DOM Programming Example

DOM Programming Examples

Dom Example Here is an example that allows us to add and replace nodes

Upsidedown This example literally turns the page upside down by reversing every node on the page

Select box This example uses dom programming to turn a set of urls into a select box.

In this example we will use javascript to create and add a new paragraph to a displayed page using DOM methods.

Exercise - use an existing web page and the instructions below to add a paragraph to a page.

1 Create a new element and give it an id

// this creates a new paragraph element in memory 

// this sets the new elements id to newpara

2 Create a new text node and give it some text

//creates a textnode with some text in it
  newtext=document.createTextNode("The new text")

3 Now add the new text to the new element


4 Add the new element and its text node to the end of the document


5 Finally add a button to the page that runs the code that adds the paragraph.


Add a button to a web page that inserts a new image inside a div tag using DOM programming techniques