin. Can be seen as sun-induced freckles or melasma.
NORWOOD SCALE is the most commonly used scale for the classification of hair loss.
TERMINAL HAIR is coarse, pigmented or non-pigmented, that exists on the scalp and grow at a rate of 1-2cm per month for up to 10 years.
'; questions[206]='FASHION SHADE is~a basic colour with added tone.~a term for fatty or greasy, usually referring to the oil-secrating glans of the scalp.~a vegetable dye made from its leaves and stems into a powder.~effective against most bacteria occurring on the skin.~the hard outer protective layer of the hair.~A~1~1~ CUTICLE is the hard outer protective layer of the hair.
FASHION SHADE is a basic colour with added tone.
HENNA is a vegetable dye made from its leaves and stems into a powder.
SEBACEOUS is a term for fatty or greasy, usually referring to the oil-secrating glans of the scalp.
TRICLOSAN is effective against most bacteria occurring on the skin.
'; questions[207]='FEATHERING is~a cutting technique hairdressers use to take hard lines out of the hair.~the medical term for hairloss which occurs in patches on the scalp.~an organism responsible for infection.~a product containing plants or ingredients made from plants.~a vegetable dye made from its leaves and stems into a powder.~A~1~1~ ALOPECIA AREATA is the medical term for hairloss which occurs in patches on the scalp.
BACTERIA is an organism responsible for infection.
BOTANICAL is a product containing plants or ingredients made from plants.
FEATHERING is a cutting technique hairdressers use to take hard lines out of the hair.
HENNA is a vegetable dye made from its leaves and stems into a powder.
'; questions[208]='FIBROBLAST is~a cell within the the extracellular matrix that produce new collagen molecules when stimulated.~to attach wefted hair to the natural hair with a latex or surgical type adhesive.~a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.~an inflammation of the skin, a result of over production of oil and bacteria.~the body transformation of food into energy.~A~1~1~ ACNE is an inflammation of the skin, a result of over production of oil and bacteria.
BONDING is to attach wefted hair to the natural hair with a latex or surgical type adhesive.
DANAZOL is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
DIAZOXIDE is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
DILANTIN is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
FIBROBLAST is a cell within the the extracellular matrix that produce new collagen molecules when stimulated.
METABOLISM is the body transformation of food into energy.
'; questions[209]='FINISHING SPRAY is~a hairspray with medium hold used on a finished style to maintain its shape and hold.~the process by which most synthetic fiber is curled at the factory.~a common place for hair removal in older males.~a method of cooling the epidermis immediately prior to laser irradiation in hopes of reducing or eliminating damage to the skin\'s surface.~also known as eczema.~A~1~1~ ATOPIC DERMATITIS is also known as eczema.
CONTACT COOLING is a method of cooling the epidermis immediately prior to laser irradiation in hopes of reducing or eliminating damage to the skin\'s surface.
EAR is a common place for hair removal in older males.
FINISHING SPRAY is a hairspray with medium hold used on a finished style to maintain its shape and hold.
STEAMING is the process by which most synthetic fiber is curled at the factory.
'; questions[210]='FLY-AWAY HAIR is~thin hair that is charged by static and is a particular problem with straight looks as the hair just won\'t lie properly and can spoil your look.~a perm producing permanent hair waves with curls with a pH from 6.5 to 8.0.~a collection of fat cells resulting from poor lymphatic drainage, fluid retention, poor circulation, not drinking enough water, a sedentary lifestyle and hormones.~a product containing plants or ingredients made from plants.~a temporary hair extension which are glued into your hair.~A~1~1~ ACID PERM is a perm producing permanent hair waves with curls with a pH from 6.5 to 8.0.
BOTANICAL is a product containing plants or ingredients made from plants.
CELLULITE is a collection of fat cells resulting from poor lymphatic drainage, fluid retention, poor circulation, not drinking enough water, a sedentary lifestyle and hormones.
FLY-AWAY HAIR is thin hair that is charged by static and is a particular problem with straight looks as the hair just won\'t lie properly and can spoil your look.
WEFT is a temporary hair extension which are glued into your hair.
'; questions[211]='FOLLICLE is~a pore in the skin from which a hair grows.~a natural solvent in oils and creams used in shampoos and rinses to separate individual hairs so they can be thoroughly cleansed.~a method in which hair is maintained or tightened using a tool.~a small opening of the sweat glands of the skin.~a substance, such as a vitamin, which provides elements for the ongoing functioning of the body\'s metabolic processes.~A~1~1~ APPLE CIDER VINEGAR is a natural solvent in oils and creams used in shampoos and rinses to separate individual hairs so they can be thoroughly cleansed.
FOLLICLE is a pore in the skin from which a hair grows.
INTERLOCKING is a method in which hair is maintained or tightened using a tool.
NUTRIENT is a substance, such as a vitamin, which provides elements for the ongoing functioning of the body\'s metabolic processes.
PORE is a small opening of the sweat glands of the skin.
'; questions[212]='FOLLICLE SHEATH is~is used to protect the hair during its growth stage.~to attach wefted hair to the natural hair with a latex or surgical type adhesive.~coarse, pigmented or non-pigmented, that exists on the scalp and grow at a rate of 1-2cm per month for up to 10 years.~an oil or oil rich creme or lotion designed to lubricate the skin and slow moisture loss.~commonly used in the treatment of acne and other skin conditions.~A~1~1~ AZELAIC ACID is commonly used in the treatment of acne and other skin conditions.
BONDING is to attach wefted hair to the natural hair with a latex or surgical type adhesive.
FOLLICLE SHEATH is is used to protect the hair during its growth stage.
LUBRICANT is an oil or oil rich creme or lotion designed to lubricate the skin and slow moisture loss.
TERMINAL HAIR is coarse, pigmented or non-pigmented, that exists on the scalp and grow at a rate of 1-2cm per month for up to 10 years.
'; questions[213]='FOLLICULAR HAIR TRANSPLANT is~one of the latest technique for conducting hair transplants where surgeons harvest hair from naturally growing sections.~the thin outer layer of skin, on top of the thicker and deeper dermis.~a type of raised darkened scar, more common with dark skin. Due to a defect in the healing process.~the subtle lifting of color in specific sections of hair.~loss of pigment at small or large areas of skin/hairs.~A~1~1~ EPIDERMIS is the thin outer layer of skin, on top of the thicker and deeper dermis.
FOLLICULAR HAIR TRANSPLANT is one of the latest technique for conducting hair transplants where surgeons harvest hair from naturally growing sections.
HIGHLIGHTS is the subtle lifting of color in specific sections of hair.
KELOID is a type of raised darkened scar, more common with dark skin. Due to a defect in the healing process.
VITILIGO is loss of pigment at small or large areas of skin/hairs.
'; questions[214]='FOLLICULAR UNIT is~a grouping of hair that grow together and share the same blood supply.~a powder or cream preparations that dissolve hair above the surface of the skin.~a vegetable dye made from its leaves and stems into a powder.~creamy hair product meant to be used after shampoo.~any hairpiece with a full cap which covers the hair on the head, or the entire area where hair normally grows, as a substitute for hair~A~1~1~ CHEMICAL DEPILATORY is a powder or cream preparations that dissolve hair above the surface of the skin.
CONDITIONER is creamy hair product meant to be used after shampoo.
FOLLICULAR UNIT is a grouping of hair that grow together and share the same blood supply.
HENNA is a vegetable dye made from its leaves and stems into a powder.
WIG is any hairpiece with a full cap which covers the hair on the head, or the entire area where hair normally grows, as a substitute for hair
'; questions[215]='FOLLICULITIS is~a common disorder characterised by inflammation of the hair follicle.~a small rough spot on skin chronically exposed to the sun, occurs most frequently in fair skinned people.~the process of treating the signs of ageing using the latest innovative, non invasive treatments to give you visibly younger, healthy skin~a detangling aid which conditions, protects against humidity, adds shine.~the hard outer protective layer of the hair.~A~1~1~ ACTINIC KERATOSIS is a small rough spot on skin chronically exposed to the sun, occurs most frequently in fair skinned people.
CUTICLE is the hard outer protective layer of the hair.
DIMETHICONE is a detangling aid which conditions, protects against humidity, adds shine.
FOLLICULITIS is a common disorder characterised by inflammation of the hair follicle.
SKIN REJUVENATION is the process of treating the signs of ageing using the latest innovative, non invasive treatments to give you visibly younger, healthy skin
'; questions[216]='FRAGRANCE is~any natural or synthetic substance or substances use solely to impart a sweet or pleasant smell (odor) to a cosmetic product.~a more extensive and severe form of dandruff.~a very small hair graft usually consisting of one or two hairs.~a method of cooling the epidermis immediately prior to laser irradiation in hopes of reducing or eliminating damage to the skin\'s surface.~the body transformation of food into energy.~A~1~1~ CONTACT COOLING is a method of cooling the epidermis immediately prior to laser irradiation in hopes of reducing or eliminating damage to the skin\'s surface.
FRAGRANCE is any natural or synthetic substance or substances use solely to impart a sweet or pleasant smell (odor) to a cosmetic product.
METABOLISM is the body transformation of food into energy.
MICRO GRAFT is a very small hair graft usually consisting of one or two hairs.
SEBORRHOEIC DERMATITIS is a more extensive and severe form of dandruff.
'; questions[217]='FRECKLE is~a small clumps of coagulated melanin~a term describing carbon - based compounds produced by living plants, animals or by synthetic processes.~excessive development of the male breasts.~a cleansing agent that is a sodium or potassium salt of animal or vegetable fat.~discoloured skin that should be examined and approved by a physician before hair removal.~A~1~1~ BIRTHMARK is discoloured skin that should be examined and approved by a physician before hair removal.
FRECKLE is a small clumps of coagulated melanin
GYNECOMASTIA is excessive development of the male breasts.
ORGANIC is a term describing carbon - based compounds produced by living plants, animals or by synthetic processes.
SOAP is a cleansing agent that is a sodium or potassium salt of animal or vegetable fat.
'; questions[218]='FREEZING SPRAY is~a hairspray with the firmest hold used to maintain style of hard to hold hair.~removal of hair on the surface of the skin.~the medical term for eyelashes.~phenol derivatives used in combination with other chemicals in permanent (two step) hair dyes.~a non-living hair in the last stages of the hair growth cycle, it is detached from the follicle but has not yet shed.~A~1~1~ AMINOPHENOLS is phenol derivatives used in combination with other chemicals in permanent (two step) hair dyes.
CILIA is the medical term for eyelashes.
CLUB HAIR is a non-living hair in the last stages of the hair growth cycle, it is detached from the follicle but has not yet shed.
DEPILATE is removal of hair on the surface of the skin.
FREEZING SPRAY is a hairspray with the firmest hold used to maintain style of hard to hold hair.
'; questions[219]='FUSION is~the process of attaching small pieces of human hair with a special adhesive and a thermal gun.~often referred to as a male hormone.~a group of glands which maintain the body\'s internal environment through the production of hormones.~the volume or springiness of hair.~loose commercial hair.~A~1~1~ ANDROGEN is often referred to as a male hormone.
BODY is the volume or springiness of hair.
BULK HAIR is loose commercial hair.
ENDOCRINE SYSTEM is a group of glands which maintain the body\'s internal environment through the production of hormones.
FUSION is the process of attaching small pieces of human hair with a special adhesive and a thermal gun.
'; questions[220]='GEL is~a jelly like material formed by the coagulation of a liquid.~a chignon is a sophisticated, elegant up style, where long hair is twisted (either in a roll or knot) and pinned from the nape of neck.~a mixture of wax, thickeners, and a group of chemicals used to coat the hair shaft and detangle after shampooing.~a synthetic moisturizer.~a relatively rare condition which makes certain hair removal methods more difficult and can lead to ingrown hairs.~A~1~1~ CHIGNON is a chignon is a sophisticated, elegant up style, where long hair is twisted (either in a roll or knot) and pinned from the nape of neck.
CREAM RINSE is a mixture of wax, thickeners, and a group of chemicals used to coat the hair shaft and detangle after shampooing.
CURVED FOLLICLES is a relatively rare condition which makes certain hair removal methods more difficult and can lead to ingrown hairs.
GEL is a jelly like material formed by the coagulation of a liquid.
ISOPROPYL LANOLATE is a synthetic moisturizer.
MYRISTATE is a synthetic moisturizer.
PALMITATE is a synthetic moisturizer.
'; questions[221]='GENE THERAPY is~a treatment method which involves the manipulation of the genetic makeup.~the old fashioned way of removing grafts for hair transplants, usually carried out using an instrument called a trephine~a hollow or pocket in the skin.~a blister formation caused by thermal damage.~the medical term for armpit, a common place for gonadal hair after puberty.~A~1~1~ AXILLA is the medical term for armpit, a common place for gonadal hair after puberty.
GENE THERAPY is a treatment method which involves the manipulation of the genetic makeup.
INDENTATION is a hollow or pocket in the skin.
PUNCH GRAFT is the old fashioned way of removing grafts for hair transplants, usually carried out using an instrument called a trephine
VESICULATION is a blister formation caused by thermal damage.
'; questions[222]='GLABELLA is~the space/area between the eyebrows.~a fibrous protein found in hair, nails, and skin.~a product that works under the surface of the skin and provides the necessary ingredients for melanin production.~a hollow or pocket in the skin.~alopecia senilis is baldness due to old age.~A~1~1~ ACCELERATOR is a product that works under the surface of the skin and provides the necessary ingredients for melanin production.
ALOPECIA SENILIS is alopecia senilis is baldness due to old age.
GLABELLA is the space/area between the eyebrows.
INDENTATION is a hollow or pocket in the skin.
KERATIN is a fibrous protein found in hair, nails, and skin.
'; questions[223]='GLYCERIN is~a humectant which absorbs moisture from the air to keep hair moist.~an A-line Bob is a geometric bob with a straight fringe, so called because of the resemblance to the capital A.~one of the latest technique for conducting hair transplants where surgeons harvest hair from naturally growing sections.~a medical term for sweat gland. These tiny pores do not contain hair follicles.~a relatively rare condition in which the follicle is not straight.~A~1~1~ A-LINE BOB is an A-line Bob is a geometric bob with a straight fringe, so called because of the resemblance to the capital A.
DISTORTED HAIR FOLLICLES is a relatively rare condition in which the follicle is not straight.
ECCRINE GLAND is a medical term for sweat gland. These tiny pores do not contain hair follicles.
FOLLICULAR HAIR TRANSPLANT is one of the latest technique for conducting hair transplants where surgeons harvest hair from naturally growing sections.
GLYCERIN is a humectant which absorbs moisture from the air to keep hair moist.
'; questions[224]='GREY HAIR is~hair that has lost its pigment.~to attach wefted hair to the natural hair with a latex or surgical type adhesive.~a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.~a steroid anti-inflammatory which sometimes causes hair growth.~the forcing of substances into the skin from a positive to a negative pole.~A~1~1~ BONDING is to attach wefted hair to the natural hair with a latex or surgical type adhesive.
CATAPHORESIS is the forcing of substances into the skin from a positive to a negative pole.
DANAZOL is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
DEXAMETHOSONE is a steroid anti-inflammatory which sometimes causes hair growth.
DIAZOXIDE is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
DILANTIN is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
GREY HAIR is hair that has lost its pigment.
'; questions[225]='GYNECOMASTIA is~excessive development of the male breasts.~a blister formation caused by thermal damage.~is used to protect the hair during its growth stage.~commonly used to perform skin resurfacing.~caused by an absence of melanocytes, whitening of the skin. Vitiligo is a common medical complaint.~A~1~1~ CARBON DIOXIDE LASER is commonly used to perform skin resurfacing.
