Cascading Style Sheets - CSS

The Problem with HTML
The old Html was flawed as it allowed Content to be mixed with the Presentation.

Html tags such as <font> and <center> are purely for layout purposes and add no new information.
Similarly table tags have long been 'mis-used' (and still are) to 'layout' a screen when their original purpose was to organise data.
Embedding layout within the data causes problems when you want to change something or deliver your content to a different platform.

It also has implications in terms of Accessibility for disabled users who need alternatives to access webpages.

For more information read Lawrence Edward's excellent article on the misuse of Html.

HTML:The Misunderstood language

Cascading Style Sheets is a technology that provides a way of separating Content from Presentation.
Using CSS can make the maintenance of web sites a lot easier.
For example, suppose you want to change the

All this and much more is possible and easy if you use Cascading Style Sheets - CSS.