Skeleton Templates

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Often we want to build a spreadsheet model that will be used and reused. These are called templates.

Templates that are to be used over and over again are often best developed as Skeleton templates.

For example, let's say we want to create a spreadsheet to record each month's cheque payments and continue to do so month after month.

We build a skeleton template by entering all the labels and formulas but no values.

This file is then saved to disc and called, say, Master.xls.

Each month we recall this skeleton file, Master.xls, enter the months cheques and save it with a new name, say, Jancheq.xls.

Next month we retrieve the skeleton again, Master.xls, and enter February's cheques.
Each month the process can be repeated.

With this technique we retain our original skeleton spreadsheet and keep it free from data until required.