FOLLICLE SHEATH is is used to protect the hair during its growth stage.
GYNECOMASTIA is excessive development of the male breasts.
HYPOPIGMENTATION is caused by an absence of melanocytes, whitening of the skin. Vitiligo is a common medical complaint.
VESICULATION is a blister formation caused by thermal damage.
'; questions[226]='HAIR CLONING is~a technique under development which could make an unlimited crop of donar hair available for transplanting.~a compound that is often used to improve the appearance and texture of the skin.~the hard outer protective layer of the hair.~hair that has lost its pigment.~a treatment consisting of short pulses of light sent out through an applicator that is gently pressed against the skin.~A~1~1~ CUTICLE is the hard outer protective layer of the hair.
GREY HAIR is hair that has lost its pigment.
HAIR CLONING is a technique under development which could make an unlimited crop of donar hair available for transplanting.
IPL INTENSE PULSED LIGHT is a treatment consisting of short pulses of light sent out through an applicator that is gently pressed against the skin.
RETIN-A is a compound that is often used to improve the appearance and texture of the skin.
'; questions[227]='HAIR EXTENSION is~is used to add volume or length to your hair by bonding synthetic or real hair at your roots.~selectively targeting dermal structures with light energy, without causing damage to surrounding tissue.~a term meaning how well or effectively a cosmetic device works.~a natural herb that has been shown to be an effective antiandrogen.~a tiny blood vessel at the surface of the skin that can appear as streaks or blotches.~A~1~1~ BROKEN CAPILLARY is a tiny blood vessel at the surface of the skin that can appear as streaks or blotches.
EFFICACY is a term meaning how well or effectively a cosmetic device works.
HAIR EXTENSION is is used to add volume or length to your hair by bonding synthetic or real hair at your roots.
SAW PALMETTO is a natural herb that has been shown to be an effective antiandrogen.
SELECTIVE PHOTOTHERMOLYSIS is selectively targeting dermal structures with light energy, without causing damage to surrounding tissue.
'; questions[228]='HAIR WEAVING is~a process by which a hair piece is attached to existing hair on the head through braiding or a weaving process.~the amount of moisture available in the air.~alopecia Universalis is the term for hairloss which occurs over the entire body.~usually shed during the 7th month of foetal life following primary folliculo-genesis.~the hard outer protective layer of the hair.~A~1~1~ ALOPECIA UNIVERSALIS is alopecia Universalis is the term for hairloss which occurs over the entire body.
CUTICLE is the hard outer protective layer of the hair.
HAIR WEAVING is a process by which a hair piece is attached to existing hair on the head through braiding or a weaving process.
HUMIDITY is the amount of moisture available in the air.
LANUGO HAIR is usually shed during the 7th month of foetal life following primary folliculo-genesis.
'; questions[229]='HAIR WEFT CLIP is~used to attach hair wefts by clips.~a crystal silicate mineral compounded with elements such as aluminium, iron, magnesium, sodium, lithium, or potassium.~the resting stage of the hair cycle.~used to allow you to only pay attention to a particular area or panel of hair.~an anti-inflammatory sometimes linked to hair growth when taken internally.~A~1~1~ CATOGEN is the resting stage of the hair cycle.
CORTISONE is an anti-inflammatory sometimes linked to hair growth when taken internally.
HAIR WEFT CLIP is used to attach hair wefts by clips.
SECTIONING is used to allow you to only pay attention to a particular area or panel of hair.
TOURMALINE is a crystal silicate mineral compounded with elements such as aluminium, iron, magnesium, sodium, lithium, or potassium.
'; questions[230]='HEATCLAMP is~a heat gun that is used to seal synthetic hair. Used for creating warlocks and other styles.~a synthetic moisturizer.~also known as Adult Acne. A disorder involving chronic inflammation of the cheeks, nose, chin, forehead or eyelids.~loss of hair, especially from the head, which either happens naturally or is caused by disease~a whitening of the skin sometimes caused by some types of hair removal.~A~1~1~ ALOPECIA is loss of hair, especially from the head, which either happens naturally or is caused by disease
BLANCHING is a whitening of the skin sometimes caused by some types of hair removal.
HEATCLAMP is a heat gun that is used to seal synthetic hair. Used for creating warlocks and other styles.
ISOPROPYL LANOLATE is a synthetic moisturizer.
MYRISTATE is a synthetic moisturizer.
PALMITATE is a synthetic moisturizer.
ROSACEA is also known as Adult Acne. A disorder involving chronic inflammation of the cheeks, nose, chin, forehead or eyelids.
'; questions[231]='HENNA is~a vegetable dye made from its leaves and stems into a powder.~a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.~the process of removing the top dead skin layers to reveal healthier, newer skin underneath.~the ability to absorb moisture.~a drug or preparation used to prevent and treat infection.~A~1~1~ ANTIBIOTIC is a drug or preparation used to prevent and treat infection.
DANAZOL is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
DIAZOXIDE is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
DILANTIN is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
EXFOLIATING is the process of removing the top dead skin layers to reveal healthier, newer skin underneath.
HENNA is a vegetable dye made from its leaves and stems into a powder.
POROSITY is the ability to absorb moisture.
'; questions[232]='HIGHLIGHTS is~the subtle lifting of color in specific sections of hair.~to cancel or reduce effect.~a perm producing permanent hair waves with curls with a pH from 6.5 to 8.0.~a hairstyle in which the hair naturally or through manipulation is encouraged to matte and form a cylindrical, rope-like pattern.~a procedure designed to add strength and elasticity to the hair by adding protein to the cortex.~A~1~1~ ACID PERM is a perm producing permanent hair waves with curls with a pH from 6.5 to 8.0.
DREADLOCKS is a hairstyle in which the hair naturally or through manipulation is encouraged to matte and form a cylindrical, rope-like pattern.
HIGHLIGHTS is the subtle lifting of color in specific sections of hair.
NEUTRALISE is to cancel or reduce effect.
PROTEIN TREATMENT is a procedure designed to add strength and elasticity to the hair by adding protein to the cortex.
'; questions[233]='HIRSUTISM is~excessive hair growth, accompanied by enlarged hair follicles and increased pigmentation.~the bald or thinning area where hair grafts or plugs a transplanted.~the oily secretion of the sebaceous glands of the scalp, composed of keratin, fat or cellular debris.~also known as Adult Acne. A disorder involving chronic inflammation of the cheeks, nose, chin, forehead or eyelids.~also known as eczema.~A~1~1~ ATOPIC DERMATITIS is also known as eczema.
HIRSUTISM is excessive hair growth, accompanied by enlarged hair follicles and increased pigmentation.
RECIPIENT SITE is the bald or thinning area where hair grafts or plugs a transplanted.
ROSACEA is also known as Adult Acne. A disorder involving chronic inflammation of the cheeks, nose, chin, forehead or eyelids.
SEBUM is the oily secretion of the sebaceous glands of the scalp, composed of keratin, fat or cellular debris.
'; questions[234]='HUMECTANT is~an ingredient in skin or hair products that draws moisture from the air to moisturize.~the removal of hair below the skin\'s surface (as opposed to depilation). Epilation methods include plucking, waxing, electrolysis and laser.~a bodily reaction to an irritant. Skin allergies can be exacerbated by solutions put on the skin.~a synthetic moisturizer.~an unflattering warm tone in hair colour created by chemicals or damage.~A~1~1~ ALLERGY is a bodily reaction to an irritant. Skin allergies can be exacerbated by solutions put on the skin.
BRASSY is an unflattering warm tone in hair colour created by chemicals or damage.
EPILATION is the removal of hair below the skin\'s surface (as opposed to depilation). Epilation methods include plucking, waxing, electrolysis and laser.
HUMECTANT is an ingredient in skin or hair products that draws moisture from the air to moisturize.
ISOPROPYL LANOLATE is a synthetic moisturizer.
MYRISTATE is a synthetic moisturizer.
PALMITATE is a synthetic moisturizer.
'; questions[235]='HUMIDITY is~the amount of moisture available in the air.~a female hormone sometimes linked to increased hair growth.~a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.~a chemical ingredients that is specifically added to hair bleach to speed up the action of the bleach without unnecessarily damaging the hair.~an intensive exfoliation process that rejuvenates the skin by utilizing ultra-fine aluminium oxide crystals to remove the upper layer of the stratum corneum~A~1~1~ ACTIVATOR is a chemical ingredients that is specifically added to hair bleach to speed up the action of the bleach without unnecessarily damaging the hair.
DANAZOL is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
DIAZOXIDE is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
DILANTIN is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
OESTROGEN is a female hormone sometimes linked to increased hair growth.
HUMIDITY is the amount of moisture available in the air.
MICRODERMABRASION is an intensive exfoliation process that rejuvenates the skin by utilizing ultra-fine aluminium oxide crystals to remove the upper layer of the stratum corneum
'; questions[236]='HYDRATE is~the addition of moisture to the skin.~the process of attaching small pieces of human hair with a special adhesive and a thermal gun.~surgical procedure that lifts and stretches the patients skin to provide a firmer more youthful look.~a substance used to relieve pain.~a method of cooling the epidermis immediately prior to laser irradiation in hopes of reducing or eliminating damage to the skin\'s surface.~A~1~1~ ANALGESIC is a substance used to relieve pain.
CONTACT COOLING is a method of cooling the epidermis immediately prior to laser irradiation in hopes of reducing or eliminating damage to the skin\'s surface.
FACE LIFT is surgical procedure that lifts and stretches the patients skin to provide a firmer more youthful look.
FUSION is the process of attaching small pieces of human hair with a special adhesive and a thermal gun.
HYDRATE is the addition of moisture to the skin.
'; questions[237]='HYDROGEN PEROXIDE is~used to oxidise artificial colour molecules. Can also lighten natural colour pigment.~the hard outer protective layer of the hair.~loose commercial hair.~a conductor through which electricity enters or leaves the body.~a rounded, thick, tightly curled hair style.~A~1~1~ AFRO HAIRSTYLE is a rounded, thick, tightly curled hair style.
BULK HAIR is loose commercial hair.
CUTICLE is the hard outer protective layer of the hair.
ELECTRODE is a conductor through which electricity enters or leaves the body.
HYDROGEN PEROXIDE is used to oxidise artificial colour molecules. Can also lighten natural colour pigment.
'; questions[238]='HYDROLYZED KERATIN is~the substance that contains the "structural protein" of hair, repairs damage - active ingredient \'Liquid hair\'.~a chemical process by which the hair is permanently straightened.~a natural herb that has been shown to be an effective antiandrogen.~coarse, pigmented or non-pigmented, that exists on the scalp and grow at a rate of 1-2cm per month for up to 10 years.~a natural or neutral colour.~A~1~1~ BASIC SHADE is a natural or neutral colour.
HYDROLYZED KERATIN is the substance that contains the "structural protein" of hair, repairs damage - active ingredient \'Liquid hair\'.
RELAXER is a chemical process by which the hair is permanently straightened.
SAW PALMETTO is a natural herb that has been shown to be an effective antiandrogen.
TERMINAL HAIR is coarse, pigmented or non-pigmented, that exists on the scalp and grow at a rate of 1-2cm per month for up to 10 years.
'; questions[239]='HYPERPIGMENTATION is~an over excitation of melanocytes, darkening of the skin. Can be seen as sun-induced freckles or melasma.~a receptor which respond to touch, pain, pressure, heat and cold.~surgical procedure that lifts and stretches the patients skin to provide a firmer more youthful look.~a technique used to smooth out the shaft of a loc by rolling it, with or without product, between the palms of the hands.~the substance that contains the "structural protein" of hair, repairs damage - active ingredient \'Liquid hair\'.~A~1~1~ FACE LIFT is surgical procedure that lifts and stretches the patients skin to provide a firmer more youthful look.
HYDROLYZED KERATIN is the substance that contains the "structural protein" of hair, repairs damage - active ingredient \'Liquid hair\'.
HYPERPIGMENTATION is an over excitation of melanocytes, darkening of the skin. Can be seen as sun-induced freckles or melasma.
NERVE ENDING is a receptor which respond to touch, pain, pressure, heat and cold.
PALM ROLLING is a technique used to smooth out the shaft of a loc by rolling it, with or without product, between the palms of the hands.
'; questions[240]='HYPOPIGMENTATION is~caused by an absence of melanocytes, whitening of the skin. Vitiligo is a common medical complaint.~baldness following a nervous disorder or injury to the nervous system.~a type of shampoo stronger than everyday shampoos and designed to remove products, hard water or chlorine residue that have built-up over time.~the flow of electricity, either alternating (AC like a wall outlet) or direct (DC like a battery).~creamy hair product meant to be used after shampoo.~A~1~1~ ALOPECIA NEUROTICA is baldness following a nervous disorder or injury to the nervous system.
CLARIFIER is a type of shampoo stronger than everyday shampoos and designed to remove products, hard water or chlorine residue that have built-up over time.
CONDITIONER is creamy hair product meant to be used after shampoo.
CURRENT is the flow of electricity, either alternating (AC like a wall outlet) or direct (DC like a battery).
HYPOPIGMENTATION is caused by an absence of melanocytes, whitening of the skin. Vitiligo is a common medical complaint.
'; questions[241]='INDENTATION is~a hollow or pocket in the skin.~discoloured skin that should be examined and approved by a physician before hair removal.~a form of skin cancer.~the body transformation of food into energy.~a mixture of wax, thickeners, and a group of chemicals used to coat the hair shaft and detangle after shampooing.~A~1~1~ BIRTHMARK is discoloured skin that should be examined and approved by a physician before hair removal.
CREAM RINSE is a mixture of wax, thickeners, and a group of chemicals used to coat the hair shaft and detangle after shampooing.
INDENTATION is a hollow or pocket in the skin.
MELANOMA is a form of skin cancer.
METABOLISM is the body transformation of food into energy.
'; questions[242]='INFUSION is~tea made by steeping an herb\'s leaves or flowers in hot water.~a method in which hair is maintained or tightened using a tool.~made synthetically or derived from the kernel of the coconut, it gives lather and cleans skin and hair.~the splitting of hairs at the ends.~a detangling aid which conditions, protects against humidity, adds shine.~A~1~1~ COCAMIDE DEA is made synthetically or derived from the kernel of the coconut, it gives lather and cleans skin and hair.
DIMETHICONE is a detangling aid which conditions, protects against humidity, adds shine.
INFUSION is tea made by steeping an herb\'s leaves or flowers in hot water.
INTERLOCKING is a method in which hair is maintained or tightened using a tool.
TRICHOPTILOSIS is the splitting of hairs at the ends.
'; questions[243]='INGROWN HAIR is~a hair that does not break the surface of the skin, and grows back inward.~a liquid with a pH higher than 7 used in depilatory creams that dissolve hair, and galvanic electrolysis produces alkalis which can destroy a hair follicle.~the process of treating the signs of ageing using the latest innovative, non invasive treatments to give you visibly younger, healthy skin~a flat, discoloured area of skin similar to a freckle.~a soft thin layer surrounding the lower two-thirds of a hair.~A~1~1~ ALKALI is a liquid with a pH higher than 7 used in depilatory creams that dissolve hair, and galvanic electrolysis produces alkalis which can destroy a hair follicle.
INGROWN HAIR is a hair that does not break the surface of the skin, and grows back inward.
LENTIGO is a flat, discoloured area of skin similar to a freckle.
