Cybertrain - Innovations in Education with an emphasis on DIY Games

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About Cybertrain
Mike Capstick
Mike Capstick - Cybertrain's developer, cook and bottlewasher.

What is Cybertrain ?

Cybertrain - is about applying Innovations such as Games to Education and Training.

Cybertrain was built to let people create Learning Games and Resources to make Learning more enjoyable.

What Cybertrain can Do for You

Cybertrain - provides a set of FREE tools that enables anyone to turn their questions and tests into a variety of Web-based Interactive Games and Activities.

The Games you build only require a plain vanilla web browser to play, no browser plugins are required.
You can modify the games you create because you can see all the code.
Nothing is hidden. It is all html, javascript and css.

You can distribute your Games however you like. On the web, on cds or thumb drives, or on networks.

Cybertrain Products and Services

Quiz Game Master - Quiz Game generation program capable of creating 20 different types of quiz games.

Cloze Quiz Generators - Simply type in a topic and instantly build a drag and dropable cloze quiz, couldn't be easier. You can even create your own Cloze quizzes.

McBuilder - create banks of multiple choice question with feedback from glossaries of terms, automatically !

Sundry Games - A set of prebuilt Games and activities. Check 'em out.

MEGG - Multiplayer Educational Game Generator. You supply the Quiz, Cybertrain provides the game.

QuizGame Master alone has been used by teachers and trainers to create over 30,000 educational games worldwide so far.

How You Can Help needs your support to cover running costs and keep the service free.
A Donation will help keep Cybertrain Online and Free.
If you wish to make a donation you can use the Paypal Donations button here or on the main page.

regards Mike Capstick
[email: capsticm at]