Mike Capstick's Style Switcher
The Style Switcher - css+javascript+dom

The Style Switcher uses javascript to enable and disable a set of external style sheets.

There is a standard 'persistent stylesheet' which cannot be changed and which holds the styles that will always be applied.

We add a set of style sheets called as 'Alternate Stylesheets' to the head of the html page.
These 'Alternate Stylesheets' hold the styles which can be changed

'Alternate Stylesheets' are different from 'Persistent Stylesheets', they have a title attribute in the stylesheet's link tag
For example,
<link rel='alternate stylesheet' title='evilbook' type='text/css' href='evilbook.css' />

Basically javascript is used to enable whichever alternate style sheet the user wants and disable the other style sheets.
For example,

Here we turn off the 1st stylesheet and turn on the 2nd in the array of stylesheets.