OUTER ROOT SHEATH is a soft thin layer surrounding the lower two-thirds of a hair.
SKIN REJUVENATION is the process of treating the signs of ageing using the latest innovative, non invasive treatments to give you visibly younger, healthy skin
'; questions[244]='INTERLOCKING is~a method in which hair is maintained or tightened using a tool.~the combination of sweat and sebum that provides the skin\'s protective coating.~a technique for drying your hair using a diffuser and your free hand.~reducing skin discomforts from irritation, blemishes, burning skin, etc.~an active agent that allows oil to mix with water.~A~1~1~ ACID MANTLE is the combination of sweat and sebum that provides the skin\'s protective coating.
INTERLOCKING is a method in which hair is maintained or tightened using a tool.
SCRUNCH DRY is a technique for drying your hair using a diffuser and your free hand.
SOOTHING is reducing skin discomforts from irritation, blemishes, burning skin, etc.
SURFACTANT is an active agent that allows oil to mix with water.
'; questions[245]='IPL INTENSE PULSED LIGHT is~a treatment consisting of short pulses of light sent out through an applicator that is gently pressed against the skin.~a disease of the skin and connective tissue that can cause hair loss over the affected areas.~an emollient cream used to hydrate the skin.~this is the complete loss of scalp hair often combined with the loss of eyebrows and eyelashes~ultraviolet radiation. The invisible spectrum of solar radiation.~A~1~1~ ALOPECIA TOTALIS is this is the complete loss of scalp hair often combined with the loss of eyebrows and eyelashes
IPL INTENSE PULSED LIGHT is a treatment consisting of short pulses of light sent out through an applicator that is gently pressed against the skin.
MOISTURIZER is an emollient cream used to hydrate the skin.
SCLERODERMA is a disease of the skin and connective tissue that can cause hair loss over the affected areas.
UV is ultraviolet radiation. The invisible spectrum of solar radiation.
'; questions[246]='ISOPROPYL LANOLATE is~a synthetic moisturizer.~a powder or cream preparations that dissolve hair above the surface of the skin.~a skin condition commonly affecting curly haired Afro-males which presents as itchy follicular papules which enlarge and become keloidal.~the old fashioned way of removing grafts for hair transplants, usually carried out using an instrument called a trephine~an over excitation of melanocytes, darkening of the skin. Can be seen as sun-induced freckles or melasma.~A~1~1~ ACNE KELOIDALIS NUCHAE is a skin condition commonly affecting curly haired Afro-males which presents as itchy follicular papules which enlarge and become keloidal.
CHEMICAL DEPILATORY is a powder or cream preparations that dissolve hair above the surface of the skin.
HYPERPIGMENTATION is an over excitation of melanocytes, darkening of the skin. Can be seen as sun-induced freckles or melasma.
ISOPROPYL LANOLATE is a synthetic moisturizer.
MYRISTATE is a synthetic moisturizer.
PALMITATE is a synthetic moisturizer.
PUNCH GRAFT is the old fashioned way of removing grafts for hair transplants, usually carried out using an instrument called a trephine
'; questions[247]='KANEKALON is~a trademark for a Japanese-made synthetic fiber which is used extensively in the manufacture of wigs and hairpieces.~dark skin discolouration on sun-exposed areas of the face and neck.~a substance used to relieve all feeling.~the active stage in a hair growth cycle.~the volume or springiness of hair.~A~1~1~ ANAESTHETIC is a substance used to relieve all feeling.
ANAGEN CYCLE is the active stage in a hair growth cycle.
BODY is the volume or springiness of hair.
KANEKALON is a trademark for a Japanese-made synthetic fiber which is used extensively in the manufacture of wigs and hairpieces.
MELASMA is dark skin discolouration on sun-exposed areas of the face and neck.
'; questions[248]='KELOID is~a type of raised darkened scar, more common with dark skin. Due to a defect in the healing process.~the anagen phase of cyclic follicular activity is extended resulting in hairs gaining greater length.~pantothenic acid is a water-soluble vitamin required to sustain life.~a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.~a receptor which respond to touch, pain, pressure, heat and cold.~A~1~1~ ACCELERATED VELLUS SYNDROME is the anagen phase of cyclic follicular activity is extended resulting in hairs gaining greater length.
B5 is pantothenic acid is a water-soluble vitamin required to sustain life.
DANAZOL is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
DIAZOXIDE is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
DILANTIN is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
KELOID is a type of raised darkened scar, more common with dark skin. Due to a defect in the healing process.
NERVE ENDING is a receptor which respond to touch, pain, pressure, heat and cold.
'; questions[249]='KERATIN is~a fibrous protein found in hair, nails, and skin.~hormone that causes masculine characteristics and affects hair growth.~a perm producing permanent hair waves with curls with a pH from 6.5 to 8.0.~a serum is a smoothing product to stop your hair from frizzing, keeping it smooth and straight.~the medical term for hairloss which occurs in patches on the scalp.~A~1~1~ ACID PERM is a perm producing permanent hair waves with curls with a pH from 6.5 to 8.0.
ALOPECIA AREATA is the medical term for hairloss which occurs in patches on the scalp.
ANDROGEN is hormone that causes masculine characteristics and affects hair growth.
KERATIN is a fibrous protein found in hair, nails, and skin.
SERUM is a serum is a smoothing product to stop your hair from frizzing, keeping it smooth and straight.
'; questions[250]='LANUGO HAIR is~usually shed during the 7th month of foetal life following primary folliculo-genesis.~a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.~a Rough Blow Dry is just to remove the moisture from wet hair, i.e. just to dry the hair without styling.~to apply directly onto the scalp.~the most difficult type of skin from which to remove hair, Type VI on the Fitzpatrick scale.~A~1~1~ BLACK SKIN is the most difficult type of skin from which to remove hair, Type VI on the Fitzpatrick scale.
DANAZOL is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
DIAZOXIDE is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
DILANTIN is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
LANUGO HAIR is usually shed during the 7th month of foetal life following primary folliculo-genesis.
ROUGH BLOW DRY is a Rough Blow Dry is just to remove the moisture from wet hair, i.e. just to dry the hair without styling.
TOPICALLY is to apply directly onto the scalp.
'; questions[251]='LASER is~a commonly used tool for cosmetic and surgical procedures.~usually shed during the 7th month of foetal life following primary folliculo-genesis.~used in the Galvanic electrolysis method to cause a chemical reaction in the hair follicle.~a chemical process by which the hair is permanently straightened.~a bodily reaction to an irritant. Skin allergies can be exacerbated by solutions put on the skin.~A~1~1~ ALLERGY is a bodily reaction to an irritant. Skin allergies can be exacerbated by solutions put on the skin.
DIRECT CURRENT is used in the Galvanic electrolysis method to cause a chemical reaction in the hair follicle.
LANUGO HAIR is usually shed during the 7th month of foetal life following primary folliculo-genesis.
LASER is a commonly used tool for cosmetic and surgical procedures.
RELAXER is a chemical process by which the hair is permanently straightened.
'; questions[252]='LAURYLDIMONIUM HYDROXYPROPL HYDROLYZED is~a conditioning agent in shampoos, which helps detangle the hair.~excessive development of the male breasts.~a prescription topical anaesthetic used by some clients of laser and electrolysis to reduce and eliminate pain.~a synthetic moisturizer.~a product that reflects all the sun\'s rays, such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide.~A~1~1~ EMLA is a prescription topical anaesthetic used by some clients of laser and electrolysis to reduce and eliminate pain.
GYNECOMASTIA is excessive development of the male breasts.
ISOPROPYL LANOLATE is a synthetic moisturizer.
LAURYLDIMONIUM HYDROXYPROPL HYDROLYZED is a conditioning agent in shampoos, which helps detangle the hair.
MYRISTATE is a synthetic moisturizer.
PALMITATE is a synthetic moisturizer.
SUNBLOCK is a product that reflects all the sun\'s rays, such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide.
'; questions[253]='LAYERING is~a technique used by hairdressers to change the thickness of the hair, creating either a thinning or thicker appearance.~a method in which hair is maintained or tightened using a tool.~a microscopic band of muscle tissue which connects a hair follicle to the dermis.~distribution of ashen and warm pigments, visual effect of gold or ash in the hair.~a substance used to relieve pain.~A~1~1~ ANALGESIC is a substance used to relieve pain.
ARRECTOR PILI MUSCLES is a microscopic band of muscle tissue which connects a hair follicle to the dermis.
INTERLOCKING is a method in which hair is maintained or tightened using a tool.
LAYERING is a technique used by hairdressers to change the thickness of the hair, creating either a thinning or thicker appearance.
TONE is distribution of ashen and warm pigments, visual effect of gold or ash in the hair.
'; questions[254]='LENTIGO is~a flat, discoloured area of skin similar to a freckle.~pantothenic acid is a water-soluble vitamin required to sustain life.~a Rough Blow Dry is just to remove the moisture from wet hair, i.e. just to dry the hair without styling.~the congenital absence of pigment in a lock of hairs which will show as grey/white.~a small blood vessel which connect the arteries and veins that feed the hair.~A~1~1~ B5 is pantothenic acid is a water-soluble vitamin required to sustain life.
CAPILLARY is a small blood vessel which connect the arteries and veins that feed the hair.
LENTIGO is a flat, discoloured area of skin similar to a freckle.
LEUCOTRICHIA is the congenital absence of pigment in a lock of hairs which will show as grey/white.
ROUGH BLOW DRY is a Rough Blow Dry is just to remove the moisture from wet hair, i.e. just to dry the hair without styling.
'; questions[255]='LEUCOTRICHIA is~the congenital absence of pigment in a lock of hairs which will show as grey/white.~baldness due to scarring.~a technique used by hairdressers to change the thickness of the hair, creating either a thinning or thicker appearance.~hair that has lost its pigment.~a perm producing permanent hair waves with curls with a pH from 6.5 to 8.0.~A~1~1~ ACID PERM is a perm producing permanent hair waves with curls with a pH from 6.5 to 8.0.
CICATRICIAL ALOPECIA is baldness due to scarring.
GREY HAIR is hair that has lost its pigment.
LAYERING is a technique used by hairdressers to change the thickness of the hair, creating either a thinning or thicker appearance.
LEUCOTRICHIA is the congenital absence of pigment in a lock of hairs which will show as grey/white.
'; questions[256]='LIPID LAYER is~is part of the structure of the hair and also form a protective barrier.~used to strengthen and rebuild the structure of the hair.~a gentle humectant, lather booster, and emulsifier used to smooth and soften the hair cuticle.~also known as Adult Acne. A disorder involving chronic inflammation of the cheeks, nose, chin, forehead or eyelids.~a medical term for the redness that sometimes follows hair removal and skin rejuvenation.~A~1~1~ CETYL ALCOHOL is a gentle humectant, lather booster, and emulsifier used to smooth and soften the hair cuticle.
ERYTHEMA is a medical term for the redness that sometimes follows hair removal and skin rejuvenation.
LIPID LAYER is is part of the structure of the hair and also form a protective barrier.
LIQUID HAIR is used to strengthen and rebuild the structure of the hair.
ROSACEA is also known as Adult Acne. A disorder involving chronic inflammation of the cheeks, nose, chin, forehead or eyelids.
'; questions[257]='LIQUID HAIR is~used to strengthen and rebuild the structure of the hair.~the thin outer layer of skin, on top of the thicker and deeper dermis.~the essence of a plant, removed by compressing, steaming, dissolving or distilling.~made synthetically or derived from the kernel of the coconut, it gives lather and cleans skin and hair.~a common disorder characterised by inflammation of the hair follicle.~A~1~1~ COCAMIDE DEA is made synthetically or derived from the kernel of the coconut, it gives lather and cleans skin and hair.
EPIDERMIS is the thin outer layer of skin, on top of the thicker and deeper dermis.
ESSENTIAL OIL is the essence of a plant, removed by compressing, steaming, dissolving or distilling.
FOLLICULITIS is a common disorder characterised by inflammation of the hair follicle.
LIQUID HAIR is used to strengthen and rebuild the structure of the hair.
'; questions[258]='LUBRICANT is~an oil or oil rich creme or lotion designed to lubricate the skin and slow moisture loss.~the process of treating the signs of ageing using the latest innovative, non invasive treatments to give you visibly younger, healthy skin~the process of attaching small pieces of human hair with a special adhesive and a thermal gun.~a pore in the skin from which a hair grows.~a whitening of the skin sometimes caused by some types of hair removal.~A~1~1~ BLANCHING is a whitening of the skin sometimes caused by some types of hair removal.
FOLLICLE is a pore in the skin from which a hair grows.
FUSION is the process of attaching small pieces of human hair with a special adhesive and a thermal gun.
LUBRICANT is an oil or oil rich creme or lotion designed to lubricate the skin and slow moisture loss.
SKIN REJUVENATION is the process of treating the signs of ageing using the latest innovative, non invasive treatments to give you visibly younger, healthy skin
'; questions[259]='LUVIMER is~a flexible resin.~the process by which blood clots, and can be induced by heat or chemicals.~this is the complete loss of scalp hair often combined with the loss of eyebrows and eyelashes~hair loss which occurs due to traction being placed on hair.~the removal of hair below the skin\'s surface (as opposed to depilation). Epilation methods include plucking, waxing, electrolysis and laser.~A~1~1~ ALOPECIA TOTALIS is this is the complete loss of scalp hair often combined with the loss of eyebrows and eyelashes
COAGULATION is the process by which blood clots, and can be induced by heat or chemicals.
EPILATION is the removal of hair below the skin\'s surface (as opposed to depilation). Epilation methods include plucking, waxing, electrolysis and laser.
LUVIMER is a flexible resin.
TRACTION ALOPECIA is hair loss which occurs due to traction being placed on hair.
'; questions[260]='MATTE is~a non - shiny surface that absorbs light; a dead or dull finish.~a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.~a bodily reaction to an irritant. Skin allergies can be exacerbated by solutions put on the skin.~a measurement of electrical current.~a hairspray with the firmest hold used to maintain style of hard to hold hair.~A~1~1~ ALLERGY is a bodily reaction to an irritant. Skin allergies can be exacerbated by solutions put on the skin.
AMPERE is a measurement of electrical current.
DANAZOL is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
DIAZOXIDE is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
DILANTIN is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
FREEZING SPRAY is a hairspray with the firmest hold used to maintain style of hard to hold hair.
MATTE is a non - shiny surface that absorbs light; a dead or dull finish.
'; questions[261]='MEDULLA is~a central zone of cells usually only present in large thick hairs.~the structure that contains nerves and blood vessels which supply glucose for energy and amino acids to make keratin.~the substance which, contained in a product, actually does the main part of the work that the product is used for.~hair loss caused by pulling out one\'s own hair, usually without realising it.~an over excitation of melanocytes, darkening of the skin. Can be seen as sun-induced freckles or melasma.~A~1~1~ ACTIVE INGREDIENT is the substance which, contained in a product, actually does the main part of the work that the product is used for.
DERMAL PAPILLA is the structure that contains nerves and blood vessels which supply glucose for energy and amino acids to make keratin.
HYPERPIGMENTATION is an over excitation of melanocytes, darkening of the skin. Can be seen as sun-induced freckles or melasma.
MEDULLA is a central zone of cells usually only present in large thick hairs.
TRICHOTILLOMANIA is hair loss caused by pulling out one\'s own hair, usually without realising it.
'; questions[262]='MELANIN is~a natural substance that gives colour (pigment) to hair and skin.~a product that reflects all the sun\'s rays, such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide.~an organism responsible for infection.~highly effective active anti-dandruff ingredient that combats bacteria on the scalp.~loss of hair, especially from the head, which either happens naturally or is caused by disease~A~1~1~ ALOPECIA is loss of hair, especially from the head, which either happens naturally or is caused by disease
BACTERIA is an organism responsible for infection.
CLIMBAZOLE is highly effective active anti-dandruff ingredient that combats bacteria on the scalp.
MELANIN is a natural substance that gives colour (pigment) to hair and skin.
SUNBLOCK is a product that reflects all the sun\'s rays, such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide.
'; questions[263]='MELANOMA is~a form of skin cancer.~discoloured skin that should be examined and approved by a physician before hair removal.~the process by which most synthetic fiber is curled at the factory.~the subtle lifting of color in specific sections of hair.~a method of relieving pain by inserting needles into the skin.~A~1~1~ ACUPUNCTURE is a method of relieving pain by inserting needles into the skin.
BIRTHMARK is discoloured skin that should be examined and approved by a physician before hair removal.
HIGHLIGHTS is the subtle lifting of color in specific sections of hair.
MELANOMA is a form of skin cancer.
STEAMING is the process by which most synthetic fiber is curled at the factory.
'; questions[264]='MELASMA is~dark skin discolouration on sun-exposed areas of the face and neck.~a synthetic moisturizer.~a process by which a hair piece is attached to existing hair on the head through braiding or a weaving process.~the resting phase in the hair cycle.~a small hair graft usually consisting of between three to ten hair roots.~A~1~1~ HAIR WEAVING is a process by which a hair piece is attached to existing hair on the head through braiding or a weaving process.
ISOPROPYL LANOLATE is a synthetic moisturizer.
MELASMA is dark skin discolouration on sun-exposed areas of the face and neck.
MINI GRAFT is a small hair graft usually consisting of between three to ten hair roots.
MYRISTATE is a synthetic moisturizer.
PALMITATE is a synthetic moisturizer.
TELOGEN is the resting phase in the hair cycle.
'; questions[265]='METABOLISM is~the body transformation of food into energy.~commonly used in the treatment of acne and other skin conditions.~the soft downy hair found covering the body.~a polymer on the basis of acrylic acid. Provides a thickening, gelling action and consistency regulator for cosmetic products.~a point midway up the hair follicle which researchers suspect must be damaged to induce permanent hair removal~A~1~1~ AZELAIC ACID is commonly used in the treatment of acne and other skin conditions.
BULGE is a point midway up the hair follicle which researchers suspect must be damaged to induce permanent hair removal
CARBOMER is a polymer on the basis of acrylic acid. Provides a thickening, gelling action and consistency regulator for cosmetic products.
METABOLISM is the body transformation of food into energy.
VELLUS is the soft downy hair found covering the body.
'; questions[266]='MICRO GRAFT is~a very small hair graft usually consisting of one or two hairs.~hormone that causes masculine characteristics and affects hair growth.~a lining around a hair.~the body\'s shock absorber.~an alkaline ingredient used in some permanent hair color.~A~1~1~ AMMONIA is an alkaline ingredient used in some permanent hair color.
ANDROGEN is hormone that causes masculine characteristics and affects hair growth.
DERMAL SHEATH is a lining around a hair.
MICRO GRAFT is a very small hair graft usually consisting of one or two hairs.
SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUE is the body\'s shock absorber.
'; questions[267]='MICRO LINKING TECHNIQUE is~the process of attaching hair wefts without braids.~a small rough spot on skin chronically exposed to the sun, occurs most frequently in fair skinned people.~the process of scraping or wearing hair away.~chronic skin inflamation characterised by frequent episodes of redness, itching and thick, dry scales.~the forcing of substances into the skin from a positive to a negative pole.~A~1~1~ ABRASION is the process of scraping or wearing hair away.
ACTINIC KERATOSIS is a small rough spot on skin chronically exposed to the sun, occurs most frequently in fair skinned people.
CATAPHORESIS is the forcing of substances into the skin from a positive to a negative pole.
MICRO LINKING TECHNIQUE is the process of attaching hair wefts without braids.
PSORIASIS is chronic skin inflamation characterised by frequent episodes of redness, itching and thick, dry scales.
'; questions[268]='MICRODERMABRASION is~an intensive exfoliation process that rejuvenates the skin by utilizing ultra-fine aluminium oxide crystals to remove the upper layer of the stratum corneum~a procedure that does not involve tools that break the skin or physically enter the body.~a microscopic band of muscle tissue which connects a hair follicle to the dermis.~a jelly like material formed by the coagulation of a liquid.~the process of attaching small pieces of human hair with a special adhesive and a thermal gun.~A~1~1~ ARRECTOR PILI MUSCLES is a microscopic band of muscle tissue which connects a hair follicle to the dermis.
FUSION is the process of attaching small pieces of human hair with a special adhesive and a thermal gun.
GEL is a jelly like material formed by the coagulation of a liquid.
MICRODERMABRASION is an intensive exfoliation process that rejuvenates the skin by utilizing ultra-fine aluminium oxide crystals to remove the upper layer of the stratum corneum
NON-INVASIVE is a procedure that does not involve tools that break the skin or physically enter the body.
'; questions[269]='MINI GRAFT is~a small hair graft usually consisting of between three to ten hair roots.~a type of shampoo stronger than everyday shampoos and designed to remove products, hard water or chlorine residue that have built-up over time.~a treatment where the follicle is disabled by the light energy making it unable to support any more hair growth.~an emollient cream used to hydrate the skin.~a parting or a cornrow that establishes the placement pattern of wefts or strand additions.~A~1~1~ CLARIFIER is a type of shampoo stronger than everyday shampoos and designed to remove products, hard water or chlorine residue that have built-up over time.
MINI GRAFT is a small hair graft usually consisting of between three to ten hair roots.
MOISTURIZER is an emollient cream used to hydrate the skin.
PERMANENT HAIR REDUCTION is a treatment where the follicle is disabled by the light energy making it unable to support any more hair growth.
TRACK is a parting or a cornrow that establishes the placement pattern of wefts or strand additions.
'; questions[270]='MOISTURIZER is~an emollient cream used to hydrate the skin.~a serum is a smoothing product to stop your hair from frizzing, keeping it smooth and straight.~a method of relieving pain by pressing down on an area of the body.~an A-line Bob is a geometric bob with a straight fringe, so called because of the resemblance to the capital A.~phenol derivatives used in combination with other chemicals in permanent (two step) hair dyes.~A~1~1~ ACUPRESSURE is a method of relieving pain by pressing down on an area of the body.
A-LINE BOB is an A-line Bob is a geometric bob with a straight fringe, so called because of the resemblance to the capital A.
AMINOPHENOLS is phenol derivatives used in combination with other chemicals in permanent (two step) hair dyes.
MOISTURIZER is an emollient cream used to hydrate the skin.
SERUM is a serum is a smoothing product to stop your hair from frizzing, keeping it smooth and straight.
'; questions[271]='MONOFILAMENT is~fine, transparent nylon or silk mesh with hairs individually hand-knotted into the mesh.~the medical term for beard.~a non - shiny surface that absorbs light; a dead or dull finish.~the oily secretion of the sebaceous glands of the scalp, composed of keratin, fat or cellular debris.~a relatively rare condition which makes certain hair removal methods more difficult and can lead to ingrown hairs.~A~1~1~ BARBA is the medical term for beard.
CURVED FOLLICLES is a relatively rare condition which makes certain hair removal methods more difficult and can lead to ingrown hairs.
MATTE is a non - shiny surface that absorbs light; a dead or dull finish.
MONOFILAMENT is fine, transparent nylon or silk mesh with hairs individually hand-knotted into the mesh.
SEBUM is the oily secretion of the sebaceous glands of the scalp, composed of keratin, fat or cellular debris.
'; questions[272]='MYRISTATE is~a synthetic moisturizer.~the bald or thinning area where hair grafts or plugs a transplanted.~a hairpiece with layered gaps made into it.~a substance with a pH greater than 7~the surgical removal of one or both testicles or overies.~A~1~1~ ALKALINE is a substance with a pH greater than 7
CASTRATION is the surgical removal of one or both testicles or overies.
ISOPROPYL LANOLATE is a synthetic moisturizer.
MYRISTATE is a synthetic moisturizer.
PALMITATE is a synthetic moisturizer.
RECIPIENT SITE is the bald or thinning area where hair grafts or plugs a transplanted.
WEAVE is a hairpiece with layered gaps made into it.
'; questions[273]='NERVE ENDING is~a receptor which respond to touch, pain, pressure, heat and cold.~a method of epidermal cooling which cools the skin with supercooled liquid immediately before a laser pulse is applied.~a natural herb that has been shown to be an effective antiandrogen.~used to describe getting a \'hair cut\' and having your new hairpiece styled for the first time when you first receive it.~reducing skin discomforts from irritation, blemishes, burning skin, etc.~A~1~1~ CUTTING-IN is used to describe getting a \'hair cut\' and having your new hairpiece styled for the first time when you first receive it.
DYNAMIC COOLING is a method of epidermal cooling which cools the skin with supercooled liquid immediately before a laser pulse is applied.
NERVE ENDING is a receptor which respond to touch, pain, pressure, heat and cold.
SAW PALMETTO is a natural herb that has been shown to be an effective antiandrogen.
SOOTHING is reducing skin discomforts from irritation, blemishes, burning skin, etc.
'; questions[274]='NEUTRALISE is~to cancel or reduce effect.~a combination of water containing alcohol and fragrant oils.~protective hair on the eyelid.~used to allow you to only pay attention to a particular area or panel of hair.~distribution of ashen and warm pigments, visual effect of gold or ash in the hair.~A~1~1~ COLOGNE is a combination of water containing alcohol and fragrant oils.
EYELASH is protective hair on the eyelid.
NEUTRALISE is to cancel or reduce effect.
SECTIONING is used to allow you to only pay attention to a particular area or panel of hair.
TONE is distribution of ashen and warm pigments, visual effect of gold or ash in the hair.
'; questions[275]='NON-INVASIVE is~a procedure that does not involve tools that break the skin or physically enter the body.~a small opening of the sweat glands of the skin.~an adapter you put on the end of your hair dryer.~a light mist or spray, which when used as verb means to lightly spray your hair.~the forehead, nose and chin areas, which tend to be oilier than the cheeks.~A~1~1~ DIFFUSER is an adapter you put on the end of your hair dryer.
NON-INVASIVE is a procedure that does not involve tools that break the skin or physically enter the body.
PORE is a small opening of the sweat glands of the skin.
SPRITZ is a light mist or spray, which when used as verb means to lightly spray your hair.
T-ZONE is the forehead, nose and chin areas, which tend to be oilier than the cheeks.
'; questions[276]='NORWOOD SCALE is~the most commonly used scale for the classification of hair loss.~is part of the structure of the hair and also form a protective barrier.~blood or pigment based visible mark~temporarily straightening the hair with a heated iron.~a natural herb that has been shown to be an effective antiandrogen.~A~1~1~ BLEMISH is blood or pigment based visible mark
LIPID LAYER is is part of the structure of the hair and also form a protective barrier.
NORWOOD SCALE is the most commonly used scale for the classification of hair loss.
SAW PALMETTO is a natural herb that has been shown to be an effective antiandrogen.
THERMAL PROCESS is temporarily straightening the hair with a heated iron.
'; questions[277]='NUTRIENT is~a substance, such as a vitamin, which provides elements for the ongoing functioning of the body\'s metabolic processes.~an ingredient that can soften or smooth.~the hard outer protective layer of the hair.~the process of attaching small pieces of human hair with a special adhesive and a thermal gun.~a technique used to smooth out the shaft of a loc by rolling it, with or without product, between the palms of the hands.~A~1~1~ CUTICLE is the hard outer protective layer of the hair.
EMOLLIENT is an ingredient that can soften or smooth.
FUSION is the process of attaching small pieces of human hair with a special adhesive and a thermal gun.
NUTRIENT is a substance, such as a vitamin, which provides elements for the ongoing functioning of the body\'s metabolic processes.
PALM ROLLING is a technique used to smooth out the shaft of a loc by rolling it, with or without product, between the palms of the hands.
'; questions[278]='ORGANIC is~a term describing carbon - based compounds produced by living plants, animals or by synthetic processes.~a protein that holds all connective tissue together under the skin.~a cutting technique hairdressers use to take hard lines out of the hair.~commonly known as Cafe au Lait stain, birthmark, age spot or freckle.~a natural herb that has been shown to be an effective antiandrogen.~A~1~1~ COLLAGEN is a protein that holds all connective tissue together under the skin.
FEATHERING is a cutting technique hairdressers use to take hard lines out of the hair.
ORGANIC is a term describing carbon - based compounds produced by living plants, animals or by synthetic processes.
PIGMENTED LESION is commonly known as Cafe au Lait stain, birthmark, age spot or freckle.
SAW PALMETTO is a natural herb that has been shown to be an effective antiandrogen.
'; questions[279]='OUTER ROOT SHEATH is~a soft thin layer surrounding the lower two-thirds of a hair.~a temporary hair extension which are glued into your hair.~a collection of fat cells resulting from poor lymphatic drainage, fluid retention, poor circulation, not drinking enough water, a sedentary lifestyle and hormones.~an A-line Bob is a geometric bob with a straight fringe, so called because of the resemblance to the capital A.~another name for Trichoptilosis. There is no way to repair split ends; when they occur, the hair must be trimmed.~A~1~1~ A-LINE BOB is an A-line Bob is a geometric bob with a straight fringe, so called because of the resemblance to the capital A.
CELLULITE is a collection of fat cells resulting from poor lymphatic drainage, fluid retention, poor circulation, not drinking enough water, a sedentary lifestyle and hormones.
OUTER ROOT SHEATH is a soft thin layer surrounding the lower two-thirds of a hair.
SPLIT END is another name for Trichoptilosis. There is no way to repair split ends; when they occur, the hair must be trimmed.
WEFT is a temporary hair extension which are glued into your hair.
'; questions[280]='OVERTREATMENT is~overly aggressive treatment to remove hair which leads to temporary or permanent skin damage.~to chemically straighten the hair to gently smooth out curl, reduce frizz, or create a straight style.~excessive development of the male breasts.~phenol derivatives used in combination with other chemicals in permanent (two step) hair dyes.~a chemical ingredients that is specifically added to hair bleach to speed up the action of the bleach without unnecessarily damaging the hair.~A~1~1~ ACTIVATOR is a chemical ingredients that is specifically added to hair bleach to speed up the action of the bleach without unnecessarily damaging the hair.
AMINOPHENOLS is phenol derivatives used in combination with other chemicals in permanent (two step) hair dyes.
GYNECOMASTIA is excessive development of the male breasts.
OVERTREATMENT is overly aggressive treatment to remove hair which leads to temporary or permanent skin damage.
RELAX is to chemically straighten the hair to gently smooth out curl, reduce frizz, or create a straight style.
'; questions[281]='OXIDATION COLOUR is~a colour which requires oxygen to make it work.~hair that has lost its pigment.~commonly used in the treatment of acne and other skin conditions.~a small rough spot on skin chronically exposed to the sun, occurs most frequently in fair skinned people.~a medical term for the redness that sometimes follows hair removal and skin rejuvenation.~A~1~1~ ACTINIC KERATOSIS is a small rough spot on skin chronically exposed to the sun, occurs most frequently in fair skinned people.
AZELAIC ACID is commonly used in the treatment of acne and other skin conditions.
ERYTHEMA is a medical term for the redness that sometimes follows hair removal and skin rejuvenation.
GREY HAIR is hair that has lost its pigment.
OXIDATION COLOUR is a colour which requires oxygen to make it work.
'; questions[282]='PABA is~an esther found in sunscreen and cosmetic products that can make skin sensitive.~an oil or oil rich creme or lotion designed to lubricate the skin and slow moisture loss.~a conditioner for hair meant for occasional use.~a synthetic moisturizer.~a chemical substance found in plants and animals. The building blocks of hair.~A~1~1~ AMINO ACID is a chemical substance found in plants and animals. The building blocks of hair.
DEEP PENETRATING TREATMENT is a conditioner for hair meant for occasional use.
ISOPROPYL LANOLATE is a synthetic moisturizer.
LUBRICANT is an oil or oil rich creme or lotion designed to lubricate the skin and slow moisture loss.
MYRISTATE is a synthetic moisturizer.
PABA is an esther found in sunscreen and cosmetic products that can make skin sensitive.
PALMITATE is a synthetic moisturizer.
'; questions[283]='PALM ROLLING is~a technique used to smooth out the shaft of a loc by rolling it, with or without product, between the palms of the hands.~a substance used to dissolve hair above the skin\'s surface.~a protein that catalyze (i.e. accelerate) and control the rates of chemical reactions.~used to attach hair wefts by clips.~the anagen phase of cyclic follicular activity is extended resulting in hairs gaining greater length.~A~1~1~ ACCELERATED VELLUS SYNDROME is the anagen phase of cyclic follicular activity is extended resulting in hairs gaining greater length.
DEPILATORY is a substance used to dissolve hair above the skin\'s surface.
ENZYME is a protein that catalyze (i.e. accelerate) and control the rates of chemical reactions.
HAIR WEFT CLIP is used to attach hair wefts by clips.
PALM ROLLING is a technique used to smooth out the shaft of a loc by rolling it, with or without product, between the palms of the hands.
'; questions[284]='PALMITATE is~a synthetic moisturizer.~also called contact dermatitis, it\'s a mild inflammation of the skin.~a combination of water containing alcohol and fragrant oils.~the type of electricity that comes from a wall outlet (AC), as opposed to direct current (DC).~a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.~A~1~1~ ALTERNATING CURRENT is the type of electricity that comes from a wall outlet (AC), as opposed to direct current (DC).
COLOGNE is a combination of water containing alcohol and fragrant oils.
DANAZOL is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
DIAZOXIDE is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
DILANTIN is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
ECZEMA is also called contact dermatitis, it\'s a mild inflammation of the skin.
ISOPROPYL LANOLATE is a synthetic moisturizer.
MYRISTATE is a synthetic moisturizer.
PALMITATE is a synthetic moisturizer.
'; questions[285]='PANTHENOL is~an aid to detangling. Provides volume, control and shine.~an antiandrogen blocks the effects of androgens, normally by blocking the receptor sites.~also called contact dermatitis, it\'s a mild inflammation of the skin.~a section of skin tissue removed for clinical observation.~a mild relaxing treatment.~A~1~1~ ANTIANDROGEN is an antiandrogen blocks the effects of androgens, normally by blocking the receptor sites.
BIOPSY is a section of skin tissue removed for clinical observation.
ECZEMA is also called contact dermatitis, it\'s a mild inflammation of the skin.
PANTHENOL is an aid to detangling. Provides volume, control and shine.
TEXTURIZER is a mild relaxing treatment.
'; questions[286]='PANTOTHENIC ACID is~also called vitamin B5 (a B vitamin), is a water-soluble vitamin required to sustain life (essential nutrient).~used in many products for blonde hair to enhance color.~a modality of electrolysis which uses both thermolysis and galvanic methods.~a pink ointment sometimes used to treat skin irritation~to cancel or reduce effect.~A~1~1~ BLEND is a modality of electrolysis which uses both thermolysis and galvanic methods.
CALAMINE is a pink ointment sometimes used to treat skin irritation
CHAMOMILE is used in many products for blonde hair to enhance color.
NEUTRALISE is to cancel or reduce effect.
PANTOTHENIC ACID is also called vitamin B5 (a B vitamin), is a water-soluble vitamin required to sustain life (essential nutrient).
'; questions[287]='PAPILLA is~the small area at the base of the hair root which provides nutrients needed for growth.~commonly used to perform skin resurfacing.~used to allow you to only pay attention to a particular area or panel of hair.~a temporary hair extension which are glued into your hair.~a predominantly male hormone which promotes the development of male characteristics.~A~1~1~ CARBON DIOXIDE LASER is commonly used to perform skin resurfacing.
PAPILLA is the small area at the base of the hair root which provides nutrients needed for growth.
SECTIONING is used to allow you to only pay attention to a particular area or panel of hair.
TESTOSTERONE is a predominantly male hormone which promotes the development of male characteristics.
WEFT is a temporary hair extension which are glued into your hair.
'; questions[288]='PARFUM is~the most concentrated and most fragrant scent and therefore the most expensive.~the process by which blood clots, and can be induced by heat or chemicals.~the process of treating the signs of ageing using the latest innovative, non invasive treatments to give you visibly younger, healthy skin~a section of skin tissue removed for clinical observation.~a thickening agent and/or binding agent added to products to change their physical composition (joins two or more ingredients together).~A~1~1~ BIOPSY is a section of skin tissue removed for clinical observation.
COAGULATION is the process by which blood clots, and can be induced by heat or chemicals.
EMULSIFIER is a thickening agent and/or binding agent added to products to change their physical composition (joins two or more ingredients together).
PARFUM is the most concentrated and most fragrant scent and therefore the most expensive.
SKIN REJUVENATION is the process of treating the signs of ageing using the latest innovative, non invasive treatments to give you visibly younger, healthy skin
'; questions[289]='PATCH TEST is~a procedure performed (usually with a hair dye or other potential allergen) on the skin 24 hours before its use to determine sensitivity.~it is a water/gel-like substance that is known for its ability to soothe irritated skin, especially sunburned skin.~hair loss which occurs due to traction being placed on hair.~a substance used to relieve pain.~phenol derivatives used in combination with other chemicals in permanent (two step) hair dyes.~A~1~1~ ALOE VERA is it is a water/gel-like substance that is known for its ability to soothe irritated skin, especially sunburned skin.
AMINOPHENOLS is phenol derivatives used in combination with other chemicals in permanent (two step) hair dyes.
ANALGESIC is a substance used to relieve pain.
PATCH TEST is a procedure performed (usually with a hair dye or other potential allergen) on the skin 24 hours before its use to determine sensitivity.
TRACTION ALOPECIA is hair loss which occurs due to traction being placed on hair.
'; questions[290]='PERMANENT HAIR REDUCTION is~a treatment where the follicle is disabled by the light energy making it unable to support any more hair growth.~another name for Colour.~being able to dissolve into, or being compatible with, another substance.~the active stage in a hair growth cycle.~a non-living hair in the last stages of the hair growth cycle, it is detached from the follicle but has not yet shed.~A~1~1~ ANAGEN CYCLE is the active stage in a hair growth cycle.
CLUB HAIR is a non-living hair in the last stages of the hair growth cycle, it is detached from the follicle but has not yet shed.
PERMANENT HAIR REDUCTION is a treatment where the follicle is disabled by the light energy making it unable to support any more hair growth.
PIGMENT is another name for Colour.
SOLUBLE is being able to dissolve into, or being compatible with, another substance.
'; questions[291]='PH is~used to measure acidity in cosmetic preparations.~an active agent that allows oil to mix with water.~a section of skin tissue removed for clinical observation.~a technique used by hairdressers to change the thickness of the hair, creating either a thinning or thicker appearance.~a semiconductive material which mainly lets energy travel one direction and not the other.~A~1~1~ BIOPSY is a section of skin tissue removed for clinical observation.
DIODE is a semiconductive material which mainly lets energy travel one direction and not the other.
LAYERING is a technique used by hairdressers to change the thickness of the hair, creating either a thinning or thicker appearance.
PH is used to measure acidity in cosmetic preparations.
SURFACTANT is an active agent that allows oil to mix with water.
'; questions[292]='PIGMENT is~another name for Colour.~a recessive hereditary trait which presents as white hair due to defective melanin production thought to be caused by a mutation within genes.~the classic look of the 50s and 60s; the style was short and straight but blow-dried and curled under.~a process by which a hair piece is attached to existing hair on the head through braiding or a weaving process.~allergen is a substance that causes an allergic reaction.~A~1~1~ ALBINISM is a recessive hereditary trait which presents as white hair due to defective melanin production thought to be caused by a mutation within genes.
ALLERGEN is allergen is a substance that causes an allergic reaction.
BOB is the classic look of the 50s and 60s; the style was short and straight but blow-dried and curled under.
HAIR WEAVING is a process by which a hair piece is attached to existing hair on the head through braiding or a weaving process.
PIGMENT is another name for Colour.
'; questions[293]='PIGMENTED LESION is~commonly known as Cafe au Lait stain, birthmark, age spot or freckle.~a drug or preparation used to prevent and treat infection.~is part of the structure of the hair and also form a protective barrier.~the amount of moisture available in the air.~the bald or thinning area where hair grafts or plugs a transplanted.~A~1~1~ ANTIBIOTIC is a drug or preparation used to prevent and treat infection.
HUMIDITY is the amount of moisture available in the air.
LIPID LAYER is is part of the structure of the hair and also form a protective barrier.
PIGMENTED LESION is commonly known as Cafe au Lait stain, birthmark, age spot or freckle.
RECIPIENT SITE is the bald or thinning area where hair grafts or plugs a transplanted.
'; questions[294]='PORE is~a small opening of the sweat glands of the skin.~effective against most bacteria occurring on the skin.~ultraviolet radiation. The invisible spectrum of solar radiation.~hair loss which occurs due to traction being placed on hair.~used to allow you to only pay attention to a particular area or panel of hair.~A~1~1~ PORE is a small opening of the sweat glands of the skin.
SECTIONING is used to allow you to only pay attention to a particular area or panel of hair.
TRACTION ALOPECIA is hair loss which occurs due to traction being placed on hair.
TRICLOSAN is effective against most bacteria occurring on the skin.
UV is ultraviolet radiation. The invisible spectrum of solar radiation.
'; questions[295]='POROSITY is~the ability to absorb moisture.~a whitening of the skin sometimes caused by some types of hair removal.~a non - shiny surface that absorbs light; a dead or dull finish.~baldness following a nervous disorder or injury to the nervous system.~a blister formation caused by thermal damage.~A~1~1~ ALOPECIA NEUROTICA is baldness following a nervous disorder or injury to the nervous system.
BLANCHING is a whitening of the skin sometimes caused by some types of hair removal.
MATTE is a non - shiny surface that absorbs light; a dead or dull finish.
POROSITY is the ability to absorb moisture.
VESICULATION is a blister formation caused by thermal damage.
'; questions[296]='PROTEIN TREATMENT is~a procedure designed to add strength and elasticity to the hair by adding protein to the cortex.~also known as eczema.~a disease caused by a tumour on the adrenal gland, which can cause excess hair growth.~a Hair extension of real or synthetic weaved close to the scalp in order to achieve greater length and/or fullness.~a natural herb that has been shown to be an effective antiandrogen.~A~1~1~ ATOPIC DERMATITIS is also known as eczema.
CUSHING SYNDROME is a disease caused by a tumour on the adrenal gland, which can cause excess hair growth.
EXTENSION is a Hair extension of real or synthetic weaved close to the scalp in order to achieve greater length and/or fullness.
PROTEIN TREATMENT is a procedure designed to add strength and elasticity to the hair by adding protein to the cortex.
SAW PALMETTO is a natural herb that has been shown to be an effective antiandrogen.
'; questions[297]='PSORIASIS is~chronic skin inflamation characterised by frequent episodes of redness, itching and thick, dry scales.~a small fluid-filled bubble on the skin caused by heat from over treatment with certain types of hair removal.~a term for fatty or greasy, usually referring to the oil-secrating glans of the scalp.~a drug used in the treatment of androgen related disorders such as female pattern baldness and hirsuitism.~the bald or thinning area where hair grafts or plugs a transplanted.~A~1~1~ BLISTER is a small fluid-filled bubble on the skin caused by heat from over treatment with certain types of hair removal.
PSORIASIS is chronic skin inflamation characterised by frequent episodes of redness, itching and thick, dry scales.
RECIPIENT SITE is the bald or thinning area where hair grafts or plugs a transplanted.
SEBACEOUS is a term for fatty or greasy, usually referring to the oil-secrating glans of the scalp.
SPRIONOLACTONE is a drug used in the treatment of androgen related disorders such as female pattern baldness and hirsuitism.
'; questions[298]='PUNCH GRAFT is~the old fashioned way of removing grafts for hair transplants, usually carried out using an instrument called a trephine~the anagen phase of cyclic follicular activity is extended resulting in hairs gaining greater length.~the oily secretion of the sebaceous glands of the scalp, composed of keratin, fat or cellular debris.~a procedure performed (usually with a hair dye or other potential allergen) on the skin 24 hours before its use to determine sensitivity.~is part of the structure of the hair and also form a protective barrier.~A~1~1~ ACCELERATED VELLUS SYNDROME is the anagen phase of cyclic follicular activity is extended resulting in hairs gaining greater length.
LIPID LAYER is is part of the structure of the hair and also form a protective barrier.
PATCH TEST is a procedure performed (usually with a hair dye or other potential allergen) on the skin 24 hours before its use to determine sensitivity.
PUNCH GRAFT is the old fashioned way of removing grafts for hair transplants, usually carried out using an instrument called a trephine
SEBUM is the oily secretion of the sebaceous glands of the scalp, composed of keratin, fat or cellular debris.
'; questions[299]='RECIPIENT SITE is~the bald or thinning area where hair grafts or plugs a transplanted.~the hard outer protective layer of the hair.~one of the latest technique for conducting hair transplants where surgeons harvest hair from naturally growing sections.~a group of glands which maintain the body\'s internal environment through the production of hormones.~the process of attaching small pieces of human hair with a special adhesive and a thermal gun.~A~1~1~ CUTICLE is the hard outer protective layer of the hair.
ENDOCRINE SYSTEM is a group of glands which maintain the body\'s internal environment through the production of hormones.
FOLLICULAR HAIR TRANSPLANT is one of the latest technique for conducting hair transplants where surgeons harvest hair from naturally growing sections.
FUSION is the process of attaching small pieces of human hair with a special adhesive and a thermal gun.
RECIPIENT SITE is the bald or thinning area where hair grafts or plugs a transplanted.
'; questions[300]='RELAX is~to chemically straighten the hair to gently smooth out curl, reduce frizz, or create a straight style.~the medical term for beard.~reducing skin discomforts from irritation, blemishes, burning skin, etc.~a process by which a hair piece is attached to existing hair on the head through braiding or a weaving process.~a conditioning agent in shampoos, which helps detangle the hair.~A~1~1~ BARBA is the medical term for beard.
HAIR WEAVING is a process by which a hair piece is attached to existing hair on the head through braiding or a weaving process.
LAURYLDIMONIUM HYDROXYPROPL HYDROLYZED is a conditioning agent in shampoos, which helps detangle the hair.
RELAX is to chemically straighten the hair to gently smooth out curl, reduce frizz, or create a straight style.
SOOTHING is reducing skin discomforts from irritation, blemishes, burning skin, etc.
'; questions[301]='RELAXER is~a chemical process by which the hair is permanently straightened.~a conductor through which electricity enters or leaves the body.~the substructure that is responsible for the spectral selective absorption of electromagnetic radiation.~the main structure of the hairshaft it determines the colour and texture of the hair.~the space/area between the eyebrows.~A~1~1~ CHROMOPHORE is the substructure that is responsible for the spectral selective absorption of electromagnetic radiation.
CORTEX is the main structure of the hairshaft it determines the colour and texture of the hair.
ELECTRODE is a conductor through which electricity enters or leaves the body.
GLABELLA is the space/area between the eyebrows.
RELAXER is a chemical process by which the hair is permanently straightened.
'; questions[302]='RETIN-A is~a compound that is often used to improve the appearance and texture of the skin.~a tiny blood vessel at the surface of the skin that can appear as streaks or blotches.~a skin condition commonly affecting curly haired Afro-males which presents as itchy follicular papules which enlarge and become keloidal.~the active stage in a hair growth cycle.~a closed sac or capsule usually filled with fluid or semisolid material.~A~1~1~ ACNE KELOIDALIS NUCHAE is a skin condition commonly affecting curly haired Afro-males which presents as itchy follicular papules which enlarge and become keloidal.
ANAGEN CYCLE is the active stage in a hair growth cycle.
BROKEN CAPILLARY is a tiny blood vessel at the surface of the skin that can appear as streaks or blotches.
CYST is a closed sac or capsule usually filled with fluid or semisolid material.
RETIN-A is a compound that is often used to improve the appearance and texture of the skin.
'; questions[303]='ROSACEA is~also known as Adult Acne. A disorder involving chronic inflammation of the cheeks, nose, chin, forehead or eyelids.~an ingredient that can soften or smooth.~laser at 755nm used for hair removal.~a mild nonirritating surfactant often used in shampoos that leaves hair manageable and is gentle enough for chemically treated hair.~a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.~A~1~1~ ALEXANDRITE is laser at 755nm used for hair removal.
AMPHOTERIC is a mild nonirritating surfactant often used in shampoos that leaves hair manageable and is gentle enough for chemically treated hair.
DANAZOL is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
DIAZOXIDE is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
DILANTIN is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
EMOLLIENT is an ingredient that can soften or smooth.
ROSACEA is also known as Adult Acne. A disorder involving chronic inflammation of the cheeks, nose, chin, forehead or eyelids.
'; questions[304]='ROUGH BLOW DRY is~a Rough Blow Dry is just to remove the moisture from wet hair, i.e. just to dry the hair without styling.~a substance, such as a vitamin, which provides elements for the ongoing functioning of the body\'s metabolic processes.~a product that works under the surface of the skin and provides the necessary ingredients for melanin production.~any hairpiece with a full cap which covers the hair on the head, or the entire area where hair normally grows, as a substitute for hair~a natural or neutral colour.~A~1~1~ ACCELERATOR is a product that works under the surface of the skin and provides the necessary ingredients for melanin production.
BASIC SHADE is a natural or neutral colour.
NUTRIENT is a substance, such as a vitamin, which provides elements for the ongoing functioning of the body\'s metabolic processes.
ROUGH BLOW DRY is a Rough Blow Dry is just to remove the moisture from wet hair, i.e. just to dry the hair without styling.
WIG is any hairpiece with a full cap which covers the hair on the head, or the entire area where hair normally grows, as a substitute for hair
'; questions[305]='SACRUM is~a bone in the lower back~commonly known as Cafe au Lait stain, birthmark, age spot or freckle.~a steroid anti-inflammatory which sometimes causes hair growth.~the medical term for beard.~discoloured skin that should be examined and approved by a physician before hair removal.~A~1~1~ BARBA is the medical term for beard.
BIRTHMARK is discoloured skin that should be examined and approved by a physician before hair removal.
DEXAMETHOSONE is a steroid anti-inflammatory which sometimes causes hair growth.
PIGMENTED LESION is commonly known as Cafe au Lait stain, birthmark, age spot or freckle.
SACRUM is a bone in the lower back
'; questions[306]='SAW PALMETTO is~a natural herb that has been shown to be an effective antiandrogen.~dark skin discolouration on sun-exposed areas of the face and neck.~a term meaning how well or effectively a cosmetic device works.~a hair that does not break the surface of the skin, and grows back inward.~loose commercial hair.~A~1~1~ BULK HAIR is loose commercial hair.
EFFICACY is a term meaning how well or effectively a cosmetic device works.
INGROWN HAIR is a hair that does not break the surface of the skin, and grows back inward.
MELASMA is dark skin discolouration on sun-exposed areas of the face and neck.
SAW PALMETTO is a natural herb that has been shown to be an effective antiandrogen.
'; questions[307]='SCHIZOTRICHIA is~another name for Trichoptilosis or split ends.~human hair which is still in its original state and which has not been permed, colored, or chemically processed in any way.~usually shed during the 7th month of foetal life following primary folliculo-genesis.~the small area at the base of the hair root which provides nutrients needed for growth.~a viral infection that appears around the mouth.~A~1~1~ COLD SORE is a viral infection that appears around the mouth.
LANUGO HAIR is usually shed during the 7th month of foetal life following primary folliculo-genesis.
PAPILLA is the small area at the base of the hair root which provides nutrients needed for growth.
SCHIZOTRICHIA is another name for Trichoptilosis or split ends.
VIRGIN HAIR is human hair which is still in its original state and which has not been permed, colored, or chemically processed in any way.
'; questions[308]='SCLERODERMA is~a disease of the skin and connective tissue that can cause hair loss over the affected areas.~non-cancerous enlargement of the prostrate gland.~hormone that causes masculine characteristics and affects hair growth.~commonly used to perform skin resurfacing.~a small fluid-filled bubble on the skin caused by heat from over treatment with certain types of hair removal.~A~1~1~ ANDROGEN is hormone that causes masculine characteristics and affects hair growth.
BENIGN PROSTATIC HYPERPLASIA is non-cancerous enlargement of the prostrate gland.
BLISTER is a small fluid-filled bubble on the skin caused by heat from over treatment with certain types of hair removal.
CARBON DIOXIDE LASER is commonly used to perform skin resurfacing.
SCLERODERMA is a disease of the skin and connective tissue that can cause hair loss over the affected areas.
'; questions[309]='SCRUNCH DRY is~a technique for drying your hair using a diffuser and your free hand.~hair loss caused by pulling out one\'s own hair, usually without realising it.~the old fashioned way of removing grafts for hair transplants, usually carried out using an instrument called a trephine~hair loss due to inflammation of hair follicles.~the darkness or lightness of a colour.~A~1~1~ ALOPECIA FOLLICULARIS is hair loss due to inflammation of hair follicles.
DEPTH is the darkness or lightness of a colour.
PUNCH GRAFT is the old fashioned way of removing grafts for hair transplants, usually carried out using an instrument called a trephine
SCRUNCH DRY is a technique for drying your hair using a diffuser and your free hand.
TRICHOTILLOMANIA is hair loss caused by pulling out one\'s own hair, usually without realising it.
'; questions[310]='SEBACEOUS is~a term for fatty or greasy, usually referring to the oil-secrating glans of the scalp.~the thin outer layer of skin, on top of the thicker and deeper dermis.~a synthetic moisturizer.~the anagen phase of cyclic follicular activity is extended resulting in hairs gaining greater length.~the most concentrated and most fragrant scent and therefore the most expensive.~A~1~1~ ACCELERATED VELLUS SYNDROME is the anagen phase of cyclic follicular activity is extended resulting in hairs gaining greater length.
EPIDERMIS is the thin outer layer of skin, on top of the thicker and deeper dermis.
ISOPROPYL LANOLATE is a synthetic moisturizer.
MYRISTATE is a synthetic moisturizer.
PALMITATE is a synthetic moisturizer.
PARFUM is the most concentrated and most fragrant scent and therefore the most expensive.
SEBACEOUS is a term for fatty or greasy, usually referring to the oil-secrating glans of the scalp.
'; questions[311]='SEBACEOUS GLAND is~an oil producing gland in the dermis.~a vegetable dye made from its leaves and stems into a powder.~the pigmented area surrounding the nipple. A very common area for hair growth.~the process of attaching hair wefts without braids.~to apply directly onto the scalp.~A~1~1~ AREOLA is the pigmented area surrounding the nipple. A very common area for hair growth.
HENNA is a vegetable dye made from its leaves and stems into a powder.
MICRO LINKING TECHNIQUE is the process of attaching hair wefts without braids.
SEBACEOUS GLAND is an oil producing gland in the dermis.
TOPICALLY is to apply directly onto the scalp.
'; questions[312]='SEBORRHOEIC DERMATITIS is~a more extensive and severe form of dandruff.~also known as eczema.~a drug or preparation used to prevent and treat infection.~a liquid sometimes used for disinfecting skin before and after treatment. ethyl grain isopropyl.~a treatment where the follicle is disabled by the light energy making it unable to support any more hair growth.~A~1~1~ ALCOHOL is a liquid sometimes used for disinfecting skin before and after treatment. ethyl grain isopropyl.
ANTIBIOTIC is a drug or preparation used to prevent and treat infection.
ATOPIC DERMATITIS is also known as eczema.
PERMANENT HAIR REDUCTION is a treatment where the follicle is disabled by the light energy making it unable to support any more hair growth.
SEBORRHOEIC DERMATITIS is a more extensive and severe form of dandruff.
'; questions[313]='SEBUM is~the oily secretion of the sebaceous glands of the scalp, composed of keratin, fat or cellular debris.~the process of converting one enzyme to another.~phenol derivatives used in combination with other chemicals in permanent (two step) hair dyes.~a gland that affects certain types of hair growth.~a mixture of wax, thickeners, and a group of chemicals used to coat the hair shaft and detangle after shampooing.~A~1~1~ ADRENAL is a gland that affects certain types of hair growth.
AMINOPHENOLS is phenol derivatives used in combination with other chemicals in permanent (two step) hair dyes.
AMORTIZATION is the process of converting one enzyme to another.
CREAM RINSE is a mixture of wax, thickeners, and a group of chemicals used to coat the hair shaft and detangle after shampooing.
SEBUM is the oily secretion of the sebaceous glands of the scalp, composed of keratin, fat or cellular debris.
'; questions[314]='SECTIONING is~used to allow you to only pay attention to a particular area or panel of hair.~a product that reflects all the sun\'s rays, such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide.~temporarily straightening the hair with a heated iron.~a drug used in the treatment of androgen related disorders such as female pattern baldness and hirsuitism.~an emollient cream used to hydrate the skin.~A~1~1~ MOISTURIZER is an emollient cream used to hydrate the skin.
SECTIONING is used to allow you to only pay attention to a particular area or panel of hair.
SPRIONOLACTONE is a drug used in the treatment of androgen related disorders such as female pattern baldness and hirsuitism.
SUNBLOCK is a product that reflects all the sun\'s rays, such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide.
THERMAL PROCESS is temporarily straightening the hair with a heated iron.
'; questions[315]='SELECTIVE PHOTOTHERMOLYSIS is~selectively targeting dermal structures with light energy, without causing damage to surrounding tissue.~a substance with a pH greater than 7~the process of attaching small pieces of human hair with a special adhesive and a thermal gun.~a bodily reaction to an irritant. Skin allergies can be exacerbated by solutions put on the skin.~the body transformation of food into energy.~A~1~1~ ALKALINE is a substance with a pH greater than 7
ALLERGY is a bodily reaction to an irritant. Skin allergies can be exacerbated by solutions put on the skin.
FUSION is the process of attaching small pieces of human hair with a special adhesive and a thermal gun.
METABOLISM is the body transformation of food into energy.
SELECTIVE PHOTOTHERMOLYSIS is selectively targeting dermal structures with light energy, without causing damage to surrounding tissue.
'; questions[316]='SEMI - PERMANENT is~a colour which lasts from 6 - 8 shampoos.~a hairspray with the firmest hold used to maintain style of hard to hold hair.~a mixture of wax, thickeners, and a group of chemicals used to coat the hair shaft and detangle after shampooing.~a chemical substance found in plants and animals. The building blocks of hair.~a substance with a pH greater than 7~A~1~1~ ALKALINE is a substance with a pH greater than 7
AMINO ACID is a chemical substance found in plants and animals. The building blocks of hair.
CREAM RINSE is a mixture of wax, thickeners, and a group of chemicals used to coat the hair shaft and detangle after shampooing.
FREEZING SPRAY is a hairspray with the firmest hold used to maintain style of hard to hold hair.
SEMI - PERMANENT is a colour which lasts from 6 - 8 shampoos.
'; questions[317]='SERUM is~a serum is a smoothing product to stop your hair from frizzing, keeping it smooth and straight.~a product with ingredients that absorb UVA and UVB rays. Find one labeled "broad spectrum" for maximum protection.~to shed or cast off dead tissue from living tissue.~used in many products for blonde hair to enhance color.~another name for Colour.~A~1~1~ CHAMOMILE is used in many products for blonde hair to enhance color.
PIGMENT is another name for Colour.
SERUM is a serum is a smoothing product to stop your hair from frizzing, keeping it smooth and straight.
SLOUGH is to shed or cast off dead tissue from living tissue.
SUNSCREEN is a product with ingredients that absorb UVA and UVB rays. Find one labeled "broad spectrum" for maximum protection.
'; questions[318]='SILK PROTEIN is~a natural water-soluble source of acid derived from liquid silk; these acids help moisture penetrate the skin and aid in skin healing.~a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.~a semiconductive material which mainly lets energy travel one direction and not the other.~a disease caused by a tumour on the adrenal gland, which can cause excess hair growth.~a negative electrode in a cell or circuit.~A~1~1~ CATHODE is a negative electrode in a cell or circuit.
CUSHING SYNDROME is a disease caused by a tumour on the adrenal gland, which can cause excess hair growth.
DANAZOL is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
DIAZOXIDE is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
DILANTIN is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
DIODE is a semiconductive material which mainly lets energy travel one direction and not the other.
SILK PROTEIN is a natural water-soluble source of acid derived from liquid silk; these acids help moisture penetrate the skin and aid in skin healing.
'; questions[319]='SKIN REJUVENATION is~the process of treating the signs of ageing using the latest innovative, non invasive treatments to give you visibly younger, healthy skin~a jelly like material formed by the coagulation of a liquid.~a substance used to relieve all feeling.~an active agent that allows oil to mix with water.~this is the end of the active growth period, and is marked by changes occurring in the follicle.~A~1~1~ ANAESTHETIC is a substance used to relieve all feeling.
CATAGEN is this is the end of the active growth period, and is marked by changes occurring in the follicle.
GEL is a jelly like material formed by the coagulation of a liquid.
SKIN REJUVENATION is the process of treating the signs of ageing using the latest innovative, non invasive treatments to give you visibly younger, healthy skin
SURFACTANT is an active agent that allows oil to mix with water.
'; questions[320]='SLOUGH is~to shed or cast off dead tissue from living tissue.~loose commercial hair.~known as AHA, these solutions are used as exfoliants. They can help reduce ingrown hairs and improve the look of skin.~also known as Adult Acne. A disorder involving chronic inflammation of the cheeks, nose, chin, forehead or eyelids.~a substance used to relieve all feeling.~A~1~1~ ALPHA HYDROXY ACID is known as AHA, these solutions are used as exfoliants. They can help reduce ingrown hairs and improve the look of skin.
ANAESTHETIC is a substance used to relieve all feeling.
BULK HAIR is loose commercial hair.
ROSACEA is also known as Adult Acne. A disorder involving chronic inflammation of the cheeks, nose, chin, forehead or eyelids.
SLOUGH is to shed or cast off dead tissue from living tissue.
'; questions[321]='SOAP is~a cleansing agent that is a sodium or potassium salt of animal or vegetable fat.~a substance used to dissolve hair above the skin\'s surface.~a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.~dried fluid that seeps from skin in some clients following hair removal such as laser, electrolysis, and depilatories.~the substance which, contained in a product, actually does the main part of the work that the product is used for.~A~1~1~ ACTIVE INGREDIENT is the substance which, contained in a product, actually does the main part of the work that the product is used for.
CRUSTING is dried fluid that seeps from skin in some clients following hair removal such as laser, electrolysis, and depilatories.
DANAZOL is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
DEPILATORY is a substance used to dissolve hair above the skin\'s surface.
DIAZOXIDE is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
DILANTIN is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
SOAP is a cleansing agent that is a sodium or potassium salt of animal or vegetable fat.
'; questions[322]='SOLUBLE is~being able to dissolve into, or being compatible with, another substance.~a temporary hair extension which are glued into your hair.~a chemically based permanent waving product that has a pH from 7.5 to 9.5 designed to produce tight, firm, springy curls. perms.~to chemically straighten the hair to gently smooth out curl, reduce frizz, or create a straight style.~a method of relieving pain by pressing down on an area of the body.~A~1~1~ ACUPRESSURE is a method of relieving pain by pressing down on an area of the body.
ALKALINE PERM is a chemically based permanent waving product that has a pH from 7.5 to 9.5 designed to produce tight, firm, springy curls. perms.
RELAX is to chemically straighten the hair to gently smooth out curl, reduce frizz, or create a straight style.
SOLUBLE is being able to dissolve into, or being compatible with, another substance.
WEFT is a temporary hair extension which are glued into your hair.
'; questions[323]='SOOTHING is~reducing skin discomforts from irritation, blemishes, burning skin, etc.~baldness following a nervous disorder or injury to the nervous system.~an oil producing gland in the dermis.~a substance used to dissolve hair above the skin\'s surface.~the soft downy hair found covering the body.~A~1~1~ ALOPECIA NEUROTICA is baldness following a nervous disorder or injury to the nervous system.
DEPILATORY is a substance used to dissolve hair above the skin\'s surface.
SEBACEOUS GLAND is an oil producing gland in the dermis.
SOOTHING is reducing skin discomforts from irritation, blemishes, burning skin, etc.
VELLUS is the soft downy hair found covering the body.
'; questions[324]='SPF is~an acronym for "Sun Protection Factor" ranging from 2 to 45 with 2 being the least protection and 45 the most.~a soft thin layer surrounding the lower two-thirds of a hair.~commonly used in the treatment of acne and other skin conditions.~the medical term for beard.~a natural herb that has been shown to be an effective antiandrogen.~A~1~1~ AZELAIC ACID is commonly used in the treatment of acne and other skin conditions.
BARBA is the medical term for beard.
OUTER ROOT SHEATH is a soft thin layer surrounding the lower two-thirds of a hair.
SAW PALMETTO is a natural herb that has been shown to be an effective antiandrogen.
SPF is an acronym for "Sun Protection Factor" ranging from 2 to 45 with 2 being the least protection and 45 the most.
'; questions[325]='SPLIT END is~another name for Trichoptilosis. There is no way to repair split ends; when they occur, the hair must be trimmed.~the removal of hair below the skin\'s surface (as opposed to depilation). Epilation methods include plucking, waxing, electrolysis and laser.~a site where hair roots are taken from during transplant surgery.~a lining around a hair.~a substance used to relieve all feeling.~A~1~1~ ANAESTHETIC is a substance used to relieve all feeling.
DERMAL SHEATH is a lining around a hair.
DONOR SITE is a site where hair roots are taken from during transplant surgery.
EPILATION is the removal of hair below the skin\'s surface (as opposed to depilation). Epilation methods include plucking, waxing, electrolysis and laser.
SPLIT END is another name for Trichoptilosis. There is no way to repair split ends; when they occur, the hair must be trimmed.
'; questions[326]='SPRIONOLACTONE is~a drug used in the treatment of androgen related disorders such as female pattern baldness and hirsuitism.~a colour which requires oxygen to make it work.~fine, transparent nylon or silk mesh with hairs individually hand-knotted into the mesh.~a hairspray with medium hold used on a finished style to maintain its shape and hold.~a point midway up the hair follicle which researchers suspect must be damaged to induce permanent hair removal~A~1~1~ BULGE is a point midway up the hair follicle which researchers suspect must be damaged to induce permanent hair removal
FINISHING SPRAY is a hairspray with medium hold used on a finished style to maintain its shape and hold.
MONOFILAMENT is fine, transparent nylon or silk mesh with hairs individually hand-knotted into the mesh.
OXIDATION COLOUR is a colour which requires oxygen to make it work.
SPRIONOLACTONE is a drug used in the treatment of androgen related disorders such as female pattern baldness and hirsuitism.
'; questions[327]='SPRITZ is~a light mist or spray, which when used as verb means to lightly spray your hair.~a small rough spot on skin chronically exposed to the sun, occurs most frequently in fair skinned people.~a thickening agent and/or binding agent added to products to change their physical composition (joins two or more ingredients together).~a method used to disguise hair by lightening its colour~a colour which requires oxygen to make it work.~A~1~1~ ACTINIC KERATOSIS is a small rough spot on skin chronically exposed to the sun, occurs most frequently in fair skinned people.
BLEACH is a method used to disguise hair by lightening its colour
EMULSIFIER is a thickening agent and/or binding agent added to products to change their physical composition (joins two or more ingredients together).
OXIDATION COLOUR is a colour which requires oxygen to make it work.
SPRITZ is a light mist or spray, which when used as verb means to lightly spray your hair.
'; questions[328]='STEAMING is~the process by which most synthetic fiber is curled at the factory.~one of the latest technique for conducting hair transplants where surgeons harvest hair from naturally growing sections.~to attach wefted hair to the natural hair with a latex or surgical type adhesive.~selectively targeting dermal structures with light energy, without causing damage to surrounding tissue.~also called contact dermatitis, it\'s a mild inflammation of the skin.~A~1~1~ BONDING is to attach wefted hair to the natural hair with a latex or surgical type adhesive.
ECZEMA is also called contact dermatitis, it\'s a mild inflammation of the skin.
FOLLICULAR HAIR TRANSPLANT is one of the latest technique for conducting hair transplants where surgeons harvest hair from naturally growing sections.
SELECTIVE PHOTOTHERMOLYSIS is selectively targeting dermal structures with light energy, without causing damage to surrounding tissue.
STEAMING is the process by which most synthetic fiber is curled at the factory.
'; questions[329]='SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUE is~the body\'s shock absorber.~a substance used to relieve pain.~used to allow you to only pay attention to a particular area or panel of hair.~an oil producing gland in the dermis.~this is the end of the active growth period, and is marked by changes occurring in the follicle.~A~1~1~ ANALGESIC is a substance used to relieve pain.
CATAGEN is this is the end of the active growth period, and is marked by changes occurring in the follicle.
SEBACEOUS GLAND is an oil producing gland in the dermis.
SECTIONING is used to allow you to only pay attention to a particular area or panel of hair.
SUBCUTANEOUS TISSUE is the body\'s shock absorber.
'; questions[330]='SUNBLOCK is~a product that reflects all the sun\'s rays, such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide.~hairshafts are produced by follicles within the skin in all but few locations~baldness due to scarring.~an anti-inflammatory sometimes linked to hair growth when taken internally.~a natural solvent in oils and creams used in shampoos and rinses to separate individual hairs so they can be thoroughly cleansed.~A~1~1~ ANAGEN EFFLUVIUM is hairshafts are produced by follicles within the skin in all but few locations
APPLE CIDER VINEGAR is a natural solvent in oils and creams used in shampoos and rinses to separate individual hairs so they can be thoroughly cleansed.
CICATRICIAL ALOPECIA is baldness due to scarring.
CORTISONE is an anti-inflammatory sometimes linked to hair growth when taken internally.
SUNBLOCK is a product that reflects all the sun\'s rays, such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide.
'; questions[331]='SUNSCREEN is~a product with ingredients that absorb UVA and UVB rays. Find one labeled "broad spectrum" for maximum protection.~the bald or thinning area where hair grafts or plugs a transplanted.~a steroid anti-inflammatory which sometimes causes hair growth.~the structure that contains nerves and blood vessels which supply glucose for energy and amino acids to make keratin.~a procedure performed (usually with a hair dye or other potential allergen) on the skin 24 hours before its use to determine sensitivity.~A~1~1~ DERMAL PAPILLA is the structure that contains nerves and blood vessels which supply glucose for energy and amino acids to make keratin.
DEXAMETHOSONE is a steroid anti-inflammatory which sometimes causes hair growth.
PATCH TEST is a procedure performed (usually with a hair dye or other potential allergen) on the skin 24 hours before its use to determine sensitivity.
RECIPIENT SITE is the bald or thinning area where hair grafts or plugs a transplanted.
SUNSCREEN is a product with ingredients that absorb UVA and UVB rays. Find one labeled "broad spectrum" for maximum protection.
'; questions[332]='SURFACTANT is~an active agent that allows oil to mix with water.~a hairspray with the firmest hold used to maintain style of hard to hold hair.~a group of glands which maintain the body\'s internal environment through the production of hormones.~a rounded, thick, tightly curled hair style.~an oil producing gland in the dermis.~A~1~1~ AFRO HAIRSTYLE is a rounded, thick, tightly curled hair style.
ENDOCRINE SYSTEM is a group of glands which maintain the body\'s internal environment through the production of hormones.
FREEZING SPRAY is a hairspray with the firmest hold used to maintain style of hard to hold hair.
SEBACEOUS GLAND is an oil producing gland in the dermis.
SURFACTANT is an active agent that allows oil to mix with water.
'; questions[333]='T-ZONE is~the forehead, nose and chin areas, which tend to be oilier than the cheeks.~a substance used to dissolve hair above the skin\'s surface.~this is the complete loss of scalp hair often combined with the loss of eyebrows and eyelashes~a negative electrode in a cell or circuit.~an oil or oil rich creme or lotion designed to lubricate the skin and slow moisture loss.~A~1~1~ ALOPECIA TOTALIS is this is the complete loss of scalp hair often combined with the loss of eyebrows and eyelashes
CATHODE is a negative electrode in a cell or circuit.
DEPILATORY is a substance used to dissolve hair above the skin\'s surface.
LUBRICANT is an oil or oil rich creme or lotion designed to lubricate the skin and slow moisture loss.
T-ZONE is the forehead, nose and chin areas, which tend to be oilier than the cheeks.
'; questions[334]='TEA TREE OIL is~tan extraction from the Melaleuca tree.~the splitting of hairs at the ends.~a parting or a cornrow that establishes the placement pattern of wefts or strand additions.~a deep cleansing process which strips the hair lightly before a chemical service.~a treatment involving applying a micro-current to your face that tones muscles to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles.~A~1~1~ CACI is a treatment involving applying a micro-current to your face that tones muscles to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles.
CHELATING is a deep cleansing process which strips the hair lightly before a chemical service.
TEA TREE OIL is tan extraction from the Melaleuca tree.
TRACK is a parting or a cornrow that establishes the placement pattern of wefts or strand additions.
TRICHOPTILOSIS is the splitting of hairs at the ends.
'; questions[335]='TELOGEN is~the resting phase in the hair cycle.~a mixture of wax, thickeners, and a group of chemicals used to coat the hair shaft and detangle after shampooing.~a thickening agent and/or binding agent added to products to change their physical composition (joins two or more ingredients together).~a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.~a group of genetically identical cells or organisms derived form a single common cell.~A~1~1~ CLONE is a group of genetically identical cells or organisms derived form a single common cell.
CREAM RINSE is a mixture of wax, thickeners, and a group of chemicals used to coat the hair shaft and detangle after shampooing.
DANAZOL is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
DIAZOXIDE is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
DILANTIN is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
EMULSIFIER is a thickening agent and/or binding agent added to products to change their physical composition (joins two or more ingredients together).
TELOGEN is the resting phase in the hair cycle.
'; questions[336]='TEMPORARY COLOR is~a hair color formula that lasts only until you shampoo your hair.~dark skin discolouration on sun-exposed areas of the face and neck.~light that stays focused, a property of lasers.~the deepest layers of the skin, where blood vessels, lymph channels, sebaceous glands, hair follicles and muscles are located.~a lining around a hair.~A~1~1~ COHERENT LIGHT is light that stays focused, a property of lasers.
DERMAL SHEATH is a lining around a hair.
DERMIS is the deepest layers of the skin, where blood vessels, lymph channels, sebaceous glands, hair follicles and muscles are located.
MELASMA is dark skin discolouration on sun-exposed areas of the face and neck.
TEMPORARY COLOR is a hair color formula that lasts only until you shampoo your hair.
'; questions[337]='TERMINAL HAIR is~coarse, pigmented or non-pigmented, that exists on the scalp and grow at a rate of 1-2cm per month for up to 10 years.~usually a sharp, intense color used as a contrast or pickup for color scheme.~the flow of electricity, either alternating (AC like a wall outlet) or direct (DC like a battery).~a chemical agent that prevent the growth of bacteria.~a relatively rare condition which makes certain hair removal methods more difficult and can lead to ingrown hairs.~A~1~1~ ACCENT COLOR is usually a sharp, intense color used as a contrast or pickup for color scheme.
ANTISEPTIC is a chemical agent that prevent the growth of bacteria.
CURRENT is the flow of electricity, either alternating (AC like a wall outlet) or direct (DC like a battery).
CURVED FOLLICLES is a relatively rare condition which makes certain hair removal methods more difficult and can lead to ingrown hairs.
TERMINAL HAIR is coarse, pigmented or non-pigmented, that exists on the scalp and grow at a rate of 1-2cm per month for up to 10 years.
'; questions[338]='TESTOSTERONE is~a predominantly male hormone which promotes the development of male characteristics.~the removal of dead skin cells to reveal softer skin underneath.~a treatment involving applying a micro-current to your face that tones muscles to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles.~another name for Colour.~a measurement of electrical current.~A~1~1~ AMPERE is a measurement of electrical current.
CACI is a treatment involving applying a micro-current to your face that tones muscles to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles.
EXFOLIATION is the removal of dead skin cells to reveal softer skin underneath.
PIGMENT is another name for Colour.
TESTOSTERONE is a predominantly male hormone which promotes the development of male characteristics.
'; questions[339]='TEXTURIZER is~a mild relaxing treatment.~a cleansing agent that is a sodium or potassium salt of animal or vegetable fat.~the removal of hair below the skin\'s surface (as opposed to depilation). Epilation methods include plucking, waxing, electrolysis and laser.~an intensive exfoliation process that rejuvenates the skin by utilizing ultra-fine aluminium oxide crystals to remove the upper layer of the stratum corneum~used to attach hair wefts by clips.~A~1~1~ EPILATION is the removal of hair below the skin\'s surface (as opposed to depilation). Epilation methods include plucking, waxing, electrolysis and laser.
HAIR WEFT CLIP is used to attach hair wefts by clips.
MICRODERMABRASION is an intensive exfoliation process that rejuvenates the skin by utilizing ultra-fine aluminium oxide crystals to remove the upper layer of the stratum corneum
SOAP is a cleansing agent that is a sodium or potassium salt of animal or vegetable fat.
TEXTURIZER is a mild relaxing treatment.
'; questions[340]='THERMAL PROCESS is~temporarily straightening the hair with a heated iron.~a humectant which absorbs moisture from the air to keep hair moist.~a natural substance that gives colour (pigment) to hair and skin.~a hair that does not break the surface of the skin, and grows back inward.~a synthetic moisturizer.~A~1~1~ GLYCERIN is a humectant which absorbs moisture from the air to keep hair moist.
INGROWN HAIR is a hair that does not break the surface of the skin, and grows back inward.
ISOPROPYL LANOLATE is a synthetic moisturizer.
MELANIN is a natural substance that gives colour (pigment) to hair and skin.
MYRISTATE is a synthetic moisturizer.
PALMITATE is a synthetic moisturizer.
THERMAL PROCESS is temporarily straightening the hair with a heated iron.
'; questions[341]='TONE is~distribution of ashen and warm pigments, visual effect of gold or ash in the hair.~drugs that sometimes cause increased hair growth.~a disease where the body improperly produces insulin, sometimes linked to excess hair growth.~a heat gun that is used to seal synthetic hair. Used for creating warlocks and other styles.~a condition that is hereditary.~A~1~1~ BIRTH CONTROL is drugs that sometimes cause increased hair growth.
CONGENITAL is a condition that is hereditary.
DIABETES is a disease where the body improperly produces insulin, sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
HEATCLAMP is a heat gun that is used to seal synthetic hair. Used for creating warlocks and other styles.
TONE is distribution of ashen and warm pigments, visual effect of gold or ash in the hair.
'; questions[342]='TOPICALLY is~to apply directly onto the scalp.~a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.~the medical term for hairloss which occurs in patches on the scalp.~a product that reflects all the sun\'s rays, such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide.~chronic skin inflamation characterised by frequent episodes of redness, itching and thick, dry scales.~A~1~1~ ALOPECIA AREATA is the medical term for hairloss which occurs in patches on the scalp.
DANAZOL is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
DIAZOXIDE is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
DILANTIN is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
PSORIASIS is chronic skin inflamation characterised by frequent episodes of redness, itching and thick, dry scales.
SUNBLOCK is a product that reflects all the sun\'s rays, such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide.
TOPICALLY is to apply directly onto the scalp.
'; questions[343]='TOURMALINE is~a crystal silicate mineral compounded with elements such as aluminium, iron, magnesium, sodium, lithium, or potassium.~a cosmetic procedure used to smooth skin and reduce scars.~a small clumps of coagulated melanin~a natural or neutral colour.~a fibrous protein found in hair, nails, and skin.~A~1~1~ BASIC SHADE is a natural or neutral colour.
DERMABRASION is a cosmetic procedure used to smooth skin and reduce scars.
FRECKLE is a small clumps of coagulated melanin
KERATIN is a fibrous protein found in hair, nails, and skin.
TOURMALINE is a crystal silicate mineral compounded with elements such as aluminium, iron, magnesium, sodium, lithium, or potassium.
'; questions[344]='TRACK is~a parting or a cornrow that establishes the placement pattern of wefts or strand additions.~a herbal concentrate produced by separating the essential or active part of an herb into a solvent material.~a non-living hair in the last stages of the hair growth cycle, it is detached from the follicle but has not yet shed.~the process of converting one enzyme to another.~a disease where the body improperly produces insulin, sometimes linked to excess hair growth.~A~1~1~ AMORTIZATION is the process of converting one enzyme to another.
CLUB HAIR is a non-living hair in the last stages of the hair growth cycle, it is detached from the follicle but has not yet shed.
DIABETES is a disease where the body improperly produces insulin, sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
EXTRACT is a herbal concentrate produced by separating the essential or active part of an herb into a solvent material.
TRACK is a parting or a cornrow that establishes the placement pattern of wefts or strand additions.
'; questions[345]='TRACTION ALOPECIA is~hair loss which occurs due to traction being placed on hair.~a group of glands which maintain the body\'s internal environment through the production of hormones.~a section of skin tissue removed for clinical observation.~a protein that catalyze (i.e. accelerate) and control the rates of chemical reactions.~used to positively charges the hair to provide manageability and reduces static.~A~1~1~ BIOPSY is a section of skin tissue removed for clinical observation.
CATIONIC POLYMER is used to positively charges the hair to provide manageability and reduces static.
ENDOCRINE SYSTEM is a group of glands which maintain the body\'s internal environment through the production of hormones.
ENZYME is a protein that catalyze (i.e. accelerate) and control the rates of chemical reactions.
TRACTION ALOPECIA is hair loss which occurs due to traction being placed on hair.
'; questions[346]='TREATMENT is~used to put protein back into the hair.~allergen is a substance that causes an allergic reaction.~a form of skin cancer.~the combination of sweat and sebum that provides the skin\'s protective coating.~the forcing of substances into the skin from a positive to a negative pole.~A~1~1~ ACID MANTLE is the combination of sweat and sebum that provides the skin\'s protective coating.
ALLERGEN is allergen is a substance that causes an allergic reaction.
CATAPHORESIS is the forcing of substances into the skin from a positive to a negative pole.
MELANOMA is a form of skin cancer.
TREATMENT is used to put protein back into the hair.
'; questions[347]='TRICHOPTILOSIS is~the splitting of hairs at the ends.~another name for Trichoptilosis or split ends.~commonly used to perform skin resurfacing.~also known as Adult Acne. A disorder involving chronic inflammation of the cheeks, nose, chin, forehead or eyelids.~a discoloration of skin from blood, sometimes caused by electrolysis, plucking, or waxing.~A~1~1~ BRUISE is a discoloration of skin from blood, sometimes caused by electrolysis, plucking, or waxing.
CARBON DIOXIDE LASER is commonly used to perform skin resurfacing.
ROSACEA is also known as Adult Acne. A disorder involving chronic inflammation of the cheeks, nose, chin, forehead or eyelids.
SCHIZOTRICHIA is another name for Trichoptilosis or split ends.
TRICHOPTILOSIS is the splitting of hairs at the ends.
'; questions[348]='TRICHOTILLOMANIA is~hair loss caused by pulling out one\'s own hair, usually without realising it.~the amount of moisture available in the air.~a small clumps of coagulated melanin~also called vitamin B5 (a B vitamin), is a water-soluble vitamin required to sustain life (essential nutrient).~a humectant which absorbs moisture from the air to keep hair moist.~A~1~1~ FRECKLE is a small clumps of coagulated melanin
GLYCERIN is a humectant which absorbs moisture from the air to keep hair moist.
HUMIDITY is the amount of moisture available in the air.
PANTOTHENIC ACID is also called vitamin B5 (a B vitamin), is a water-soluble vitamin required to sustain life (essential nutrient).
TRICHOTILLOMANIA is hair loss caused by pulling out one\'s own hair, usually without realising it.
'; questions[349]='TRICLOSAN is~effective against most bacteria occurring on the skin.~a hair color formula that lasts only until you shampoo your hair.~a product which oxidises artificial colour pigment.~any hairpiece with a full cap which covers the hair on the head, or the entire area where hair normally grows, as a substitute for hair~an over excitation of melanocytes, darkening of the skin. Can be seen as sun-induced freckles or melasma.~A~1~1~ DEVELOPER is a product which oxidises artificial colour pigment.
HYPERPIGMENTATION is an over excitation of melanocytes, darkening of the skin. Can be seen as sun-induced freckles or melasma.
TEMPORARY COLOR is a hair color formula that lasts only until you shampoo your hair.
TRICLOSAN is effective against most bacteria occurring on the skin.
WIG is any hairpiece with a full cap which covers the hair on the head, or the entire area where hair normally grows, as a substitute for hair
'; questions[350]='ULCER is~an area of tissue erosion. They are always depressed and are due to irritation.~loss of hair, especially from the head, which either happens naturally or is caused by disease~a mild nonirritating surfactant often used in shampoos that leaves hair manageable and is gentle enough for chemically treated hair.~a substance used to dissolve hair above the skin\'s surface.~a chemically based permanent waving product that has a pH from 7.5 to 9.5 designed to produce tight, firm, springy curls. perms.~A~1~1~ ALKALINE PERM is a chemically based permanent waving product that has a pH from 7.5 to 9.5 designed to produce tight, firm, springy curls. perms.
ALOPECIA is loss of hair, especially from the head, which either happens naturally or is caused by disease
AMPHOTERIC is a mild nonirritating surfactant often used in shampoos that leaves hair manageable and is gentle enough for chemically treated hair.
DEPILATORY is a substance used to dissolve hair above the skin\'s surface.
ULCER is an area of tissue erosion. They are always depressed and are due to irritation.
'; questions[351]='UV is~ultraviolet radiation. The invisible spectrum of solar radiation.~also known as Adult Acne. A disorder involving chronic inflammation of the cheeks, nose, chin, forehead or eyelids.~the body transformation of food into energy.~creamy hair product meant to be used after shampoo.~a chemical agent that prevent the growth of bacteria.~A~1~1~ ANTISEPTIC is a chemical agent that prevent the growth of bacteria.
CONDITIONER is creamy hair product meant to be used after shampoo.
METABOLISM is the body transformation of food into energy.
ROSACEA is also known as Adult Acne. A disorder involving chronic inflammation of the cheeks, nose, chin, forehead or eyelids.
UV is ultraviolet radiation. The invisible spectrum of solar radiation.
'; questions[352]='VELLUS is~the soft downy hair found covering the body.~a procedure performed (usually with a hair dye or other potential allergen) on the skin 24 hours before its use to determine sensitivity.~a polymer on the basis of acrylic acid. Provides a thickening, gelling action and consistency regulator for cosmetic products.~the process of treating the signs of ageing using the latest innovative, non invasive treatments to give you visibly younger, healthy skin~a natural conditioning substance.~A~1~1~ BETAINE is a natural conditioning substance.
CARBOMER is a polymer on the basis of acrylic acid. Provides a thickening, gelling action and consistency regulator for cosmetic products.
PATCH TEST is a procedure performed (usually with a hair dye or other potential allergen) on the skin 24 hours before its use to determine sensitivity.
SKIN REJUVENATION is the process of treating the signs of ageing using the latest innovative, non invasive treatments to give you visibly younger, healthy skin
VELLUS is the soft downy hair found covering the body.
'; questions[353]='VERTEX is~the top of the head towards the posterior position, including the area at which the hair grows in a spiral pattern.~a flat, discoloured area of skin similar to a freckle.~a disease of the skin and connective tissue that can cause hair loss over the affected areas.~is used to protect the hair during its growth stage.~an adapter you put on the end of your hair dryer.~A~1~1~ DIFFUSER is an adapter you put on the end of your hair dryer.
FOLLICLE SHEATH is is used to protect the hair during its growth stage.
LENTIGO is a flat, discoloured area of skin similar to a freckle.
SCLERODERMA is a disease of the skin and connective tissue that can cause hair loss over the affected areas.
VERTEX is the top of the head towards the posterior position, including the area at which the hair grows in a spiral pattern.
'; questions[354]='VESICULATION is~a blister formation caused by thermal damage.~a small fluid-filled bubble on the skin caused by heat from over treatment with certain types of hair removal.~pantothenic acid is a water-soluble vitamin required to sustain life.~a jelly like material formed by the coagulation of a liquid.~a relatively rare condition in which the follicle is not straight.~A~1~1~ B5 is pantothenic acid is a water-soluble vitamin required to sustain life.
BLISTER is a small fluid-filled bubble on the skin caused by heat from over treatment with certain types of hair removal.
DISTORTED HAIR FOLLICLES is a relatively rare condition in which the follicle is not straight.
GEL is a jelly like material formed by the coagulation of a liquid.
VESICULATION is a blister formation caused by thermal damage.
'; questions[355]='VIRGIN HAIR is~human hair which is still in its original state and which has not been permed, colored, or chemically processed in any way.~a female hormone sometimes linked to increased hair growth.~a hairspray with medium hold used on a finished style to maintain its shape and hold.~the process of scraping or wearing hair away.~another name for Trichoptilosis. There is no way to repair split ends; when they occur, the hair must be trimmed.~A~1~1~ ABRASION is the process of scraping or wearing hair away.
OESTROGEN is a female hormone sometimes linked to increased hair growth.
FINISHING SPRAY is a hairspray with medium hold used on a finished style to maintain its shape and hold.
SPLIT END is another name for Trichoptilosis. There is no way to repair split ends; when they occur, the hair must be trimmed.
VIRGIN HAIR is human hair which is still in its original state and which has not been permed, colored, or chemically processed in any way.
'; questions[356]='VITILIGO is~loss of pigment at small or large areas of skin/hairs.~a heat gun that is used to seal synthetic hair. Used for creating warlocks and other styles.~a substance used to dissolve hair above the skin\'s surface.~ultraviolet radiation. The invisible spectrum of solar radiation.~the medical term for hairloss which occurs in patches on the scalp.~A~1~1~ ALOPECIA AREATA is the medical term for hairloss which occurs in patches on the scalp.
DEPILATORY is a substance used to dissolve hair above the skin\'s surface.
HEATCLAMP is a heat gun that is used to seal synthetic hair. Used for creating warlocks and other styles.
UV is ultraviolet radiation. The invisible spectrum of solar radiation.
VITILIGO is loss of pigment at small or large areas of skin/hairs.
'; questions[357]='WEAVE is~a hairpiece with layered gaps made into it.~a Hair extension of real or synthetic weaved close to the scalp in order to achieve greater length and/or fullness.~a technique under development which could make an unlimited crop of donar hair available for transplanting.~a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.~hair loss caused by pulling out one\'s own hair, usually without realising it.~A~1~1~ DANAZOL is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
DIAZOXIDE is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
DILANTIN is a drug sometimes linked to excess hair growth.
EXTENSION is a Hair extension of real or synthetic weaved close to the scalp in order to achieve greater length and/or fullness.
HAIR CLONING is a technique under development which could make an unlimited crop of donar hair available for transplanting.
TRICHOTILLOMANIA is hair loss caused by pulling out one\'s own hair, usually without realising it.
WEAVE is a hairpiece with layered gaps made into it.
'; questions[358]='WEFT is~a temporary hair extension which are glued into your hair.~the hair\'s ability to stretch without breaking and then return to its original shape.~a treatment consisting of short pulses of light sent out through an applicator that is gently pressed against the skin.~a method in which hair is maintained or tightened using a tool.~a positive electrode.~A~1~1~ ANODE is a positive electrode.
ELASTICITY is the hair\'s ability to stretch without breaking and then return to its original shape.
INTERLOCKING is a method in which hair is maintained or tightened using a tool.
IPL INTENSE PULSED LIGHT is a treatment consisting of short pulses of light sent out through an applicator that is gently pressed against the skin.
WEFT is a temporary hair extension which are glued into your hair.
'; questions[359]='WIG is~any hairpiece with a full cap which covers the hair on the head, or the entire area where hair normally grows, as a substitute for hair~used in many products for blonde hair to enhance color.~a prescription topical anaesthetic used by some clients of laser and electrolysis to reduce and eliminate pain.~a substance used to relieve all feeling.~a group of genetically identical cells or organisms derived form a single common cell.~A~1~1~ ANAESTHETIC is a substance used to relieve all feeling.
CHAMOMILE is used in many products for blonde hair to enhance color.
CLONE is a group of genetically identical cells or organisms derived form a single common cell.
EMLA is a prescription topical anaesthetic used by some clients of laser and electrolysis to reduce and eliminate pain.
WIG is any hairpiece with a full cap which covers the hair on the head, or the entire area where hair normally grows, as a substitute for hair